Click Here for the Shavuot Retreat Registration
The Holiday of Shavuot marks the anniversary on which G‑d gave the Jewish people the Torah. This is considered the single greatest event in all of history. To celebrate we make sure to attend the synagogue and listen to the Torah reading of the 10 Commandments (bring your friends, too). We also stay up (all night if possible) learning Torah, eat dairy meals, and joyously celebrate this awesome event. Services will begin at 10am each day.
The Highlight of the services will take place on the first day of the holiday at approximately 11:00am, which is when the 10 Commandments will be read. On the second day of the holiday at approximately 12:00pm, the Yizkor Memorial Service will be recited. To celebrate this auspicious event we will have a gourmet Dairy Kiddush featuring an ice cream buffet each day.
It is considered a great Mitzvah to listen to the 10 Commandments. Year after year, since the year 2448 in the Jewish Calendar (we are now in the year 5784), Jews all over the world, wherever they lived, endeavored to listen to the timeless words of the Torah.
Everyone is invited – regardless of background, affiliation, or level of observance - to participate in this meaningful service that will take place in our inspiring synagogue. The Dairy Kiddush Luncheon will take place immediately following. For further information call the shul at 760-943-8891 or email the shul at [email protected] .
Schedule '24