Mother's Day Kiddush May 7th
No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you, after all, you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.
Honorees 2022:
Coming Soon
Honorees 2018:
Naomi Alter in honor of Doris Markus and Helene Alter.
Rhonda Bloom in honor of Shirley Sandler.
Rabbi Yeruchem & Nechama Eilfort in honor of Chana Levy, Chaya Eilfort, Dassy Eilfort, Rivka Fenton, Chava Klipper, and Muka Rodal (may they live and be well!). And in memory of Ronnie Eilfort, Sylvia Kubrin, Sara Eilfort, Chava Sklar, and Elizabeth Israel.
Arlene Fogel in honor of Marian Beck.
Chana Hale in honor of Bluma Glovsky, Rose Nemiroff Tubis, Baile Sher Seigal, Molly Seigal, Faye Hale, Rebecca Glovsky, and Feige Seigal.
Suzanne Haray in honor of Eleanor Haray and Fannie Ansel.
Sheila Lebovitz in honor of Bertha Stern.
Ilyse Loven in honor of Jackie Feder and Ray Feder.
Moira Markowitz in honor of Rochelle Barnett.
Steve and Dinah Miller for Wanda bat Dinah and Tilde bat Sara and Shoshanna bat Sara, and Hannah bat Tilda, and Dinah bat Tilde.
Anna and David Mintz for Roz Mintz, Lydia Teshuba, and Anna Leah Mintz.
Kayla Perez in honor of Guadalupe Amalla
Leah Kahn Plavnick in honor of Bina Kahn and Marlene Plavnick. And in honor of Tamar Wasserman and Arielle Plavnick in the hope and with the prayer that they will each meet a nice boy and become mothers in Israel.
Dan Preissman in honor of Rhoda Preissman, Carol Preissman, and Susan Coppens.
Rusty and Marianne Rack in honor of Jean Barbara Rack and Marie Louise Amrein.
Steven and Linda Rivkin for Ray Ruth Rivkin and Jennie Velleco.
Tiffany Ross in honor of Linda Ross and Michelle Green.