2024 - Sunday from 5:45pm - 8pm).  In a show of unity and support this year’s Purim theme will focus on our beloved Holy Land! Our Purim Banquet will feature Israeli/Middle Eastern specialties and live entertainment! Including a Drum Circle, Mix your own Shawarma seasoning, Selfies in Jerusalem, and letters at the Kotel. 



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The Four Mitzvot of Purim

 1.  Community Shalach Manos Baskets Order Information

2.  Megillah Readings

Purim eve at 7:15pm
Purim morning at 8am
Purim afternoon at 4pm

3.  Chabad at La Costa Annual Purim Meal

Tuesday, March 10st

Megillah reading at 4 pm

Dinner at 5 pm

Bring a friend!

The price is $25 per adult and $10 per child (3-12).

Space is limited so reservations are a must by sending an email to  [email protected] or click here. 

4. Matanot L'Evyonim a charitable gift to two worthy causes. Let Chabad at La Costa be one. www.chabadatlacosta.com/donate

Watch your mail for our informational Purim booklet.

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Purim in the Palace.jpgPurim in the Palace

Dress up as your favorite Palace worthy character and join us for a Royal Banquet in your honor.

Chabad at La Costa Annual Purim Meal

Thursday, March 24th

Megillah reading at 5 pm

dinner at 6 pm

Bring a friend!

The price is $25 per adult and $10 per child (3-12). Space is limited so reservations are a must by sending an email to [email protected].

Watch your mail for our informational Purim booklet.

This just in... The menu for our Purim in the Palace Banquet this coming Thursday has been announced (there was a special ceremony on our own red carpet). Let me know what you think...

Purim in the Palace
“A Meal Fit for a King!”

‘Vashti’s Downfall’ Dinner Rolls (Really crumby – just like her)
‘Caesar’ Salad
Green Salad ‘Recommended by Mordechai’
‘Royal’ Hot Drummettes (Rabbi’s Secret Recipe)
Turkey Legs ‘Henry VIII Style’
Chicken Leg Quarters ‘ala King’
Beef Bourguignon ‘Louis XV Approved’ 
Golden ‘Scepter’ Potatoes
Broccoli ‘Crowns’
Hamentaschen ‘Throne’ in for Good Measure
Queen Esther’s Banana/Strawberry Shortcake
King Achashvairosh Grape Clusters ‘Wine not, they’re grape’?
Royal Crown and Crown Royal to Drink


"Life's a Picnic"  


Dress in picnic clothing, with polka dot dresses and floppy hats, come as your favorite picnic food, or come as your least favorite picnic guest (an ant), enjoy picnic fare with friends and family.

Chabad at La Costa Annual Purim Meal

Thursday, March 5th 

Megillah reading at 4:30 pm 

dinner at 5 pm

Bring a friend! 

The price is $25 per adult and $10 per child (3-12). Space is limited so reservations are a must by sending an email to [email protected].  

Watch your mail for our informatioonal Purim booklet.


PURIM 2013 - 5773 

Carnival Theme

Argentinian Barbeque  
Beef, Chicken, Empanadas, Salsas

Carlsbad Senior Center 
799 Pine Ave  Carlsbad, CA 92008 
(760) 602-4650

Begins at 3pm with a Megillah Reading

4pm Purim Shpiel with Hebrew School


760 943 8891 for more details


 Purim in India

Persian Purim

Purim Under Construction 

Purim in Italy