Available Courses:
Fall: “What does Israel mean to you?”
Is there something wrong with the way Israel has conducted itself in its attempts to bring peace to the Middle East? Why does it seem that Israel has so many enemies? How important is Israel to me, anyway? Your teen will take a journey; where they will virtually travel through the Holy Land, learn of the history, meaning and holiness of this ancient country. They will see how this far away place, is their home, and how their Jewish identity is connected to it.
Winter: “Pop-culture vs. Torah Values”
Is there more to fame, fortune, love and friendship than what you see on the big screen? How come so many celebrities seem to have it all, but they also seem to have so much trouble in their personal lives? Is the American Dream all it is cracked up to be?
This topic addresses burning questions your teens have regarding the Jewish perspective on Pop-culture and the Hollywood lifestyle.
Spring: “Complicated Me”
Who am I? What makes me “tick?” How much of my behavior is affected by my upbringing vs. my personality, and how can I grow to be a happier, healthier person? This topic will guide teens through the journey of their soul and give them an understanding of why they are how they are from the Torah’s perspective.
Mondays -
7:00 - 8:30 PM
at 7633 Rustico Dr. Dinner included.
Open to TEENS 13+ (8th grade through high school students.)
Past Courses:
How can we know?
Is there logical proof?
Science and Judaism
I'm a good person
Is the Torah true?
But I can't see Gd
Do you believe everything you're told? Introducing a mind-blowing experience for teens that bridges age old Jewish wisdom with modern thinking, students will debate G‑d, creation, and atheism - discovering their own powerful connection to Judaism.
Is It Legit?
Morality 10/28
and Privacy
Have you ever had to make hard choice, but felt unsure if it was right or wrong? We all face these challenges on a daily basis. Sometimes you have only seconds to make your move, and the correct choice is not clear. How DOES one define the boundaries of right and wrong? In this series, you will examine and debate common moral issues and discover Judaism's practical and often surprising insights into how to deal with them. This course is an eye-opening experience, a think-tank for teens looking to discover their own Jewish GPS for navigating life! So the next time you face a tough decision, you'll decide for yourself: "Is It Legit?"
First week
Jewish Revolutions: Building a Better World
1. What makes a Revolutionary? 2/25
2. Poverty and Social Justice 3/4
3. Judaism and the Environment
4. Freedom
5. The Technology Revolution 4/15
6. Beyond World Peace
What Do You Stand For? #WDYSF?
Figure it out.
In this new series from JLIteens you'll get to debate values worth devoting your life to and the difference you're going to make to society.
Encounter the major humanitarian and environmental ideas Judaism introduced to the world and start figuring out what YOUR big contribution will be.