NO Friday Night Service & YES Shabbos Morning Services & YES Soup and Challah
Scheduled Services This Week
Shabbos / Saturday @ 10am. Kiddush Luncheon to Follow
Sheva Brachos
YOU are invited to celebrate Sheva Brachos for Rabbi Sholom and Mushka Eilfort with us one week from Sunday!
In Loving Memory of the Martyrs of October 7th
We are quickly approaching the one-year anniversary of the horrific terrorist attack perpetrated against our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. Shmini Atzeres, is the Yarzeit of over 1,200 victims.
We decided upon an appropriate way to memorialize the martyrs. Throughout the year we have strongly encouraged our community to add in the Torah we study, the Prayers that we say, and the Charity that we give, in their merit.
We have decided that we would like to dedicate a Torah Reading Table Cover with the names of all of the victims embroidered upon it, together with a quote from the prayer book that talks about their sanctity and a heart-felt request that the Almighty should bring justice to them and to our nation. Additionally, we plan on ordering a Memorial Plaque that will be placed on our Memorial Board.
We welcome anyone who wishes to participate in sponsoring these meaningful symbols of our broken hearts and firm resolve to resolutely embrace our Judaism!
These orders are going to be placed forthwith, so your immediate response is appreciated. Please donate securely here: In the note section of the form mention that the donation is for the October 7th Memorials. All donors will be publicly acknowledged unless they specify that they don’t want to be.
All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax-deductible.
Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy, and Successful New Year!
Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort
N’shei Chabad Women’s Event Coming HERE
There are FOUR Nshei (Women of) Chabad events every year hosted around the county. This year, WE at Chabad at La Costa and Chabad Encinitas will be hosting the first one. We need YOU. Have you been impacted by Chabad in a way that you would like to share with the community? Please reach out to Nechama or Chaya.
SAVE THE DATE September 18 at 7:30.
We will be finished by 9:00.
September 2, ‘24
Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5784
Dear Friends,
All year long we are here for your Jewish needs. We offer uplifting services on Shabbat and Holidays, educational opportunities for all ages-from Coastal Gan to Hebrew School to C-Kids to JLI etc., community meals, educational publications, joyous celebrations, life-cycle events, individual pastoral counseling and support, outreach activities, and SO MUCH MORE!
It is with joy and positive energy that we offer everything we do to YOU, our beloved community.
Is Chabad for you? YES! If you want to connect with the Jewish community and G-d, we welcome you here – WITH OPEN ARMS! You do NOT have to be ‘Orthodox’ or observant to feel at home and to be welcome. Everyone is welcome regardless of level of observance or knowledge, background or affiliation. YOU ARE WELCOME HERE! Even if you cannot afford Membership dues, YOU ARE WELCOME HERE!
It is at this time of year that we ask you to partner with us by committing to help financially support the community for the coming year.
Please follow the link provided to indicate your level of support. (PUT LINK HERE). Alternatively, you can return the enclosed form in the provided return envelope.
If you want to join us for our amazing High Holiday services, ADVANCE RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED.
Chabad at La Costa has no outside support (there is no Chabad ‘superfund’), which means that we must be financially self-reliant. Think about the costs involved in keeping the lights on, the workers paid, the food served, and all of the materials we provide.
Can we count on YOU this year?
Wishing you G-d’s unlimited blessings with our deep appreciation!
Shanah Tovah Umitukah – May you and yours be blessed with a Sweet, Happy, and Healthy New Year!
Rabbi Yeruchem & Rebbetzin Nechama Eilfort
Rabbi Elia & Rebbetzin Chaya Eilfort
Coastal Chabads
Chabad at La Costa/Carlsbad Chabad Encinitas
Membership Form ‘24
Head of Household: _______________________________ Spouse: ______________________________
Children and their ages: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________
Hebrew Names of Family Members: _______________________________________________________
Please Indicate Type of Membership Desired:
__ Chai Club - Starts at $3,600 (fill in amount committed): $____________
__ Family Membership - $1,800
__ Individual Membership - $1200 ($100/mo)
__ Senior Membership - $800
__ Student Membership - $180
__ Associate Membership (50% of Standard Membership Level)
__ Please call me to discuss financial arrangements. (NO ONE WILL BE TURNED DOWN.)
__ Although not a member I would like to support your important work.
Amount of Commitment: $____________
__ Lulav & Esrog set @ $75 Standard, or $125 Deluxe Pitom (Check if Desired):_____
__ Please call on me as a Volunteer. Interest/s: _______________________________________________
__ Call me to discuss Chabad’s Legacy Circle and possibly including Chabad in my legacy plans.
__ Sign me up to receive regular email updates on Chabad activities.
Membership includes High Holiday seating, however, reservations are required.
How many people from your family will be joining us for the High Holidays:
Number of Adults _____ Number of Children (3-12) _____
We will be offering gourmet Community Meals on Rosh Hashanah. The cost to join is $25 per meal per adult and $15 per meal per child (3-12). How many will be joining us?
Adults ______ x $25 = $_______ Children x $15 = $________.
___ I would like to sponsor a High Holiday meal ($360).
Security Fee (Minimum of $180 per membership unit per year) $_______
Yes! I will make an additional monthly commitment to help fund our coming Educational Level!
Amount of extra monthly commitment: $_________
Anyone who wants to be a Member is welcome regardless of financial situation, and may be assured of absolute confidentiality in this matter.
Thank you to those who have already made their Membership commitment and those who have made a monthly financial commitment to your community!
How would you like to pay? (Please select one)
Monthly / Quarterly/ Lump Sum
Amount: $________ Method of Payment: (Please select one)
Visa/MasterCard/Amex / Personal Check / Business Check / Cash
Credit Card Number: ______________________________________________________ Exp. _________
Applicant’s Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________
Address:____________________________________________ City:___________________ Zip:_______
Cell Phone:______________________________ E-Mail:_______________________________________
We are proud to announce that our Hebrew School Open House was an overwhelming success with several new families signing up for our exciting program!
We will be bringing out two teachers FROM ISRAEL – so that our Hebrew School students will have a Hebrew Immersion experience. Ayala and Naama are wonderful young women excited to be joining our team. They will be adding tremendous positive energy to our community while they are with us for the next school year!
We are looking forward to beginning our new school year soon! All inquiries should be directed to Rebbetzin Chaya at [email protected].
Security Guard Sponsor Sought – Can You Help?
We have a wonderful security guard who keeps a watch over us while we are in services. The cost is $250 per week. We are looking for a sponsor this week and future weeks. If you are able to help please donate securely by following this link: Thank you!
How to Make a Donation (or Payment)
We would be nowhere without the generous support of our community. Please know that your support is profoundly appreciated!
There are many ways to donate besides checks and cash. Following, please find a list of the various other ‘platforms’ that are available for secure donations that go directly and entirely into the synagogue account (even though they say Nechama's name).
1. PayPal [email protected] or
2. Venmo @Nechama-Eilfort
3. Cashapp $nechamae
4. Zelle (Bank of America) [email protected]
5. Personal credit card
6. Join our Legacy Circle - see below
Kiddush Sponsor
TThis week’s Kiddush is being sponsored by Liora Plesa and Amanda & Ryan Adames in honor of the new baby girl! The baby naming will be this Shabbos, G-d willing!
Each Shabbos after services, our beautiful community enjoys Shabbos lunch together. It is a true celebration where we bask in each other’s company while savoring delicious food.
We are always seeking additional sponsors, so if you can sponsor a Kiddush, please let us know.
An Important Note about Kiddushes –
The policy of the shul is to allow multiple sponsors for every Kiddush unless it is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or something similar (like a 50th wedding anniversary etc.).
There is no such thing as an exclusive Kiddush sponsor.
This is our policy for numerous reasons, not least of which is the fact that Kiddush sponsorships help generate much-needed income for our community and encourages more people to participate.
We thank you for your support and understanding!
Soup & Challah Sponsors
Soup and Challah is being sponsored by Clive Walden & the estate of Channah Hale. A big Yasher Koach to our volunteer deliverers, including Malkie Gorelick, Jason Coleman and Sydney Green.
Challah is delivered to Mental Health Residential Centers in the area, people undergoing chemotherapy, and people who really love the addition to their Shabbos experience.
Deliver and get a bag of challah for your family as well!