Purim Schedule & Highlights

Please Note Minyanim Needed


If you are able to help us make sure we have a Minyan as indicated please let us know right away. If you would like to join us for our Purim in the Palace Banquet RSVP by sending an email to [email protected].

Wishing YOU a VERY HAPPY Purim!


1. Megillah Reading:

The Megillah is the story of Purim. It is a Mitzvah for every Jew to listen to the Megillah reading twice on Purim; once in the evening and once the next day.

Saturday at 8:00pm, followed by hamantaschen

Sunday at 8:30am and 5:00pm

2. Matanos Le’evyonim (Gifts to the Poor):

It is a Mitzvah to give charity to at least two poor people or worthy institutions on Purim day. 


3. Shalach Manos (Food Gifts):

It is a Mitzvah to give at least two different types of food to one friend on Purim Day.

4. Se’udas Purim (Purim Banquet):

It is a Mitzvah to partake of a festive meal on the day of Purim.

Sunday from 5:45pm - 8pm).  In a show of unity and support this year’s Purim theme will focus on our beloved Holy Land! Our Purim Banquet will feature Israeli/Middle Eastern specialties and live entertainment! Including a Drum Circle, Mix your own Shawarma seasoning, Selfies in Jerusalem, and letters at the Kotel. Sign up for the Banquet here