
Chabad Weekly Update

News, Updates, Ads, Kiddush Sponsors, Birthday reminders and more

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olume 25 Number 51| 3 Elul, 5784 | September 6, '24


Chabad Weekly Update

Volume 25 Number 51| 3 Elul, 5784 | September 6, '24
Message from the Rabbi

The month of Elul began this week. It is the final month of the Jewish calendar year, the month before the High Holidays.

Elul is traditionally considered a month of reckoning, when we are meant to take stock of our behavior over the past year, much like a business takes an account every so often of its inventory, income, expenses, and so on. We look back at the year that has passed and we attempt to determine what we did right and what worked, and what could use improvement in the year to come.

Rabbi Schneur Zalman of Liadi – the Alter Rebbe, founder of Chabad – taught that during this month G-d’s attributes of mercy shine brighter than all year, and His glory is far more accessible than it usually is. With this knowledge, we are encouraged to work on our relationship with G-d in ways that might not have been possible throughout the year.

And if we may be so bold, we implore G-d to also take a reckoning of His actions in the past year. The Jewish people have suffered tremendously all year as a result of the horrific terrorist attacks last Simchat Torah, and as recently as this past week when we learned of the brutal murder of six of the hostages in Gaza.

We demand of G-d that we see His mercy in a most tangible manner, not leaving anything to the imagination. We pray that the coming year will be better than the last, and that we merit to celebrate the ultimate joy with the coming of Moshiach, may it be today!

Shabbat shalom,

Candle Lighting Times
Carlsbad and Encinitas

Shabbat Candlelighting Time: @ 6:39pm
Shabbat Ends: @ 7:42pm

Come pick up a Shabbat Candle lighting kit with the prayers and instructions.



NO Friday Night Service & YES Shabbos Morning Services & YES Soup and Challah

Scheduled Services This Week

Shabbos / Saturday @ 10am. Kiddush Luncheon to Follow

Sheva Brachos

YOU are invited to celebrate Sheva Brachos for Rabbi Sholom and Mushka Eilfort with us one week from Sunday!


In Loving Memory of the Martyrs of October 7th

We are quickly approaching the one-year anniversary of the horrific terrorist attack perpetrated against our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land. Shmini Atzeres, is the Yarzeit of over 1,200 victims.

We decided upon an appropriate way to memorialize the martyrs. Throughout the year we have strongly encouraged our community to add in the Torah we study, the Prayers that we say, and the Charity that we give, in their merit.

We have decided that we would like to dedicate a Torah Reading Table Cover with the names of all of the victims embroidered upon it, together with a quote from the prayer book that talks about their sanctity and a heart-felt request that the Almighty should bring justice to them and to our nation. Additionally, we plan on ordering a Memorial Plaque that will be placed on our Memorial Board.

We welcome anyone who wishes to participate in sponsoring these meaningful symbols of our broken hearts and firm resolve to resolutely embrace our Judaism!

These orders are going to be placed forthwith, so your immediate response is appreciated. Please donate securely here: In the note section of the form mention that the donation is for the October 7th Memorials. All donors will be publicly acknowledged unless they specify that they don’t want to be.  

All donations are greatly appreciated and are tax-deductible.

Wishing you and yours a Happy, Healthy, and Successful New Year!


Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort



N’shei Chabad Women’s Event Coming HERE

There are FOUR Nshei (Women of) Chabad events every year hosted around the county. This year, WE at Chabad at La Costa and Chabad Encinitas will be hosting the first one. We need YOU. Have you been impacted by Chabad in a way that you would like to share with the community? Please reach out to Nechama or Chaya.

SAVE THE DATE September 18 at 7:30.

We will be finished by 9:00.



September 2, ‘24

Erev Rosh Chodesh Elul, 5784

Dear Friends,

All year long we are here for your Jewish needs. We offer uplifting services on Shabbat and Holidays, educational opportunities for all ages-from Coastal Gan to Hebrew School to C-Kids to JLI etc., community meals, educational publications, joyous celebrations, life-cycle events, individual pastoral counseling and support, outreach activities, and SO MUCH MORE!

It is with joy and positive energy that we offer everything we do to YOU, our beloved community.

Is Chabad for you? YES! If you want to connect with the Jewish community and G-d, we welcome you here – WITH OPEN ARMS! You do NOT have to be ‘Orthodox’ or observant to feel at home and to be welcome. Everyone is welcome regardless of level of observance or knowledge, background or affiliation.  YOU ARE WELCOME HERE! Even if you cannot afford Membership dues,  YOU ARE WELCOME HERE!

It is at this time of year that we ask you to partner with us by committing to help financially support the community for the coming year.

Please follow the link provided to indicate your level of support. (PUT LINK HERE). Alternatively, you can return the enclosed form in the provided return envelope.

If you want to join us for our amazing High Holiday services, ADVANCE RESERVATIONS ARE REQUIRED.

Chabad at La Costa has no outside support (there is no Chabad ‘superfund’), which means that we must be financially self-reliant. Think about the costs involved in keeping the lights on, the workers paid, the food served, and all of the materials we provide.

Can we count on YOU this year?

Wishing you G-d’s unlimited blessings with our deep appreciation!

Shanah Tovah Umitukah – May you and yours be blessed with a Sweet, Happy, and Healthy New Year!

Rabbi Yeruchem & Rebbetzin  Nechama Eilfort

Rabbi Elia & Rebbetzin Chaya Eilfort

Coastal Chabads
Chabad at La Costa/Carlsbad     Chabad Encinitas

Membership Form ‘24


Head of Household: _______________________________ Spouse: ______________________________

Children and their ages: _________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________________________


Hebrew Names of Family Members: _______________________________________________________




Please Indicate Type of Membership Desired:

__  Chai Club -  Starts at $3,600 (fill in amount committed): $____________

__ Family Membership - $1,800

__ Individual Membership - $1200 ($100/mo)

__ Senior Membership - $800

__ Student Membership - $180

__ Associate Membership (50% of Standard Membership Level)

__ Please call me to discuss financial arrangements. (NO ONE WILL BE TURNED DOWN.)

__ Although not a member I would like to support your important work.

Amount of Commitment: $____________

__ Lulav & Esrog set @ $75 Standard, or $125 Deluxe Pitom (Check if Desired):_____

__ Please call on me as a Volunteer. Interest/s: _______________________________________________

__  Call me to discuss Chabad’s Legacy Circle and possibly including Chabad in my legacy plans.

__ Sign me up to receive regular email updates on Chabad activities.


Membership includes High Holiday seating, however, reservations are required.  

How many people from your family will be joining us for the High Holidays:

Number of Adults _____ Number of Children (3-12) _____

We will be offering gourmet Community Meals on Rosh Hashanah. The cost to join is $25 per meal per adult and $15 per meal per child (3-12). How many will be joining us?

Adults ______ x $25 = $_______ Children x $15 = $________.


___ I would like to sponsor a High Holiday meal ($360).  


Security Fee (Minimum of $180 per membership unit per year) $_______


Yes! I will make an additional monthly commitment to help fund our coming Educational Level!

Amount of extra monthly commitment: $_________


Anyone who wants to be a Member is welcome regardless of financial situation, and may be assured of absolute confidentiality in this matter.

Thank you to those who have already made their Membership commitment and those who have made a monthly financial commitment to your community!

How would you like to pay? (Please select one)

Monthly / Quarterly/ Lump Sum

Amount: $________     Method of Payment: (Please select one)

Visa/MasterCard/Amex / Personal Check / Business Check / Cash

Credit Card Number: ______________________________________________________ Exp. _________

Applicant’s Signature: ___________________________________________________ Date: ___________

Address:____________________________________________ City:___________________ Zip:_______

Cell Phone:______________________________ E-Mail:_______________________________________



We are proud to announce that our Hebrew School Open House was an overwhelming success with several new families signing up for our exciting program!

We will be bringing out two teachers FROM ISRAEL – so that our Hebrew School students will have a Hebrew Immersion experience. Ayala and Naama are wonderful young women excited to be joining our team. They will be adding tremendous positive energy to our community while they are with us for the next school year!

We are looking forward to beginning our new school year soon! All inquiries should be directed to Rebbetzin Chaya at [email protected].



Security Guard Sponsor Sought – Can You Help?

We have a wonderful security guard who keeps a watch over us while we are in services. The cost is $250 per week. We are looking for a sponsor this week and future weeks. If you are able to help please donate securely by following this link: Thank you!


How to Make a Donation (or Payment)

We would be nowhere without the generous support of our community. Please know that your support is profoundly appreciated!

There are many ways to donate besides checks and cash. Following, please find a list of the various other ‘platforms’ that are available for secure donations that go directly and entirely into the synagogue account (even though they say Nechama's name).

1. PayPal  [email protected]  or

2. Venmo @Nechama-Eilfort

3. Cashapp $nechamae

4. Zelle (Bank of America)   [email protected]

5. Personal credit card

6. Join our Legacy Circle - see below


Kiddush Sponsor

TThis week’s Kiddush is being sponsored by Liora Plesa and Amanda & Ryan Adames in honor of the new baby girl! The baby naming will be this Shabbos, G-d willing!   

Each Shabbos after services, our beautiful community enjoys Shabbos lunch together. It is a true celebration where we bask in each other’s company while savoring delicious food.


We are always seeking additional sponsors, so if you can sponsor a Kiddush, please let us know.

An Important Note about Kiddushes –

The policy of the shul is to allow multiple sponsors for every Kiddush unless it is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or something similar (like a 50th wedding anniversary etc.).

There is no such thing as an exclusive Kiddush sponsor.

This is our policy for numerous reasons, not least of which is the fact that Kiddush sponsorships help generate much-needed income for our community and encourages more people to participate.

We thank you for your support and understanding!

Soup & Challah Sponsors

Soup and Challah is being sponsored by Clive Walden & the estate of Channah Hale. A big Yasher Koach to our volunteer deliverers, including Malkie Gorelick, Jason Coleman and Sydney Green.

Challah is delivered to Mental Health Residential Centers in the area, people undergoing chemotherapy, and people who really love the addition to their Shabbos experience. 

Deliver and get a bag of challah for your family as well!

Rabbi's Thoughts and Haftarah Overview

Haftarah for Parshas Shoftim (4th Haftorah for the Seven Weeks of Consolation)

Isaiah 51:12-52:12

This week's haftorah is the fourth of a series of seven "Haftarot of Consolation." These seven haftarot commence on the Shabbat following Tisha b'Av and continue until Rosh Hashanah.

The haftorahs of the past two weeks open with Israel's complaint that they have been abandoned by G‑d. Israel is not content with consolations offered by the prophets — instead they demand that  G‑d alone comfort them. In response, this week's  haftorah begins with G‑d's response: "I, indeed I, will comfort you."

After briefly reprimanding Israel for forgetting their Creator for fear of human and finite oppressors, the prophet describes the suffering and tribulations which Israel has endured. However, the time has arrived for the suffering to end. The time has come for Israel's oppressors to drink the "cup of suffering" which they had hitherto forced Israel to drink: "Awaken, awaken, put on your strength, O Zion; put on the garments of your beauty, Jerusalem the Holy City, for no longer shall the uncircumcised or the unclean continue to enter you. Shake yourselves from the dust, arise, sit down, O  Jerusalem; free yourself of the bands of your neck, O captive daughter of Zion."

Isaiah extols the beauty of the messenger who will announce the good tidings of Redemption. "Burst out in song, sing together, O ruins of Jerusalem, for the L-rd has consoled His people; He has redeemed Jerusalem."

The haftorah ends by highlighting the difference between the Egyptian Exodus, when the Israelites hurried out of their exile and bondage, and the future Redemption: "For not with haste shall you go forth and not in a flurry of flight shall you go, for the L-rd goes before you, and your rear guard is the G‑d of Israel."

Condolences | Birthdays | Anniversaries | Yarzeits


MAZEL TOV to Rabbi Sholom Eilfort, his parents Rabbi Yeruchem & Rebbetzin Nechama Eilfort, and the entire Eilfort Family, on the occasion of his wedding coming week to Mushka Alperowics!

MAZEL TOV to Liora Plesa, and her children Amanda and Ryan Adames on the occasion of the birth and naming of their new baby girl!

MAZEL TOV to Miriam Reisman, Joe and Sara Reisman, and their daughter Maya on her marriage this past week!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Sarah Odenheimer, Angel Ventura, Miriam Reisman, and all of those celebrating their birthdays this week!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wishes go out to all of those celebrating anniversaries this week!

WE REMEMBER Derek Israel, Rafael Urcis, and all of those whose Yarzeit is observed this week.

May Mike Schwartz, Doreen Prager, Rachel Perez, Clive Walden, Sheila Lebovitz, Adam Lemberger, Sandy Radom, Rachel bas Shoshana, Roz Mintz, Sandra Sapol, Penny Chapman and Greg Leon be blessed with a speedy and complete recovery!


Upcoming Kiddush Sponsors: 

September 7: Lior Plesa and Ryan & Amanda Adames

September 14: Sponsors needed


Sponsoring a Kiddush is a great way to feel part of the Chabad at La Costa family!
(You can co-sponsor a Kiddush)

Giving & Helping Opportunities

New Mitzvah Opportunity

Bikur Cholim of SD Volunteers Needed!

There are a number of patients at UCSD La Jolla that have come from Israel to receive transplants here. They need our help!

Bikur Cholim of S Diego is a community organization helping the sick with care packages, visitation, driving spouses to and from the hospital, etc.

If you are able to give a few hours of your time, it will make another person's day that much better!

To get involved, sign up at



Our Soup and Challah Project has been going on its FOURTH year! It was sponsored by Channah Hale and now carried on in her memory.

We are at the point that we need NEW volunteers to drive and deliver food packages around the area.

Please consider making this a part of your Friday routine. Volunteers pick up a few containers of soup and bags of challah at 3:00pm and delivering them to the door of the recipients. Volunteers also get soup and challah!

Enhanced Security

Our number one priority is to ensure the safety and security of our shul family. We have a robust security system in place. We have gone to the added expense of hiring a uniformed, armed guard, who is with us, watching over us, in addition to our internal security team. 

The added layer of security is expensive. Please help us by donating to the security of our shul community by following this link: The cost is approximately $300 per week. All donations are tax-deductible.


The Foundation Project  - City Approved Plan

We are raising funds that will be used towards completing our basement. This project will include a TEEN LOUNGE, CLASSROOMS, a LIBRARY, OFFICES, STORAGE SPACE, BATHROOMS, and more. Call Rabbi to inquire about available dedications. The money we raise also goes towards scholarships for Hebrew School students, our Challah and Chicken Soup program, and all of our ongoing expenses.

Create Your Jewish Legacy Plan for the Future - Now

We have been blessed with life! Yet, we know that no one lives forever. This begs the question, “What will your legacy be?” Most of us have children, and they certainly should figure prominently into our plans. But our children are only a part of what we leave behind. Just as we endeavor to give Tzedakah generously, so as to selflessly make the world a better place while we are alive, so too we need to make sure that we leave a percentage of our estates for the benefit of others. Judaism tells us that it is incumbent upon us to leave the world better than when we found it. We do this by giving Tzedakah.

We can help.

Chabad has partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation in the creation of our Legacy Circle "Generation to Generation - Ensuring a Jewish Tomorrow, Today".  Many people do not prepare appropriately for the inevitable. They do not leave a will, or even if they do it is not consistent with Jewish Law. If one wants his body to be handled with the respect and care mandated by Jewish Law or if one wants the funeral service conducted according to Jewish Law, it must be arranged in advance. Don’t leave these critical details to luck!

Contact Rabbi Eilfort for a private appointment so these important matters can be handled how you want.

Send a personal email to [email protected] to schedule an appointment today.  

We honor our Legacy Circle Members*:

Joel Barnett

Angela Chapman

Beverly Galperin

Anonymous 1

Channah Hale

Len Hyman

Devorah Katz

Sheila Lebovitz

Ilyse Loven

David Markoff

Anonymous 2

Karen Miller

Ed Richard

Ira Schechtel

Sharon Silverstein

Steve and Cindy Marion Walker

Anonymous 3

  *Has provided Chabad with a Declaration of Intent. 

Click here for a Declaration of Intent and more information


Memorial Plaques & Tree of Life Plaques Available

Our beautiful Memorial Boards have been installed. We specifically designed our custom-built bookcases to ‘frame’ each of the boards. The first Memorial Board was dedicated by the Brunelle Family, the second Board was dedicated by the Alter Family, and the new Board has been dedicated by Miriam Reisman in memory of her husband, Harold.

We are currently offering Memorial Plaques to those who wish to perpetually honor the memory of a loved one in a most dignified and permanent manner. Those who dedicate Memorial Plaques will also receive yearly reminders of the Yarzeit in the newsletter and in the calendar and the light on the Board will be illuminated each year on the Yarzeit. The donation is only $500 per Memorial Board plaque.

We also have a gorgeous Tree of Life dedicated by the Lieberman Family that has been ‘growing. The purpose of the plaques on the Tree of Life is to commemorate joyous occasions (like Bar/Bat Mitzvah, anniversaries, special birthdays, weddings etc.). The donation is $180 for a leaf on the Tree of Life.

Those who wish to participate should send an email to   [email protected], or call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891.

We are excited to designate a section of our Tree of Life to our Legacy Circle. Watch the Tree and see article above. ​


Get Some Class

We have an ever-expanding menu of online learning opportunities for everyone. Below please find an overview of our current classes and a schedule of when you can join in on Facebook Live. If you miss the live class you can watch the recorded version, on Facebook.

Weekly Parsha Class - with Rabbi Sholom Eilfort in person and on Facebook Live Thursday nights at 7:15pm


JLI Course - this series of courses requires registration... 

 Coastal Gan - GROWING AGAIN!

We are looking for NEW STUDENTS and NEW STAFF

We are accepting infant and preschool age children.


I Please Like the shul’s Facebook Page

For up to date pictures and announcements follow our Facebook Page and join our community Group.  

Coastal Chabads are here for YOU





Kosher Eateries Opening...

New Kosher Dairy location opening soon...


Hamitbach Info

Israeli street food 
5664 Mission Center Rd #402, San Diego, CA 92108


La Mesa PizzaWorks Info

Dine in and takeout
7406 University ave | La Mesa, CA 91942


DAILY JEWISH NEWS Available in Your Inbox for Free!

Sign up, as we have, for the daily Jewish news by subscribing to the Our dear friend and noted writer, Don Harrison, curates a refreshing variety of Jewish-interest stories. The daily emails are refreshing, as they come from a Jewish perspective. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Simply logon to the website and follow the prompts to subscribe.


Security Protocols

Everyone is Subject to Search

No Firearms (We have a well-defined security plan in effect and any unauthorized firearms could create confusion and actually reduce security).

Backpacks Prohibited

All Bags Subject to Search


Need a Minyan?

If you need a Minyan to say Kaddish please give the office at least a few days’ notice. We are happy to provide this important service, but it takes time to arrange enough participants to assure the quorum is present. Please email   [email protected] your request.


Shabbat Services with Meaning & Joy

Every Saturday we get together to celebrate the holy Shabbat in song and prayer. Our services are both traditional and user-friendly, as we fully recognize that not everyone has experience Davening (praying) in a traditional setting. What those who have joined have found is that the atmosphere in our synagogue is conducive to meaningful meditation. A knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to participate. In fact, the only thing that is needed is the desire to learn and to connect to the Almighty. It is an enriching experience not to be missed! Shabbat services begin at 10am and conclude at approximately 12:30pm and are followed by a wonderful community lunch. There is no cost to attend and reservations are not needed.



NOW is the time to join the family! Membership includes High Holiday seats and discounts on other programs and activities. However, the main reason to join is to demonstrate your commitment to the future of Judaism in our area and to our community.

If you have already filled out and returned your Membership form please accept this message as our sincere thank you!

We urge you to pick the level of Membership and the financial commitment you feel comfortable with, and to fill out the form that you will find by following this link: We thank all of our amazing donors!


Belonging to a Jewish Community is not only gratifying and fulfilling it is also extremely important, for within the community one finds a place to connect with G-d and one’s soul, a place of learning and spiritual enrichment, a great source of friends, a place to bestow one’s Jewish legacy upon his or her child/ren, and so much more. Check out to learn more. 

The beauty of OUR Jewish Community is that we offer so many different options that everyone is sure to find something enriching and meaningful. Below please find a partial list of some of our current offerings. If you have never come by before pick an item or two and try it out. If you have already tried an item or two find another one that sounds interesting and give it a whirl. “Connection” – that is the name of the game and that is precisely what you will find here! 

*Daily Minyan   *Shabbat Services   *Weekly Kiddush Luncheon   *Mysticism Classes   *Torah Portion Class   *Hebrew School   *Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training   *Mommy and Me   *Family Friday Night Services and Dinner   *Women’s Group   *Youth Activities   *Pastoral Counseling   *Holiday Programming   *Community Meals   *Hospital Visitation   *Weekly Email Updates   *Hospital Visitation   *Mezuzah Campaign   *Jewish Heritage Workshops   *Jewish Learning Institute Affiliate *Jewish Encinitas *Chabad of Carlsbad N *Coastal Gan Preschool *Ckids Hebrew School


Shul Etiquette

Those who join us regularly for Shabbat services will agree that we have something very special going. The family-friendly atmosphere is unique and most inviting. We welcome everyone as though he/she is a long time member of the family.

At the same time it is important to remember that we are a synagogue. Our sanctuary is meant to be a place where it is conducive to finding inner peace and tranquility. That is why the Rabbis have many laws concerning the decorum of a shul.

It is appropriate to dress modestly and to dress somewhat formally in shul. Men should wear button down shirts, slacks (no jeans or shorts), with jackets and even ties when possible. Of course the head is to be kept covered at all times. Women should wear skirts that go past the knees and blouses with high neck lines and sleeves that cover the elbows. Married women should wear hats and the like.

Children must be supervised at all times by the parents except during Junior Congregation (11:30am). While we want the children to have a great time together it is also important that they do not become so wild and/or boisterous that they disturb those of us who are participating in the services.

We must remember that we should walk to shul and never park in the parking lot if there already eight cars parked. Finally, and we fully realize this goes against Jewish DNA, it is appropriate to come to shul ON TIME. While we know everyone is vying to be counted as the 10th, we are equally sure Hashem will give extra credit to those who come ON TIME at 10am (not to be confused with 11:30). We look forward to seeing you here!


Cell Phones & Chatting During Services

Needless to say the sanctuary on Shabbat or holidays is a place that must be conducive to reflective prayers and serenity. To help keep it this way, please refrain from engaging in any conversations during services and please do not bring in your cell phone. Thank you for your cooperation.


Critical Maintenance Issue – Your Cooperation Needed

PLEASE NOTE: The ONLY thing that may be flushed is toilet paper – NO EXCEPTIONS. This means tissue, baby wipes, paper towels, or any other product may NEVER be flushed, but instead must be disposed of in the provided trash receptacles.

THANK YOU for your cooperation!


Public Service Announcement – Let’s Work TOGETHER to Maintain OUR Shul

We have a beautiful shul. Everyone agrees. It is not easy to maintain everything, but we work hard to keep things clean and in good working order. We need your help.

Our sanctuary is graced with gorgeous, custom made, stained glass windows. These windows MUST be kept in pristine condition. Please respect the windows by only looking and never touching them. G-d forbid, they can easily be scratched if we are not careful. Also, please do not put ANY objects (cups, books, tissues etc.) on the window sills as it detracts from the windows.

Our custom-built furniture from Israel is as precious as it looks. People have put down cups (full and empty) on the partitions and the shelves. This is inappropriate. Children cannot sit on or climb on the furnishings – other than sitting in the pews as they were designed to be used. No exceptions.

Please put away your own Talis and prayer books, and replace the book racks when done using them. Please throw away your own garbage.

If we can all work together we will keep our shul beautiful!

THANK YOU for your understanding and cooperation.


Omni La Costa Resort Welcomes Chabad at La Costa Guests

We are pleased that our world-famous neighbor, the Omni La Costa Resort, has extended a special program offering all sorts of perks to those who book using the Chabad code when booking.

More than 600 people use the Chabad code each year ! Many people have expressed gratitude at having such world-class facilities in such close and convenient proximity to our Shul, and the joy at being to stay at the Omni and walk to Chabad for Shabbat services.

For discount details, to make your reservation, or to share the information with a friend, visit and click through. And remember to leave a positive review.

And let them know YOU SAW IT HERE

► Marc Buksbaum is an experienced local transactional attorney and former certified public accountant. Marc has experience in a wide range of business matters, including corporate/venture formations, mergers and acquisitions, financing transactions, and supply chain transactions, and his colleagues also have extensive experience in complex real estate and estate planning matters. Marc is licensed to practice law in California and New York and is a Certified Public Accountant (on “inactive status”) licensed in New York. If you have any questions or need help with your legal matter please contact Marc  at: 
Marc Buksbaum
Attorney at Law 
2784 Gateway Road, Suite 104
Carlsbad, CA  92009 
T 760 438 2211
F 760 438 2014  

►Rina Coleman is an Enrolled Agent with more than 20 years experience preparing taxes for all walks of life. Please contact her at [email protected] for a free 15 minute consultation.

►Marc Nimetz Farmers Insurance

It's almost all the same, until you have a claim!

Marc Nimetz
Farmers Insurance                                                
15644 Pomerado Road, Suite 104                                  
Poway, CA 92064
License #0H35885
858-866-8147 (Office)
858-603-4961 (Cell)
858-815-6930 (Fax)

Jonathan Rozansky : Your Chabad Real Estate Agent & Mortgage Broker 
Whether you are Selling, Buying or Refinancing your home, do not proceed without calling Jonathan Rozansky, a licensed realtor and mortgage professional, first.  Jonathan will look out for your best interest and can answer all your real estate and financing questions.  Call for a free market analysis report today.

Jonathan Rozansky
Direct   (619) 392-1234
[email protected]
DRE. # 01754457
NMLS ID : 315987

 Ron Lewis Insurance Services
[email protected]
760-525-5769 - Cell
866-718-1600 - Toll-free

Specializing in Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance! 

• As an independent agent, I work with ALL the major insurance carriers.

• Let me do the shopping for you!

• I will save you money on your insurance premiums.

• Call me for a free, no-obligation quote.

• References available upon request.


 Neal Sperling Business Development

Highly talented, highly experienced business development/marketing consultant to wide range of businesses and non-profits can help you to find innovative new ways to raise money, launch, brand, market, sell, merchandise, and promote your products, services, and organization. Has written and improved wide variety of business plans, marketing plans, obtained major grants/new funding for a wide variety of ventures. Has unique ability to study most any business, quickly and creatively identify new sources of potential revenue, reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and drive more sales in the quickest time frames. Recognized expert on how to drive new sales via the internet. Acclaimed speaker to Southern California business groups, and particularly known for being a great “connector” with ability to introduce you to a wide variety of hard-to-reach decision-makers in various fields. Strong background in consumer products, medical products, high tech, "clean tech," "green" products, non-profits, much more. Call for details: cell: 818-219-9585.


Dream Home Cinema

*Family Room Surround
*Wholesale House Audio
*Home Automation

Joseph Markowitz:
[email protected]

Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoos

I am a small Jewish farmer running my business in La Costa  called Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoo. I arrive with my animals at little children's birthday parties, senior homes,  graduation parties, and resorts in the area, to share my love of animals. I also do animal therapy with children and adults. Fantastic!! Call me to make an appointment or set up a birthday party.

Pam Glickman 760-535-5293

Healthy Haven Live Radio Show with Anna Mintz

Window Paintings and Murals by Eileen Tilt-Lavy contact info available

Cost Effective Advertising Available HERE

Hundreds of people see Chabad at La Costa's Weekly Email Update. Those who are looking to effectively promote their business and at the same time support this important community resource are invited to become sponsors for only $50 per month (that's per MONTH, not per week). Call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891 to get your message out there.

Volume 25 Number 50| 26 Av, 5784 | August 30, '24


Chabad Weekly Update

Volume 25 Number 50| 26 Av, 5784 | August 30, '24
Message from the Rabbi

This week’s Torah portion introduces us to the concept of free choice. Throughout the remaining portions of the Book of Deuteronomy, Moses reminds the Jewish people that G-d has set them before two divergent paths: one of good and one of evil. Choose good, Moses says, and you will have chosen life. Choose evil, and you will have chosen death.

That sounds pretty simple, no? It shouldn’t be too difficult to choose right over wrong, life over death, and light over darkness. But as we know, it is not always clear which path is which; not always obvious that the path we’ve chosen is in fact the path of life.

The choice is ultimately ours, but choosing correctly requires intuition and guidance. By engaging in appropriate activities and associating with good people, that’s how we will eventually be led to the right choices.

Still, we also need Divine guidance. As the Torah says in the opening verse of this week’s reading, “See, I set before you today a blessing and a curse.” By connecting to the Divine, we will have our eyes opened and be able to discern the correct path. In fact, we are guaranteed as much.

By committing to a life of Torah and mitzvahs, we have G-d’s promise that our choices will always be the right ones.

Shabbat shalom,

Candle Lighting Times
Carlsbad and Encinitas

Shabbat Candlelighting Time: @ 6:58pm
Shabbat Ends: @ 7:52pm

Come pick up a Shabbat Candle lighting kit with the prayers and instructions.



NO Friday Night Service & YES Shabbos Morning Services & YES Soup and Challah

MAZAL TOV Ryan and Amanda Adames on the birth of a baby girl! Mazal tov Savta Liora who is visiting.

cheduled Services This Week

Shabbos / Saturday @ 10am. Kiddush Luncheon to Follow


This Shabbos we are dedicating to Channah (Addy) Hale, may her memory be for a blessing. Channah harbored a special love of our community and did her utmost to insure its future. Thanks to her vision and generosity our Educational Level project (aka the Basement) is about to come to fruition. It is a very exciting time around Chabad, and we all have Channah to thank. Please be sure to come to shul this week as we will share some thoughts about a very special person.  


BBQ Bounty THIS Week

Join us for our ‘world famous’ BBQ Bounty THIS Sunday from 5pm – 8pm. It’s an all-you-can-eat buffet of all of your barbecue favorites.

The menu includes:



Wings (spicy & bbq)

Corn on the Cob


Garden Salad




Prepaid Reservations should be made here:



Men’s Club THIS Sunday @ 2pm

Men are invited to join us for stimulating conversation and refreshments! There is no cost to participate. We thank Steve Walker for organizing this event. We hope to see YOU here.


Rosh Chodesh Women's Circle Coming Sept 3

I am to my Beloved and my Beloved is to Me. Elul is a month of renewal. Come celebrate the new moon and your feminine forces. September 3, 7:00pm RSVP 786-543-8772


N’shei Chabad Women’s Event Coming HERE

There are FOUR Nshei (Women of) Chabad events every year hosted around the county. This year, WE at Chabad at La Costa and Chabad Encinitas will be hosting the first one. We need YOU. Have you been impacted by Chabad in a way that you would like to share with the community? Please reach out to Nechama or Chaya.

SAVE THE DATE September 18 at 7:30.

We will be finished by 9:00.



Dear Congregant,

Greetings and Blessings:

Our Shul needs your help.  Boruch Hashem, our community continues to grow and to add programs and services.  While Shabbos kiddush, some special programs, and charitable activities are funded by directed sponsorships and donations, the cost of operating the Shul is enormous and has grown significantly over the past few years.  These operational costs include building payments, security, building maintenance, utilities, insurance, Hebrew School & other children’s programs, as well as staff salaries.  Fortunately, due to volunteer services including legal, accounting and general Shul management, operating costs are kept to a minimum.  Even so the operating budget is substantial.

Funds collected for membership and Yom Tov donations provide the majority of the money required to cover shul operating costs.  We are therefore asking that everyone who makes use of the shul, or who supports what we do here, become a paying member of the shul.  Whether the shul is your Shabbos shul or your weekday destination; whether you take advantage of classes or special programs, or value the Jewish experience we bring to the children, membership dues and Yom Tov donations are the most important contributions that you can make to keep the shul running.

The Shul needs your participation and contributions to survive and there is no special merit for waiting until later to participate. NOW IS THE TIME.  While all contributions are appreciated, our full paying membership schedule is as follows:

  • Family Membership (Including Yom Tov Seats) - $1800 ($150 monthly)
  • Single Membership (Including Yom Tov Seats) - $900 ($75 monthly)
  • Associate Membership - $600 ($50 monthly)

We encourage you to submit your payments to the shul securely online by credit card or check at  To ease the payment burden, you can easily set up a recurring monthly payment.  We thank the members that have committed to paying $150 per month or more. We hope more of you will consider a monthly contribution exceeding the regular membership.  Of course, full membership payment in advance is also welcome. If you are paying by check, please make sure that it is clearly identified as membership.  Checks should be made payable to Chabad at La Costa, and mailed to 1980 La Costa Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92009.

THANK YOU and G-d bless you for your support! We can’t do it without you.



We are proud to announce that our Hebrew School Open House was an overwhelming success with several new families signing up for our exciting program!

We will be bringing out two teachers FROM ISRAEL – so that our Hebrew School students will have a Hebrew Immersion experience. Ayala and Naama are wonderful young women excited to be joining our team. They will be adding tremendous positive energy to our community while they are with us for the next school year!

We are looking forward to beginning our new school year soon! All inquiries should be directed to Rebbetzin Chaya at [email protected].



Security Guard Sponsor Sought – Can You Help?

We have a wonderful security guard who keeps a watch over us while we are in services. The cost is $250 per week. We are looking for a sponsor this week and future weeks. If you are able to help please donate securely by following this link: Thank you!


How to Make a Donation (or Payment)

We would be nowhere without the generous support of our community. Please know that your support is profoundly appreciated!

There are many ways to donate besides checks and cash. Following, please find a list of the various other ‘platforms’ that are available for secure donations that go directly and entirely into the synagogue account (even though they say Nechama's name).

1. PayPal  [email protected]  or

2. Venmo @Nechama-Eilfort

3. Cashapp $nechamae

4. Zelle (Bank of America)   [email protected]

5. Personal credit card

6. Join our Legacy Circle - see below


Kiddush Sponsor

This week’s Kiddush is being sponsored by the Community in loving memory of Channah (Addy) Hale on her Yarzeit. Channah’s generosity and vision went a long way in insuring the future of our community and of our Educational Level Project. Please join us this Shabbos as we honor her memory! Rabbi Dovi Gorelick, who is a world-renown Cantorial Soloist, will be here to lead part of the services.       

Each Shabbos after services, our beautiful community enjoys Shabbos lunch together. It is a true celebration where we bask in each other’s company while savoring delicious food.


We are always seeking additional sponsors, so if you can sponsor a Kiddush, please let us know.

An Important Note about Kiddushes –

The policy of the shul is to allow multiple sponsors for every Kiddush unless it is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or something similar (like a 50th wedding anniversary etc.).

There is no such thing as an exclusive Kiddush sponsor.

This is our policy for numerous reasons, not least of which is the fact that Kiddush sponsorships help generate much-needed income for our community and encourages more people to participate.

We thank you for your support and understanding!

Soup & Challah Sponsors

Soup and Challah is being sponsored by Clive Walden & the estate of Channah Hale. A big Yasher Koach to our volunteer deliverers, including Malkie Gorelick, Jason Coleman and Sydney Green.

Challah is delivered to Mental Health Residential Centers in the area, people undergoing chemotherapy, and people who really love the addition to their Shabbos experience. 

Deliver and get a bag of challah for your family as well!

Rabbi's Thoughts and Haftarah Overview

Haftarah for Parshas Re’eh (3rd Haftorah for the Seven Weeks of Consolation)

Isaiah 54:11-55:5

This week's haftorah is the third of a series of seven "haftarot of Consolation." These seven haftarot commence on the Shabbat following Tisha b'Av and continue until Rosh Hashanah.

G‑d addresses the "afflicted and storm-tossed" Jerusalem "who has not been comforted," assuring her that she, and her people, will be restored to full glory. The foundation, walls and ground of  Jerusalem will be laid with precious stones. Her children will be "disciples of the L-rd," and will enjoy abundant peace. Any weapon engineered against her will fail.

The prophet then invites the thirsty to acquire "water," namely those who are thirsty for spirituality should study the quenching words of Torah. He promises the nation an everlasting covenant similar to that made with King David. This is also an allusion to the Messiah, David's descendant, who will be revered by all of the nations of the world.

Condolences | Birthdays | Anniversaries | Yarzeits


Remember to add your Birthday, Anniversary, or Yarzeits to the calendar!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Justin Tubis, Rivka Fenton, Verred Alter Dianne Lazer, and all of those celebrating their birthdays this week!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wishes go out to Tammy and Jeffrey Horowitz, and all of those celebrating anniversaries this week!

WE REMEMBER Jean Rack, Freddy Barnett, and all of those whose Yarzeit is observed this week.

May Mike Schwartz, Doreen Prager, Rachel Perez, Clive Walden, Sheila Lebovitz, Adam Lemberger, Sandy Radom, Rachel bas Shoshana, Roz Mintz, Sandra Sapol, Penny Chapman and Greg Leon be blessed with a speedy and complete recovery!


Upcoming Kiddush Sponsors: 

August 31: In Memory of Channah Hale



Sponsoring a Kiddush is a great way to feel part of the Chabad at La Costa family!
(You can co-sponsor a Kiddush)

Giving & Helping Opportunities

New Mitzvah Opportunity

Bikur Cholim of SD Volunteers Needed!

There are a number of patients at UCSD La Jolla that have come from Israel to receive transplants here. They need our help!

Bikur Cholim of S Diego is a community organization helping the sick with care packages, visitation, driving spouses to and from the hospital, etc.

If you are able to give a few hours of your time, it will make another person's day that much better!

To get involved, sign up at



Our Soup and Challah Project has been going on its FOURTH year! It was sponsored by Channah Hale and now carried on in her memory.

We are at the point that we need NEW volunteers to drive and deliver food packages around the area.

Please consider making this a part of your Friday routine. Volunteers pick up a few containers of soup and bags of challah at 3:00pm and delivering them to the door of the recipients. Volunteers also get soup and challah!

Enhanced Security

Our number one priority is to ensure the safety and security of our shul family. We have a robust security system in place. We have gone to the added expense of hiring a uniformed, armed guard, who is with us, watching over us, in addition to our internal security team. 

The added layer of security is expensive. Please help us by donating to the security of our shul community by following this link: The cost is approximately $300 per week. All donations are tax-deductible.


The Foundation Project  - City Approved Plan

We are raising funds that will be used towards completing our basement. This project will include a TEEN LOUNGE, CLASSROOMS, a LIBRARY, OFFICES, STORAGE SPACE, BATHROOMS, and more. Call Rabbi to inquire about available dedications. The money we raise also goes towards scholarships for Hebrew School students, our Challah and Chicken Soup program, and all of our ongoing expenses.

Create Your Jewish Legacy Plan for the Future - Now

We have been blessed with life! Yet, we know that no one lives forever. This begs the question, “What will your legacy be?” Most of us have children, and they certainly should figure prominently into our plans. But our children are only a part of what we leave behind. Just as we endeavor to give Tzedakah generously, so as to selflessly make the world a better place while we are alive, so too we need to make sure that we leave a percentage of our estates for the benefit of others. Judaism tells us that it is incumbent upon us to leave the world better than when we found it. We do this by giving Tzedakah.

We can help.

Chabad has partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation in the creation of our Legacy Circle "Generation to Generation - Ensuring a Jewish Tomorrow, Today".  Many people do not prepare appropriately for the inevitable. They do not leave a will, or even if they do it is not consistent with Jewish Law. If one wants his body to be handled with the respect and care mandated by Jewish Law or if one wants the funeral service conducted according to Jewish Law, it must be arranged in advance. Don’t leave these critical details to luck!

Contact Rabbi Eilfort for a private appointment so these important matters can be handled how you want.

Send a personal email to [email protected] to schedule an appointment today.  

We honor our Legacy Circle Members*:

Joel Barnett

Angela Chapman

Beverly Galperin

Anonymous 1

Channah Hale

Len Hyman

Devorah Katz

Sheila Lebovitz

Ilyse Loven

David Markoff

Anonymous 2

Karen Miller

Ed Richard

Ira Schechtel

Sharon Silverstein

Steve and Cindy Marion Walker

Anonymous 3

  *Has provided Chabad with a Declaration of Intent. 

Click here for a Declaration of Intent and more information


Memorial Plaques & Tree of Life Plaques Available

Our beautiful Memorial Boards have been installed. We specifically designed our custom-built bookcases to ‘frame’ each of the boards. The first Memorial Board was dedicated by the Brunelle Family, the second Board was dedicated by the Alter Family, and the new Board has been dedicated by Miriam Reisman in memory of her husband, Harold.

We are currently offering Memorial Plaques to those who wish to perpetually honor the memory of a loved one in a most dignified and permanent manner. Those who dedicate Memorial Plaques will also receive yearly reminders of the Yarzeit in the newsletter and in the calendar and the light on the Board will be illuminated each year on the Yarzeit. The donation is only $500 per Memorial Board plaque.

We also have a gorgeous Tree of Life dedicated by the Lieberman Family that has been ‘growing. The purpose of the plaques on the Tree of Life is to commemorate joyous occasions (like Bar/Bat Mitzvah, anniversaries, special birthdays, weddings etc.). The donation is $180 for a leaf on the Tree of Life.

Those who wish to participate should send an email to   [email protected], or call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891.

We are excited to designate a section of our Tree of Life to our Legacy Circle. Watch the Tree and see article above. ​


Get Some Class

We have an ever-expanding menu of online learning opportunities for everyone. Below please find an overview of our current classes and a schedule of when you can join in on Facebook Live. If you miss the live class you can watch the recorded version, on Facebook.

Weekly Parsha Class - with Rabbi Sholom Eilfort in person and on Facebook Live Thursday nights at 7:15pm


JLI Course - this series of courses requires registration... 

 Coastal Gan - GROWING AGAIN!

We are looking for NEW STUDENTS and NEW STAFF

We are accepting infant and preschool age children (a new space just opened up).


If you know someone who recently graduated college and is looking for full or part time work in an enriching environment with qualified mentor teachers please refer them to US! 


Please Like the shul’s Facebook Page

For up to date pictures and announcements follow our Facebook Page and join our community Group.  

Coastal Chabads are here for YOU





Kosher Eateries Opening...

New Kosher Dairy location opening soon in University City!!


Hamitbach Info

Israeli street food 
5664 Mission Center Rd #402, San Diego, CA 92108


La Mesa PizzaWorks Info

Dine in and takeout
7406 University ave | La Mesa, CA 91942


DAILY JEWISH NEWS Available in Your Inbox for Free!

Sign up, as we have, for the daily Jewish news by subscribing to the Our dear friend and noted writer, Don Harrison, curates a refreshing variety of Jewish-interest stories. The daily emails are refreshing, as they come from a Jewish perspective. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Simply logon to the website and follow the prompts to subscribe.


Security Protocols

Everyone is Subject to Search

No Firearms (We have a well-defined security plan in effect and any unauthorized firearms could create confusion and actually reduce security).

Backpacks Prohibited

All Bags Subject to Search


Need a Minyan?

If you need a Minyan to say Kaddish please give the office at least a few days’ notice. We are happy to provide this important service, but it takes time to arrange enough participants to assure the quorum is present. Please email   [email protected] your request.


Shabbat Services with Meaning & Joy

Every Saturday we get together to celebrate the holy Shabbat in song and prayer. Our services are both traditional and user-friendly, as we fully recognize that not everyone has experience Davening (praying) in a traditional setting. What those who have joined have found is that the atmosphere in our synagogue is conducive to meaningful meditation. A knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to participate. In fact, the only thing that is needed is the desire to learn and to connect to the Almighty. It is an enriching experience not to be missed! Shabbat services begin at 10am and conclude at approximately 12:30pm and are followed by a wonderful community lunch. There is no cost to attend and reservations are not needed.



NOW is the time to join the family! Membership includes High Holiday seats and discounts on other programs and activities. However, the main reason to join is to demonstrate your commitment to the future of Judaism in our area and to our community.

If you have already filled out and returned your Membership form please accept this message as our sincere thank you!

We urge you to pick the level of Membership and the financial commitment you feel comfortable with, and to fill out the form that you will find by following this link: We thank all of our amazing donors!


Belonging to a Jewish Community is not only gratifying and fulfilling it is also extremely important, for within the community one finds a place to connect with G-d and one’s soul, a place of learning and spiritual enrichment, a great source of friends, a place to bestow one’s Jewish legacy upon his or her child/ren, and so much more. Check out to learn more. 

The beauty of OUR Jewish Community is that we offer so many different options that everyone is sure to find something enriching and meaningful. Below please find a partial list of some of our current offerings. If you have never come by before pick an item or two and try it out. If you have already tried an item or two find another one that sounds interesting and give it a whirl. “Connection” – that is the name of the game and that is precisely what you will find here! 

*Daily Minyan   *Shabbat Services   *Weekly Kiddush Luncheon   *Mysticism Classes   *Torah Portion Class   *Hebrew School   *Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training   *Mommy and Me   *Family Friday Night Services and Dinner   *Women’s Group   *Youth Activities   *Pastoral Counseling   *Holiday Programming   *Community Meals   *Hospital Visitation   *Weekly Email Updates   *Hospital Visitation   *Mezuzah Campaign   *Jewish Heritage Workshops   *Jewish Learning Institute Affiliate *Jewish Encinitas *Chabad of Carlsbad N *Coastal Gan Preschool *Ckids Hebrew School


Shul Etiquette

Those who join us regularly for Shabbat services will agree that we have something very special going. The family-friendly atmosphere is unique and most inviting. We welcome everyone as though he/she is a long time member of the family.

At the same time it is important to remember that we are a synagogue. Our sanctuary is meant to be a place where it is conducive to finding inner peace and tranquility. That is why the Rabbis have many laws concerning the decorum of a shul.

It is appropriate to dress modestly and to dress somewhat formally in shul. Men should wear button down shirts, slacks (no jeans or shorts), with jackets and even ties when possible. Of course the head is to be kept covered at all times. Women should wear skirts that go past the knees and blouses with high neck lines and sleeves that cover the elbows. Married women should wear hats and the like.

Children must be supervised at all times by the parents except during Junior Congregation (11:30am). While we want the children to have a great time together it is also important that they do not become so wild and/or boisterous that they disturb those of us who are participating in the services.

We must remember that we should walk to shul and never park in the parking lot if there already eight cars parked. Finally, and we fully realize this goes against Jewish DNA, it is appropriate to come to shul ON TIME. While we know everyone is vying to be counted as the 10th, we are equally sure Hashem will give extra credit to those who come ON TIME at 10am (not to be confused with 11:30). We look forward to seeing you here!


Cell Phones & Chatting During Services

Needless to say the sanctuary on Shabbat or holidays is a place that must be conducive to reflective prayers and serenity. To help keep it this way, please refrain from engaging in any conversations during services and please do not bring in your cell phone. Thank you for your cooperation.


Critical Maintenance Issue – Your Cooperation Needed

PLEASE NOTE: The ONLY thing that may be flushed is toilet paper – NO EXCEPTIONS. This means tissue, baby wipes, paper towels, or any other product may NEVER be flushed, but instead must be disposed of in the provided trash receptacles.

THANK YOU for your cooperation!


Public Service Announcement – Let’s Work TOGETHER to Maintain OUR Shul

We have a beautiful shul. Everyone agrees. It is not easy to maintain everything, but we work hard to keep things clean and in good working order. We need your help.

Our sanctuary is graced with gorgeous, custom made, stained glass windows. These windows MUST be kept in pristine condition. Please respect the windows by only looking and never touching them. G-d forbid, they can easily be scratched if we are not careful. Also, please do not put ANY objects (cups, books, tissues etc.) on the window sills as it detracts from the windows.

Our custom-built furniture from Israel is as precious as it looks. People have put down cups (full and empty) on the partitions and the shelves. This is inappropriate. Children cannot sit on or climb on the furnishings – other than sitting in the pews as they were designed to be used. No exceptions.

Please put away your own Talis and prayer books, and replace the book racks when done using them. Please throw away your own garbage.

If we can all work together we will keep our shul beautiful!

THANK YOU for your understanding and cooperation.


Omni La Costa Resort Welcomes Chabad at La Costa Guests

We are pleased that our world-famous neighbor, the Omni La Costa Resort, has extended a special program offering all sorts of perks to those who book using the Chabad code when booking.

More than 600 people use the Chabad code each year ! Many people have expressed gratitude at having such world-class facilities in such close and convenient proximity to our Shul, and the joy at being to stay at the Omni and walk to Chabad for Shabbat services.

For discount details, to make your reservation, or to share the information with a friend, visit and click through. And remember to leave a positive review.

And let them know YOU SAW IT HERE

► Marc Buksbaum is an experienced local transactional attorney and former certified public accountant. Marc has experience in a wide range of business matters, including corporate/venture formations, mergers and acquisitions, financing transactions, and supply chain transactions, and his colleagues also have extensive experience in complex real estate and estate planning matters. Marc is licensed to practice law in California and New York and is a Certified Public Accountant (on “inactive status”) licensed in New York. If you have any questions or need help with your legal matter please contact Marc  at: 
Marc Buksbaum
Attorney at Law 
2784 Gateway Road, Suite 104
Carlsbad, CA  92009 
T 760 438 2211
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►Rina Coleman is an Enrolled Agent with more than 20 years experience preparing taxes for all walks of life. Please contact her at [email protected] for a free 15 minute consultation.

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It's almost all the same, until you have a claim!

Marc Nimetz
Farmers Insurance                                                
15644 Pomerado Road, Suite 104                                  
Poway, CA 92064
License #0H35885
858-866-8147 (Office)
858-603-4961 (Cell)
858-815-6930 (Fax)

Jonathan Rozansky : Your Chabad Real Estate Agent & Mortgage Broker 
Whether you are Selling, Buying or Refinancing your home, do not proceed without calling Jonathan Rozansky, a licensed realtor and mortgage professional, first.  Jonathan will look out for your best interest and can answer all your real estate and financing questions.  Call for a free market analysis report today.

Jonathan Rozansky
Direct   (619) 392-1234
[email protected]
DRE. # 01754457
NMLS ID : 315987

 Ron Lewis Insurance Services
[email protected]
760-525-5769 - Cell
866-718-1600 - Toll-free

Specializing in Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance! 

• As an independent agent, I work with ALL the major insurance carriers.

• Let me do the shopping for you!

• I will save you money on your insurance premiums.

• Call me for a free, no-obligation quote.

• References available upon request.


 Neal Sperling Business Development

Highly talented, highly experienced business development/marketing consultant to wide range of businesses and non-profits can help you to find innovative new ways to raise money, launch, brand, market, sell, merchandise, and promote your products, services, and organization. Has written and improved wide variety of business plans, marketing plans, obtained major grants/new funding for a wide variety of ventures. Has unique ability to study most any business, quickly and creatively identify new sources of potential revenue, reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and drive more sales in the quickest time frames. Recognized expert on how to drive new sales via the internet. Acclaimed speaker to Southern California business groups, and particularly known for being a great “connector” with ability to introduce you to a wide variety of hard-to-reach decision-makers in various fields. Strong background in consumer products, medical products, high tech, "clean tech," "green" products, non-profits, much more. Call for details: cell: 818-219-9585.


Dream Home Cinema

*Family Room Surround
*Wholesale House Audio
*Home Automation

Joseph Markowitz:
[email protected]

Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoos

I am a small Jewish farmer running my business in La Costa  called Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoo. I arrive with my animals at little children's birthday parties, senior homes,  graduation parties, and resorts in the area, to share my love of animals. I also do animal therapy with children and adults. Fantastic!! Call me to make an appointment or set up a birthday party.

Pam Glickman 760-535-5293

Healthy Haven Live Radio Show with Anna Mintz

Window Paintings and Murals by Eileen Tilt-Lavy contact info available

Cost Effective Advertising Available HERE

Hundreds of people see Chabad at La Costa's Weekly Email Update. Those who are looking to effectively promote their business and at the same time support this important community resource are invited to become sponsors for only $50 per month (that's per MONTH, not per week). Call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891 to get your message out there.

Volume 25 Number 49| 19 Av, 5784 | August 23, '24


Chabad Weekly Update

Volume 25 Number 49| 19 Av, 5784 | August 23, '24
Message from the Rabbi

This Shabbat is the 80th yahrtzeit of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak Schneerson, father of the Lubavitcher Rebbe, Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory. One of the preeminent talmudic and kabbalistic scholars of his time, Rabbi Levi Yitzchak served with unwavering dedication as the chief rabbi of Dnipropetrovsk, Ukraine, amidst the tumultuous era of the Bolshevik revolution and the oppressive grip of Communism. Despite the relentless persecution that sought to extinguish the flame of Jewish faith and practice, he stood resilient, fortifying Jewish learning and observance not only in his city but throughout the Soviet Union.

Tragically, his steadfast commitment led to his arrest, torture, and exile to a desolate village in Kazakhstan. Yet even as his physical strength waned, his indomitable spirit remained unbroken, shining as a testament to his faith until his untimely passing.

The seeds of his selfless endeavors were tenderly cultivated by his son and disciple, the Rebbe. Operating discreetly from afar, the Rebbe championed the cause of the Jews behind the Iron Curtain. The resurgence of Jewish life in the former Soviet Union stands as a powerful testament to Rabbi Levi Yitzchak’s unwavering dedication and the Rebbe’s tireless efforts.

But the impact of Rabbi Levi Yitzchak’s life and legacy extends far beyond Soviet Jewry. His example teaches us that Judaism can endure and thrive even under the harshest conditions. His life reminds us to hold steadfast to our faith, to stand proud in our Jewish identity, and to persevere in the face of adversity.

His teachings and way of life continue to inspire and guide us, illuminating the path forward for generations to come. May we draw strength from his legacy as we strive to uphold and spread the values he so cherished.

Shabbat shalom,

Candle Lighting Times
Carlsbad and Encinitas

Shabbat Candlelighting Time: @ 7:06pm
Shabbat Ends: @ 8:01pm

Come pick up a Shabbat Candle lighting kit with the prayers and instructions.



NO Friday Night Service & YES Shabbos Morning Services & YES Soup and Challah

Scheduled Services This Week

Shabbos / Saturday @ 10am. Kiddush Luncheon to Follow


BBQ Bounty THIS Week

Join us for our ‘world famous’ BBQ Bounty THIS Sunday from 5pm – 8pm. It’s an all-you-can-eat buffet of all of your barbecue favorites.

The menu includes:



Wings (spicy & bbq)

Corn on the Cob


Garden Salad




Prepaid Reservations should be made here:


Rosh Chodesh Women's Circle Coming Sept 3

Chaya sent a WhatsApp survey asking if 6:30 or 7:30 is a better start time. Let me know if you are not in the WhatsApp group and want to be. 

Elul is a month of renewal. Come celebrate the new moon and your feminine forces. RSVP 786-543-8772


N’shei Chabad Women’s Event Coming HERE

There are FOUR Nshei (Women of) Chabad events every year hosted around the county. This year, WE at Chabad at La Costa and Chabad Encinitas will be hosting the first one. We need YOU. Watch for emails abuot the event...

SAVE THE DATE September 18 at 7:30.

We will be finished by 9:00.



Dear Congregant,

Greetings and Blessings:

Our Shul needs your help.  Boruch Hashem, our community continues to grow and to add programs and services.  While Shabbos kiddush, some special programs, and charitable activities are funded by directed sponsorships and donations, the cost of operating the Shul is enormous and has grown significantly over the past few years.  These operational costs include building payments, security, building maintenance, utilities, insurance, Hebrew School & other children’s programs, as well as staff salaries.  Fortunately, due to volunteer services including legal, accounting and general Shul management, operating costs are kept to a minimum.  Even so the operating budget is substantial.

Funds collected for membership and Yom Tov donations provide the majority of the money required to cover shul operating costs.  We are therefore asking that everyone who makes use of the shul, or who supports what we do here, become a paying member of the shul.  Whether the shul is your Shabbos shul or your weekday destination; whether you take advantage of classes or special programs, or value the Jewish experience we bring to the children, membership dues and Yom Tov donations are the most important contributions that you can make to keep the shul running.

The Shul needs your participation and contributions to survive and there is no special merit for waiting until later to participate. NOW IS THE TIME.  While all contributions are appreciated, our full paying membership schedule is as follows:

  • Family Membership (Including Yom Tov Seats) - $1800 ($150 monthly)
  • Single Membership (Including Yom Tov Seats) - $900 ($75 monthly)
  • Associate Membership - $600 ($50 monthly)

We encourage you to submit your payments to the shul securely online by credit card or check at  To ease the payment burden, you can easily set up a recurring monthly payment.  We thank the members that have committed to paying $150 per month or more. We hope more of you will consider a monthly contribution exceeding the regular membership.  Of course, full membership payment in advance is also welcome. If you are paying by check, please make sure that it is clearly identified as membership.  Checks should be made payable to Chabad at La Costa, and mailed to 1980 La Costa Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92009.

THANK YOU and G-d bless you for your support! We can’t do it without you.



We are proud to announce that our Hebrew School Open House was an overwhelming success with several new families signing up for our exciting program!

We will be bringing out two teachers FROM ISRAEL – so that our Hebrew School students will have a Hebrew Immersion experience. Ayala and Naama are wonderful young women excited to be joining our team. They will be adding tremendous positive energy to our community while they are with us for the next school year!

We are looking forward to beginning our new school year soon! All inquiries should be directed to Rebbetzin Chaya at [email protected].



Security Guard Sponsor Sought – Can You Help?

We have a wonderful security guard who keeps a watch over us while we are in services. The cost is $250 per week. We are looking for a sponsor this week and future weeks. If you are able to help please donate securely by following this link: Thank you!


How to Make a Donation (or Payment)

We would be nowhere without the generous support of our community. Please know that your support is profoundly appreciated!

There are many ways to donate besides checks and cash. Following, please find a list of the various other ‘platforms’ that are available for secure donations that go directly and entirely into the synagogue account (even though they say Nechama's name).

1. PayPal  [email protected]  or

2. Venmo @Nechama-Eilfort

3. Cashapp $nechamae

4. Zelle (Bank of America)   [email protected]

5. Personal credit card

6. Join our Legacy Circle - see below


Kiddush Sponsor

This week’s Kiddush is being sponsored by the Boiskin family in memory of Wilfred Joss. It is being cosponsored by the Eilfort family in honor of Suzanne Haray, a dear family friend who is visiting.       

Each Shabbos after services, our beautiful community enjoys Shabbos lunch together. It is a true celebration where we bask in each other’s company while savoring delicious food.


We are always seeking additional sponsors, so if you can sponsor a Kiddush, please let us know.

An Important Note about Kiddushes –

The policy of the shul is to allow multiple sponsors for every Kiddush unless it is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or something similar (like a 50th wedding anniversary etc.).

There is no such thing as an exclusive Kiddush sponsor.

This is our policy for numerous reasons, not least of which is the fact that Kiddush sponsorships help generate much-needed income for our community and encourages more people to participate.

We thank you for your support and understanding!

Soup & Challah Sponsors

Soup and Challah is being sponsored by Clive Walden & the estate of Channah Hale. A big Yasher Koach to our volunteer new deliverers.

Challah is delivered to Mental Health Residential Centers in the area, people undergoing chemotherapy, and people who really love the addition to their Shabbos experience. 

Deliver and get a bag of challah for your family as well!

Rabbi's Thoughts and Haftarah Overview

Haftarah for Parshas Eikev (2nd Haftorah for the Seven Weeks of Consolation)

Isaiah 49:14 - 51:3

This week's haftorah is the second of a series of seven "haftorot of Consolation." These seven haftarot commence on the Shabbat following Tisha b'Av and continue until Rosh Hashanah.

The exiled Jewish people express their concern that G‑d has abandoned them.  G‑d reassures them that it is not so, comparing His love and mercy for His people to that of a mother for her children, and even greater than that, too.

The prophet Isaiah then touchingly describes the ingathering of the exiles which will occur with the Messiah's arrival and returning to the initial subject matter of this  haftorah, that of the Jewish people's complaint of being abandoned by G‑d, he reminds them of their rebellious behavior that brought about the exile and suffering. He concludes with encouraging words, reminding us of what had happened to our ancestors, Abraham and Sarah. Just as they were blessed with a child when they had all but given up hope, so too, G‑d will send us the Messiah.

Condolences | Birthdays | Anniversaries | Yarzeits


Remember to add your Birthday, Anniversary, or Yarzeits to the calendar!

SPECIAL WELCOME TO Jocelyn Odenheimer, Miriam Reisman’s daughter, and Suzanne Haray, a close friend of the Eilfort family.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Aliyah Fenton, Lily Rodal, Sheila Gross, and all of those celebrating their birthdays this week!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wishes go out to Jocelyn and Dan Odenheimer, and all of those celebrating anniversaries this week!

WE REMEMBER all of those whose Yarzeit is observed this week.

May Mike Schwartz, Doreen Prager, Rachel Perez, Clive Walden, Sheila Lebovitz, Adam Lemberger, Sandy Radom, Rachel bas Shoshana, Roz Mintz, Sandra Sapol, Penny Chapman and Greg Leon be blessed with a speedy and complete recovery!


Upcoming Kiddush Sponsors: 

August 24: Mark & Nikki Boiskin in Memory of her father, Wilfred Joss




Sponsoring a Kiddush is a great way to feel part of the Chabad at La Costa family!
(You can co-sponsor a Kiddush)

Giving & Helping Opportunities

New Mitzvah Opportunity

Bikur Cholim of SD Volunteers Needed!

There are a number of patients at UCSD La Jolla that have come from Israel to receive transplants here. They need our help!

Bikur Cholim of S Diego is a community organization helping the sick with care packages, visitation, driving spouses to and from the hospital, etc.

If you are able to give a few hours of your time, it will make another person's day that much better!

To get involved, sign up at



Our Soup and Challah Project has been going on its FOURTH year! It was sponsored by Channah Hale and now carried on in her memory.

We are at the point that we need NEW volunteers to drive and deliver food packages around the area.

Please consider making this a part of your Friday routine. Volunteers pick up a few containers of soup and bags of challah at 3:00pm and delivering them to the door of the recipients. Volunteers also get soup and challah!

Enhanced Security

Our number one priority is to ensure the safety and security of our shul family. We have a robust security system in place. We have gone to the added expense of hiring a uniformed, armed guard, who is with us, watching over us, in addition to our internal security team. 

The added layer of security is expensive. Please help us by donating to the security of our shul community by following this link: The cost is approximately $300 per week. All donations are tax-deductible.


The Foundation Project  - City Approved Plan

We are raising funds that will be used towards completing our basement. This project will include a TEEN LOUNGE, CLASSROOMS, a LIBRARY, OFFICES, STORAGE SPACE, BATHROOMS, and more. Call Rabbi to inquire about available dedications. The money we raise also goes towards scholarships for Hebrew School students, our Challah and Chicken Soup program, and all of our ongoing expenses.

Create Your Jewish Legacy Plan for the Future - Now

We have been blessed with life! Yet, we know that no one lives forever. This begs the question, “What will your legacy be?” Most of us have children, and they certainly should figure prominently into our plans. But our children are only a part of what we leave behind. Just as we endeavor to give Tzedakah generously, so as to selflessly make the world a better place while we are alive, so too we need to make sure that we leave a percentage of our estates for the benefit of others. Judaism tells us that it is incumbent upon us to leave the world better than when we found it. We do this by giving Tzedakah.

We can help.

Chabad has partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation in the creation of our Legacy Circle "Generation to Generation - Ensuring a Jewish Tomorrow, Today".  Many people do not prepare appropriately for the inevitable. They do not leave a will, or even if they do it is not consistent with Jewish Law. If one wants his body to be handled with the respect and care mandated by Jewish Law or if one wants the funeral service conducted according to Jewish Law, it must be arranged in advance. Don’t leave these critical details to luck!

Contact Rabbi Eilfort for a private appointment so these important matters can be handled how you want.

Send a personal email to [email protected] to schedule an appointment today.  

We honor our Legacy Circle Members*:

Joel Barnett

Angela Chapman

Beverly Galperin

Anonymous 1

Channah Hale

Len Hyman

Devorah Katz

Sheila Lebovitz

Ilyse Loven

David Markoff

Anonymous 2

Karen Miller

Ed Richard

Ira Schechtel

Sharon Silverstein

Steve and Cindy Marion Walker

Anonymous 3

  *Has provided Chabad with a Declaration of Intent. 

Click here for a Declaration of Intent and more information


Memorial Plaques & Tree of Life Plaques Available

Our beautiful Memorial Boards have been installed. We specifically designed our custom-built bookcases to ‘frame’ each of the boards. The first Memorial Board was dedicated by the Brunelle Family, the second Board was dedicated by the Alter Family, and the new Board has been dedicated by Miriam Reisman in memory of her husband, Harold.

We are currently offering Memorial Plaques to those who wish to perpetually honor the memory of a loved one in a most dignified and permanent manner. Those who dedicate Memorial Plaques will also receive yearly reminders of the Yarzeit in the newsletter and in the calendar and the light on the Board will be illuminated each year on the Yarzeit. The donation is only $500 per Memorial Board plaque.

We also have a gorgeous Tree of Life dedicated by the Lieberman Family that has been ‘growing. The purpose of the plaques on the Tree of Life is to commemorate joyous occasions (like Bar/Bat Mitzvah, anniversaries, special birthdays, weddings etc.). The donation is $180 for a leaf on the Tree of Life.

Those who wish to participate should send an email to   [email protected], or call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891.

We are excited to designate a section of our Tree of Life to our Legacy Circle. Watch the Tree and see article above. ​


Get Some Class

We have an ever-expanding menu of online learning opportunities for everyone. Below please find an overview of our current classes and a schedule of when you can join in on Facebook Live. If you miss the live class you can watch the recorded version, on Facebook.

Weekly Parsha Class - with Rabbi Sholom Eilfort in person and on Facebook Live Thursday nights at 7:15pm


JLI Course - this series of courses requires registration... 

 Coastal Gan - GROWING AGAIN!

We are looking for NEW STUDENTS and NEW STAFF

We are accepting infant and preschool age children (a new space just opened up).


If you know someone who recently graduated college and is looking for full or part time work in an enriching environment with qualified mentor teachers please refer them to US! 


Please Like the shul’s Facebook Page

For up to date pictures and announcements follow our Facebook Page and join our community Group.  

Coastal Chabads are here for YOU





Kosher Eateries Opening...

New Kosher Dairy location opening soon in University City!!


Hamitbach Info

Israeli street food 
5664 Mission Center Rd #402, San Diego, CA 92108


La Mesa PizzaWorks Info

Dine in and takeout
7406 University ave | La Mesa, CA 91942


DAILY JEWISH NEWS Available in Your Inbox for Free!

Sign up, as we have, for the daily Jewish news by subscribing to the Our dear friend and noted writer, Don Harrison, curates a refreshing variety of Jewish-interest stories. The daily emails are refreshing, as they come from a Jewish perspective. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Simply logon to the website and follow the prompts to subscribe.


Security Protocols

Everyone is Subject to Search

No Firearms (We have a well-defined security plan in effect and any unauthorized firearms could create confusion and actually reduce security).

Backpacks Prohibited

All Bags Subject to Search


Need a Minyan?

If you need a Minyan to say Kaddish please give the office at least a few days’ notice. We are happy to provide this important service, but it takes time to arrange enough participants to assure the quorum is present. Please email   [email protected] your request.


Shabbat Services with Meaning & Joy

Every Saturday we get together to celebrate the holy Shabbat in song and prayer. Our services are both traditional and user-friendly, as we fully recognize that not everyone has experience Davening (praying) in a traditional setting. What those who have joined have found is that the atmosphere in our synagogue is conducive to meaningful meditation. A knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to participate. In fact, the only thing that is needed is the desire to learn and to connect to the Almighty. It is an enriching experience not to be missed! Shabbat services begin at 10am and conclude at approximately 12:30pm and are followed by a wonderful community lunch. There is no cost to attend and reservations are not needed.



NOW is the time to join the family! Membership includes High Holiday seats and discounts on other programs and activities. However, the main reason to join is to demonstrate your commitment to the future of Judaism in our area and to our community.

If you have already filled out and returned your Membership form please accept this message as our sincere thank you!

We urge you to pick the level of Membership and the financial commitment you feel comfortable with, and to fill out the form that you will find by following this link: We thank all of our amazing donors!


Belonging to a Jewish Community is not only gratifying and fulfilling it is also extremely important, for within the community one finds a place to connect with G-d and one’s soul, a place of learning and spiritual enrichment, a great source of friends, a place to bestow one’s Jewish legacy upon his or her child/ren, and so much more. Check out to learn more. 

The beauty of OUR Jewish Community is that we offer so many different options that everyone is sure to find something enriching and meaningful. Below please find a partial list of some of our current offerings. If you have never come by before pick an item or two and try it out. If you have already tried an item or two find another one that sounds interesting and give it a whirl. “Connection” – that is the name of the game and that is precisely what you will find here! 

*Daily Minyan   *Shabbat Services   *Weekly Kiddush Luncheon   *Mysticism Classes   *Torah Portion Class   *Hebrew School   *Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training   *Mommy and Me   *Family Friday Night Services and Dinner   *Women’s Group   *Youth Activities   *Pastoral Counseling   *Holiday Programming   *Community Meals   *Hospital Visitation   *Weekly Email Updates   *Hospital Visitation   *Mezuzah Campaign   *Jewish Heritage Workshops   *Jewish Learning Institute Affiliate *Jewish Encinitas *Chabad of Carlsbad N *Coastal Gan Preschool *Ckids Hebrew School


Shul Etiquette

Those who join us regularly for Shabbat services will agree that we have something very special going. The family-friendly atmosphere is unique and most inviting. We welcome everyone as though he/she is a long time member of the family.

At the same time it is important to remember that we are a synagogue. Our sanctuary is meant to be a place where it is conducive to finding inner peace and tranquility. That is why the Rabbis have many laws concerning the decorum of a shul.

It is appropriate to dress modestly and to dress somewhat formally in shul. Men should wear button down shirts, slacks (no jeans or shorts), with jackets and even ties when possible. Of course the head is to be kept covered at all times. Women should wear skirts that go past the knees and blouses with high neck lines and sleeves that cover the elbows. Married women should wear hats and the like.

Children must be supervised at all times by the parents except during Junior Congregation (11:30am). While we want the children to have a great time together it is also important that they do not become so wild and/or boisterous that they disturb those of us who are participating in the services.

We must remember that we should walk to shul and never park in the parking lot if there already eight cars parked. Finally, and we fully realize this goes against Jewish DNA, it is appropriate to come to shul ON TIME. While we know everyone is vying to be counted as the 10th, we are equally sure Hashem will give extra credit to those who come ON TIME at 10am (not to be confused with 11:30). We look forward to seeing you here!


Cell Phones & Chatting During Services

Needless to say the sanctuary on Shabbat or holidays is a place that must be conducive to reflective prayers and serenity. To help keep it this way, please refrain from engaging in any conversations during services and please do not bring in your cell phone. Thank you for your cooperation.


Critical Maintenance Issue – Your Cooperation Needed

PLEASE NOTE: The ONLY thing that may be flushed is toilet paper – NO EXCEPTIONS. This means tissue, baby wipes, paper towels, or any other product may NEVER be flushed, but instead must be disposed of in the provided trash receptacles.

THANK YOU for your cooperation!


Public Service Announcement – Let’s Work TOGETHER to Maintain OUR Shul

We have a beautiful shul. Everyone agrees. It is not easy to maintain everything, but we work hard to keep things clean and in good working order. We need your help.

Our sanctuary is graced with gorgeous, custom made, stained glass windows. These windows MUST be kept in pristine condition. Please respect the windows by only looking and never touching them. G-d forbid, they can easily be scratched if we are not careful. Also, please do not put ANY objects (cups, books, tissues etc.) on the window sills as it detracts from the windows.

Our custom-built furniture from Israel is as precious as it looks. People have put down cups (full and empty) on the partitions and the shelves. This is inappropriate. Children cannot sit on or climb on the furnishings – other than sitting in the pews as they were designed to be used. No exceptions.

Please put away your own Talis and prayer books, and replace the book racks when done using them. Please throw away your own garbage.

If we can all work together we will keep our shul beautiful!

THANK YOU for your understanding and cooperation.


Omni La Costa Resort Welcomes Chabad at La Costa Guests

We are pleased that our world-famous neighbor, the Omni La Costa Resort, has extended a special program offering all sorts of perks to those who book using the Chabad code when booking.

More than 600 people use the Chabad code each year ! Many people have expressed gratitude at having such world-class facilities in such close and convenient proximity to our Shul, and the joy at being to stay at the Omni and walk to Chabad for Shabbat services.

For discount details, to make your reservation, or to share the information with a friend, visit and click through. And remember to leave a positive review.

And let them know YOU SAW IT HERE

► Marc Buksbaum is an experienced local transactional attorney and former certified public accountant. Marc has experience in a wide range of business matters, including corporate/venture formations, mergers and acquisitions, financing transactions, and supply chain transactions, and his colleagues also have extensive experience in complex real estate and estate planning matters. Marc is licensed to practice law in California and New York and is a Certified Public Accountant (on “inactive status”) licensed in New York. If you have any questions or need help with your legal matter please contact Marc  at: 
Marc Buksbaum
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2784 Gateway Road, Suite 104
Carlsbad, CA  92009 
T 760 438 2211
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►Rina Coleman is an Enrolled Agent with more than 20 years experience preparing taxes for all walks of life. Please contact her at [email protected] for a free 15 minute consultation.

►Marc Nimetz Farmers Insurance

It's almost all the same, until you have a claim!

Marc Nimetz
Farmers Insurance                                                
15644 Pomerado Road, Suite 104                                  
Poway, CA 92064
License #0H35885
858-866-8147 (Office)
858-603-4961 (Cell)
858-815-6930 (Fax)

Jonathan Rozansky : Your Chabad Real Estate Agent & Mortgage Broker 
Whether you are Selling, Buying or Refinancing your home, do not proceed without calling Jonathan Rozansky, a licensed realtor and mortgage professional, first.  Jonathan will look out for your best interest and can answer all your real estate and financing questions.  Call for a free market analysis report today.

Jonathan Rozansky
Direct   (619) 392-1234
[email protected]
DRE. # 01754457
NMLS ID : 315987

 Ron Lewis Insurance Services
[email protected]
760-525-5769 - Cell
866-718-1600 - Toll-free

Specializing in Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance! 

• As an independent agent, I work with ALL the major insurance carriers.

• Let me do the shopping for you!

• I will save you money on your insurance premiums.

• Call me for a free, no-obligation quote.

• References available upon request.


 Neal Sperling Business Development

Highly talented, highly experienced business development/marketing consultant to wide range of businesses and non-profits can help you to find innovative new ways to raise money, launch, brand, market, sell, merchandise, and promote your products, services, and organization. Has written and improved wide variety of business plans, marketing plans, obtained major grants/new funding for a wide variety of ventures. Has unique ability to study most any business, quickly and creatively identify new sources of potential revenue, reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and drive more sales in the quickest time frames. Recognized expert on how to drive new sales via the internet. Acclaimed speaker to Southern California business groups, and particularly known for being a great “connector” with ability to introduce you to a wide variety of hard-to-reach decision-makers in various fields. Strong background in consumer products, medical products, high tech, "clean tech," "green" products, non-profits, much more. Call for details: cell: 818-219-9585.


Dream Home Cinema

*Family Room Surround
*Wholesale House Audio
*Home Automation

Joseph Markowitz:
[email protected]

Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoos

I am a small Jewish farmer running my business in La Costa  called Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoo. I arrive with my animals at little children's birthday parties, senior homes,  graduation parties, and resorts in the area, to share my love of animals. I also do animal therapy with children and adults. Fantastic!! Call me to make an appointment or set up a birthday party.

Pam Glickman 760-535-5293

Healthy Haven Live Radio Show with Anna Mintz

Window Paintings and Murals by Eileen Tilt-Lavy contact info available

Cost Effective Advertising Available HERE

Hundreds of people see Chabad at La Costa's Weekly Email Update. Those who are looking to effectively promote their business and at the same time support this important community resource are invited to become sponsors for only $50 per month (that's per MONTH, not per week). Call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891 to get your message out there.

Volume 25 Number 48| 12 Av, 5784 | August 16, '24


Chabad Weekly Update

Volume 25 Number 48| 12 Av, 5784 | August 16, '24
Message from the Rabbi

The Shema prayer, which makes its first appearance in this week’s Torah portion, has been on the lips of the Jewish people throughout history. As the declaration of our faith in the One G-d, no matter where a Jew finds him or herself, and no matter if they live an outwardly Torah-observant life, deep down every Jew’s soul is always connected to G-d.

So in all situations, in moments of good fortune and less so, the Jewish soul continues to cry out: “Hear, O Israel: The L-rd is our G-d; the L-rd is one.”

The word “one” used in this declaration is spelled with three Hebrew letters: Alef, Chet, Daled. Using the letters’ numerical value, Alef is one, representing the One G-d; Chet is eight, representing the seven supernal heavens and earth; and Daled is four, representing the four directions of the universe.

The message is that the entire universe is all an extension of G-d’s being. Nothing in the world can separate the Jew from our Father in Heaven, and no matter where we are, we know that this is the one thing we have in common with every single other Jew. We are all bound together through the One G-d.

May we merit to see the ultimate revelation of G-d’s unity, with the coming of Moshiach, in our times!

Shabbat shalom,

Candle Lighting Times
Carlsbad and Encinitas

Shabbat Candlelighting Time: @ 7:15pm
Shabbat Ends: @ 8:10pm

Come pick up a Shabbat Candle lighting kit with the prayers and instructions.



YES Friday Night Service & YES Shabbos Morning Services & YES Soup and Challah

Scheduled Services This Week

Friday @ 7pm. Kabbalat Shabbat

Shabbos / Saturday @ 10am. Kiddush Luncheon to Follow



A Minyan is needed tonight so Kaddish can be recited. The service will take between 45 minutes and an hour. If you can help with this tremendous Mitzvah please respond to this message ASAP. G-d bless!


BBQ Bounty THIS Week

Join us for our ‘world famous’ BBQ Bounty THIS Sunday from 5pm – 8pm. It’s an all-you-can-eat buffet of all of your barbecue favorites.

The menu includes:



Wings (spicy & bbq)

Corn on the Cob


Garden Salad




Prepaid Reservations should be made here:


Presentation About Israel @ Chabad of University City SUNDAY Night

Special program this Sunday August 18 at 8 pm at Chabad of UC:

Remembering our Hostages In Gaza

Special Prayers will be recited and a talk given by an Israeli couple who were in Israel then and narrowly missed being in those places. They then worked with the victims and helped them with their needs and with their trauma. Please come and let us support the hostages and their families.


Kiddie Camp in Full Swing



Dear Congregant,

Greetings and Blessings:

Our Shul needs your help.  Boruch Hashem, our community continues to grow and to add programs and services.  While Shabbos kiddush, some special programs, and charitable activities are funded by directed sponsorships and donations, the cost of operating the Shul is enormous and has grown significantly over the past few years.  These operational costs include building payments, security, building maintenance, utilities, insurance, Hebrew School & other children’s programs, as well as staff salaries.  Fortunately, due to volunteer services including legal, accounting and general Shul management, operating costs are kept to a minimum.  Even so the operating budget is substantial.

Funds collected for membership and Yom Tov donations provide the majority of the money required to cover shul operating costs.  We are therefore asking that everyone who makes use of the shul, or who supports what we do here, become a paying member of the shul.  Whether the shul is your Shabbos shul or your weekday destination; whether you take advantage of classes or special programs, or value the Jewish experience we bring to the children, membership dues and Yom Tov donations are the most important contributions that you can make to keep the shul running.

The Shul needs your participation and contributions to survive and there is no special merit for waiting until later to participate. NOW IS THE TIME.  While all contributions are appreciated, our full paying membership schedule is as follows:

  • Family Membership (Including Yom Tov Seats) - $1800 ($150 monthly)
  • Single Membership (Including Yom Tov Seats) - $900 ($75 monthly)
  • Associate Membership - $600 ($50 monthly)

We encourage you to submit your payments to the shul securely online by credit card or check at  To ease the payment burden, you can easily set up a recurring monthly payment.  We thank the members that have committed to paying $150 per month or more. We hope more of you will consider a monthly contribution exceeding the regular membership.  Of course, full membership payment in advance is also welcome. If you are paying by check, please make sure that it is clearly identified as membership.  Checks should be made payable to Chabad at La Costa, and mailed to 1980 La Costa Ave., Carlsbad, CA 92009.

THANK YOU and G-d bless you for your support! We can’t do it without you.



We are proud to announce that our Hebrew School Open House was an overwhelming success with several new families signing up for our exciting program!

We will be bringing out two teachers FROM ISRAEL – so that our Hebrew School students will have a Hebrew Immersion experience. Ayala and Naama are wonderful young women excited to be joining our team. They will be adding tremendous positive energy to our community while they are with us for the next school year!

We are looking forward to beginning our new school year soon! All inquiries should be directed to Rebbetzin Chaya at [email protected].





Our beautiful Jewish art calendar featuring an updated design will soon be printed and mailed to homes and business in our area, free of charge. We need your help to make this happen!

At this time of year I'm turning to you with a request to support our calendar campaign with a sponsorship:

$54.00 dedication or an amount of your choice. In recognition of your kind contribution and mitzvah for the New Year, your name will be included on the sponsor dedication page of our calendar.
In addition, we're offering the option to include the important dates of your family calendar - birthdays, anniversaries and yarzeits. Each will appear on the actual date of occurrence in our calendar for a donation of $18.00 per date or bundle for more value.
And of course, our Business Card Directory, if you have a business to advertise, please consider the various levels of business advertising from Banner to Executive Card ad to Business Card Directory ad.

I hope I can count on your participation this year and I look forward to receiving your positive response. Please take 30 seconds and click here to add an address to receive the Jewish Art Calendar in the mail, submit your dates, or make a donation or call Nechama (760-612-9787) or Sheila (858-610-0414).


Security Guard Sponsor Sought – Can You Help?

We have a wonderful security guard who keeps a watch over us while we are in services. The cost is $250 per week. We are looking for a sponsor this week and future weeks. If you are able to help please donate securely by following this link: Thank you!


How to Make a Donation (or Payment)

We would be nowhere without the generous support of our community. Please know that your support is profoundly appreciated!

There are many ways to donate besides checks and cash. Following, please find a list of the various other ‘platforms’ that are available for secure donations that go directly and entirely into the synagogue account (even though they say Nechama's name).

1. PayPal  [email protected]  or

2. Venmo @Nechama-Eilfort

3. Cashapp $nechamae

4. Zelle (Bank of America)   [email protected]

5. Personal credit card

6. Join our Legacy Circle - see below


Kiddush Sponsor

Friday Night Services are being sposnored by Dennis &Tamara Kanygin in honor of their son Ben's 3rd Yarzeit.

This week’s Kiddush is being sponsored by Naomi Judith in honor of family Yarzeits. It is being cosponsored by Jordan and Carrie Kroop in honor of Jordan’s birthday and our community.        

Each Shabbos after services, our beautiful community enjoys Shabbos lunch together. It is a true celebration where we bask in each other’s company while savoring delicious food.


We are always seeking additional sponsors, so if you can sponsor a Kiddush, please let us know.

An Important Note about Kiddushes –

The policy of the shul is to allow multiple sponsors for every Kiddush unless it is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or something similar (like a 50th wedding anniversary etc.).

There is no such thing as an exclusive Kiddush sponsor.

This is our policy for numerous reasons, not least of which is the fact that Kiddush sponsorships help generate much-needed income for our community and encourages more people to participate.

We thank you for your support and understanding!

Soup & Challah Sponsors

Soup and Challah is being sponsored by Clive Walden & the estate of Channah Hale. A big Yasher Koach to our volunteer new deliverers.

Challah is delivered to Mental Health Residential Centers in the area, people undergoing chemotherapy, and people who really love the addition to their Shabbos experience. 

Deliver and get a bag of challah for your family as well!

Rabbi's Thoughts and Haftarah Overview

Haftarah for Parshas Va’Es’Chanan (1st Haftorah for the Seven Weeks of Consolation)

Isaiah 40:1–26

This week’s haftorah is the first of a series of seven “haftarot of Consolation.” These seven haftarot commence on the Shabbat following Tisha B’Av and continue until Rosh Hashanah.

This section of Isaiah begins with G‑d’s exhortation to the prophets: “Console, O console My people . . . Announce to Jerusalem that her period of exile has been fulfilled and that her sins have been forgiven.”

Isaiah’s prophecy describes some of the miraculous events that will unfold with the onset of the messianic era, such as the return of the exiles to  Jerusalem, the revelation of  G‑d’s glory, and the rewards and retribution that will then be meted out.

The prophet then goes on to comfort the people, describing G‑d’s power and might, and reassuring them of His care for His people.

Condolences | Birthdays | Anniversaries | Yarzeits


Remember to add your Birthday, Anniversary, or Yarzeits to the calendar!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Francheska Gelbart, Michael Spinner, Ellie Chapman, Yvette Gonzalez, and all of those celebrating their birthdays this week!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wishes go out to all of those celebrating anniversaries this week!

WE REMEMBER Simon Perez, Rica Hazan, Bernard Turtle, Ben Kanygin, and  all of those whose Yarzeit is observed this week.

May Mike Schwartz, Doreen Prager, Rachel Perez, Clive Walden, Sheila Lebovitz, Adam Lemberger, Sandy Radom, Rachel bas Shoshana, Roz Mintz, Sandra Sapol, Penny Chapman and Greg Leon be blessed with a speedy and complete recovery!


Upcoming Kiddush Sponsors: 

August 17: Naomi Judith
                 Jordan & Carrie Kroop

August 24: Mark & Nikki Boiskin in Memory of her father, Wilfred Joss



Sponsoring a Kiddush is a great way to feel part of the Chabad at La Costa family!
(You can co-sponsor a Kiddush)

Giving & Helping Opportunities

New Mitzvah Opportunity

Bikur Cholim of SD Volunteers Needed!

There are a number of patients at UCSD La Jolla that have come from Israel to receive transplants here. They need our help!

Bikur Cholim of S Diego is a community organization helping the sick with care packages, visitation, driving spouses to and from the hospital, etc.

If you are able to give a few hours of your time, it will make another person's day that much better!

To get involved, sign up at



Our Soup and Challah Project has been going on its FOURTH year! It was sponsored by Channah Hale and now carried on in her memory.

We are at the point that we need NEW volunteers to drive and deliver food packages around the area.

Please consider making this a part of your Friday routine. Volunteers pick up a few containers of soup and bags of challah at 3:00pm and delivering them to the door of the recipients. Volunteers also get soup and challah!

Enhanced Security

Our number one priority is to ensure the safety and security of our shul family. We have a robust security system in place. We have gone to the added expense of hiring a uniformed, armed guard, who is with us, watching over us, in addition to our internal security team. 

The added layer of security is expensive. Please help us by donating to the security of our shul community by following this link: The cost is approximately $300 per week. All donations are tax-deductible.


The Foundation Project  - City Approved Plan

We are raising funds that will be used towards completing our basement. This project will include a TEEN LOUNGE, CLASSROOMS, a LIBRARY, OFFICES, STORAGE SPACE, BATHROOMS, and more. Call Rabbi to inquire about available dedications. The money we raise also goes towards scholarships for Hebrew School students, our Challah and Chicken Soup program, and all of our ongoing expenses.

Create Your Jewish Legacy Plan for the Future - Now

We have been blessed with life! Yet, we know that no one lives forever. This begs the question, “What will your legacy be?” Most of us have children, and they certainly should figure prominently into our plans. But our children are only a part of what we leave behind. Just as we endeavor to give Tzedakah generously, so as to selflessly make the world a better place while we are alive, so too we need to make sure that we leave a percentage of our estates for the benefit of others. Judaism tells us that it is incumbent upon us to leave the world better than when we found it. We do this by giving Tzedakah.

We can help.

Chabad has partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation in the creation of our Legacy Circle "Generation to Generation - Ensuring a Jewish Tomorrow, Today".  Many people do not prepare appropriately for the inevitable. They do not leave a will, or even if they do it is not consistent with Jewish Law. If one wants his body to be handled with the respect and care mandated by Jewish Law or if one wants the funeral service conducted according to Jewish Law, it must be arranged in advance. Don’t leave these critical details to luck!

Contact Rabbi Eilfort for a private appointment so these important matters can be handled how you want.

Send a personal email to [email protected] to schedule an appointment today.  

We honor our Legacy Circle Members*:

Joel Barnett

Angela Chapman

Beverly Galperin

Anonymous 1

Channah Hale

Len Hyman

Devorah Katz

Sheila Lebovitz

Ilyse Loven

David Markoff

Anonymous 2

Karen Miller

Ed Richard

Ira Schechtel

Sharon Silverstein

Steve and Cindy Marion Walker

Anonymous 3

  *Has provided Chabad with a Declaration of Intent. 

Click here for a Declaration of Intent and more information


Memorial Plaques & Tree of Life Plaques Available

Our beautiful Memorial Boards have been installed. We specifically designed our custom-built bookcases to ‘frame’ each of the boards. The first Memorial Board was dedicated by the Brunelle Family, the second Board was dedicated by the Alter Family, and the new Board has been dedicated by Miriam Reisman in memory of her husband, Harold.

We are currently offering Memorial Plaques to those who wish to perpetually honor the memory of a loved one in a most dignified and permanent manner. Those who dedicate Memorial Plaques will also receive yearly reminders of the Yarzeit in the newsletter and in the calendar and the light on the Board will be illuminated each year on the Yarzeit. The donation is only $500 per Memorial Board plaque.

We also have a gorgeous Tree of Life dedicated by the Lieberman Family that has been ‘growing. The purpose of the plaques on the Tree of Life is to commemorate joyous occasions (like Bar/Bat Mitzvah, anniversaries, special birthdays, weddings etc.). The donation is $180 for a leaf on the Tree of Life.

Those who wish to participate should send an email to   [email protected], or call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891.

We are excited to designate a section of our Tree of Life to our Legacy Circle. Watch the Tree and see article above. ​


Get Some Class

We have an ever-expanding menu of online learning opportunities for everyone. Below please find an overview of our current classes and a schedule of when you can join in on Facebook Live. If you miss the live class you can watch the recorded version, on Facebook.

Weekly Parsha Class - with Rabbi Sholom Eilfort in person and on Facebook Live Thursday nights at 7:15pm


JLI Course - this series of courses requires registration... 

 Coastal Gan - GROWING AGAIN!

We are looking for NEW STUDENTS and NEW STAFF

We are accepting infant and preschool age children (a new space just opened up).


If you know someone who recently graduated college and is looking for full or part time work in an enriching environment with qualified mentor teachers please refer them to US! 


Please Like the shul’s Facebook Page

For up to date pictures and announcements follow our Facebook Page and join our community Group.  

Coastal Chabads are here for YOU





Kosher Eateries Opening...

New Kosher Dairy location opening soon in University City!!


Hamitbach Info

Israeli street food 
5664 Mission Center Rd #402, San Diego, CA 92108


La Mesa PizzaWorks Info

Dine in and takeout
7406 University ave | La Mesa, CA 91942


DAILY JEWISH NEWS Available in Your Inbox for Free!

Sign up, as we have, for the daily Jewish news by subscribing to the Our dear friend and noted writer, Don Harrison, curates a refreshing variety of Jewish-interest stories. The daily emails are refreshing, as they come from a Jewish perspective. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Simply logon to the website and follow the prompts to subscribe.


Security Protocols

Everyone is Subject to Search

No Firearms (We have a well-defined security plan in effect and any unauthorized firearms could create confusion and actually reduce security).

Backpacks Prohibited

All Bags Subject to Search


Need a Minyan?

If you need a Minyan to say Kaddish please give the office at least a few days’ notice. We are happy to provide this important service, but it takes time to arrange enough participants to assure the quorum is present. Please email   [email protected] your request.


Shabbat Services with Meaning & Joy

Every Saturday we get together to celebrate the holy Shabbat in song and prayer. Our services are both traditional and user-friendly, as we fully recognize that not everyone has experience Davening (praying) in a traditional setting. What those who have joined have found is that the atmosphere in our synagogue is conducive to meaningful meditation. A knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to participate. In fact, the only thing that is needed is the desire to learn and to connect to the Almighty. It is an enriching experience not to be missed! Shabbat services begin at 10am and conclude at approximately 12:30pm and are followed by a wonderful community lunch. There is no cost to attend and reservations are not needed.



NOW is the time to join the family! Membership includes High Holiday seats and discounts on other programs and activities. However, the main reason to join is to demonstrate your commitment to the future of Judaism in our area and to our community.

If you have already filled out and returned your Membership form please accept this message as our sincere thank you!

We urge you to pick the level of Membership and the financial commitment you feel comfortable with, and to fill out the form that you will find by following this link: We thank all of our amazing donors!


Belonging to a Jewish Community is not only gratifying and fulfilling it is also extremely important, for within the community one finds a place to connect with G-d and one’s soul, a place of learning and spiritual enrichment, a great source of friends, a place to bestow one’s Jewish legacy upon his or her child/ren, and so much more. Check out to learn more. 

The beauty of OUR Jewish Community is that we offer so many different options that everyone is sure to find something enriching and meaningful. Below please find a partial list of some of our current offerings. If you have never come by before pick an item or two and try it out. If you have already tried an item or two find another one that sounds interesting and give it a whirl. “Connection” – that is the name of the game and that is precisely what you will find here! 

*Daily Minyan   *Shabbat Services   *Weekly Kiddush Luncheon   *Mysticism Classes   *Torah Portion Class   *Hebrew School   *Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training   *Mommy and Me   *Family Friday Night Services and Dinner   *Women’s Group   *Youth Activities   *Pastoral Counseling   *Holiday Programming   *Community Meals   *Hospital Visitation   *Weekly Email Updates   *Hospital Visitation   *Mezuzah Campaign   *Jewish Heritage Workshops   *Jewish Learning Institute Affiliate *Jewish Encinitas *Chabad of Carlsbad N *Coastal Gan Preschool *Ckids Hebrew School


Shul Etiquette

Those who join us regularly for Shabbat services will agree that we have something very special going. The family-friendly atmosphere is unique and most inviting. We welcome everyone as though he/she is a long time member of the family.

At the same time it is important to remember that we are a synagogue. Our sanctuary is meant to be a place where it is conducive to finding inner peace and tranquility. That is why the Rabbis have many laws concerning the decorum of a shul.

It is appropriate to dress modestly and to dress somewhat formally in shul. Men should wear button down shirts, slacks (no jeans or shorts), with jackets and even ties when possible. Of course the head is to be kept covered at all times. Women should wear skirts that go past the knees and blouses with high neck lines and sleeves that cover the elbows. Married women should wear hats and the like.

Children must be supervised at all times by the parents except during Junior Congregation (11:30am). While we want the children to have a great time together it is also important that they do not become so wild and/or boisterous that they disturb those of us who are participating in the services.

We must remember that we should walk to shul and never park in the parking lot if there already eight cars parked. Finally, and we fully realize this goes against Jewish DNA, it is appropriate to come to shul ON TIME. While we know everyone is vying to be counted as the 10th, we are equally sure Hashem will give extra credit to those who come ON TIME at 10am (not to be confused with 11:30). We look forward to seeing you here!


Cell Phones & Chatting During Services

Needless to say the sanctuary on Shabbat or holidays is a place that must be conducive to reflective prayers and serenity. To help keep it this way, please refrain from engaging in any conversations during services and please do not bring in your cell phone. Thank you for your cooperation.


Critical Maintenance Issue – Your Cooperation Needed

PLEASE NOTE: The ONLY thing that may be flushed is toilet paper – NO EXCEPTIONS. This means tissue, baby wipes, paper towels, or any other product may NEVER be flushed, but instead must be disposed of in the provided trash receptacles.

THANK YOU for your cooperation!


Public Service Announcement – Let’s Work TOGETHER to Maintain OUR Shul

We have a beautiful shul. Everyone agrees. It is not easy to maintain everything, but we work hard to keep things clean and in good working order. We need your help.

Our sanctuary is graced with gorgeous, custom made, stained glass windows. These windows MUST be kept in pristine condition. Please respect the windows by only looking and never touching them. G-d forbid, they can easily be scratched if we are not careful. Also, please do not put ANY objects (cups, books, tissues etc.) on the window sills as it detracts from the windows.

Our custom-built furniture from Israel is as precious as it looks. People have put down cups (full and empty) on the partitions and the shelves. This is inappropriate. Children cannot sit on or climb on the furnishings – other than sitting in the pews as they were designed to be used. No exceptions.

Please put away your own Talis and prayer books, and replace the book racks when done using them. Please throw away your own garbage.

If we can all work together we will keep our shul beautiful!

THANK YOU for your understanding and cooperation.


Omni La Costa Resort Welcomes Chabad at La Costa Guests

We are pleased that our world-famous neighbor, the Omni La Costa Resort, has extended a special program offering all sorts of perks to those who book using the Chabad code when booking.

More than 600 people use the Chabad code each year ! Many people have expressed gratitude at having such world-class facilities in such close and convenient proximity to our Shul, and the joy at being to stay at the Omni and walk to Chabad for Shabbat services.

For discount details, to make your reservation, or to share the information with a friend, visit and click through. And remember to leave a positive review.

And let them know YOU SAW IT HERE

► Marc Buksbaum is an experienced local transactional attorney and former certified public accountant. Marc has experience in a wide range of business matters, including corporate/venture formations, mergers and acquisitions, financing transactions, and supply chain transactions, and his colleagues also have extensive experience in complex real estate and estate planning matters. Marc is licensed to practice law in California and New York and is a Certified Public Accountant (on “inactive status”) licensed in New York. If you have any questions or need help with your legal matter please contact Marc  at: 
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Marc Nimetz
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15644 Pomerado Road, Suite 104                                  
Poway, CA 92064
License #0H35885
858-866-8147 (Office)
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858-815-6930 (Fax)

Jonathan Rozansky : Your Chabad Real Estate Agent & Mortgage Broker 
Whether you are Selling, Buying or Refinancing your home, do not proceed without calling Jonathan Rozansky, a licensed realtor and mortgage professional, first.  Jonathan will look out for your best interest and can answer all your real estate and financing questions.  Call for a free market analysis report today.

Jonathan Rozansky
Direct   (619) 392-1234
[email protected]
DRE. # 01754457
NMLS ID : 315987

 Ron Lewis Insurance Services
[email protected]
760-525-5769 - Cell
866-718-1600 - Toll-free

Specializing in Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance! 

• As an independent agent, I work with ALL the major insurance carriers.

• Let me do the shopping for you!

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• Call me for a free, no-obligation quote.

• References available upon request.


 Neal Sperling Business Development

Highly talented, highly experienced business development/marketing consultant to wide range of businesses and non-profits can help you to find innovative new ways to raise money, launch, brand, market, sell, merchandise, and promote your products, services, and organization. Has written and improved wide variety of business plans, marketing plans, obtained major grants/new funding for a wide variety of ventures. Has unique ability to study most any business, quickly and creatively identify new sources of potential revenue, reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and drive more sales in the quickest time frames. Recognized expert on how to drive new sales via the internet. Acclaimed speaker to Southern California business groups, and particularly known for being a great “connector” with ability to introduce you to a wide variety of hard-to-reach decision-makers in various fields. Strong background in consumer products, medical products, high tech, "clean tech," "green" products, non-profits, much more. Call for details: cell: 818-219-9585.


Dream Home Cinema

*Family Room Surround
*Wholesale House Audio
*Home Automation

Joseph Markowitz:
[email protected]

Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoos

I am a small Jewish farmer running my business in La Costa  called Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoo. I arrive with my animals at little children's birthday parties, senior homes,  graduation parties, and resorts in the area, to share my love of animals. I also do animal therapy with children and adults. Fantastic!! Call me to make an appointment or set up a birthday party.

Pam Glickman 760-535-5293

Healthy Haven Live Radio Show with Anna Mintz

Window Paintings and Murals by Eileen Tilt-Lavy contact info available

Cost Effective Advertising Available HERE

Hundreds of people see Chabad at La Costa's Weekly Email Update. Those who are looking to effectively promote their business and at the same time support this important community resource are invited to become sponsors for only $50 per month (that's per MONTH, not per week). Call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891 to get your message out there.

Volume 25 Number 47| 5 Av, 5784 | August 9, '24


Chabad Weekly Update

Volume 25 Number 47| 5 Av, 5784 | August 9, '24
Message from the Rabbi

Judaism is all about joy, but our people have known much sorrow too.

Tisha B’av—the 9th of Av—the day both Holy Temples were destroyed, is an annual day of national Jewish mourning. Observed with a 24-hour fast, (this year, starting Monday evening, August 12, at sunset), over the years it has become a day on which we mark many other tragedies our people have endured, and the prayers we recite commemorate some of those historic calamities.

Our mourning has a purpose. We don’t fast and cry only because things are so bad, but because it provides us with an opportunity for introspection. We meditate on the reason for the tragedy, and more importantly we look towards the future when there will be no more tragedy and contemplate what we can do to bring about that change.

Looking at the current predicament of the Jewish people, especially our brothers and sisters in the Holy Land in the wake of October 7, we also cry. We cry for the victims of the terror attacks, we cry for the hostages, and we cry for the soldiers who are putting their lives on the line for the safety of their people.

But we also know that the crying and the mourning is temporary. Our cries will certainly be heard by G-d, and it will lead us to better times. Our eyes are focused towards a time when there will be no more sorrow, a time when all Jews will only have reason to celebrate with true joy. And so, we demand of G-d to make that happen sooner because we have no tears left to cry.

We demand an end to the tragedies, which will come with the Ultimate Redemption, ushered in by our righteous Moshiach!

Shabbat shalom,

Candle Lighting Times
Carlsbad and Encinitas

Shabbat Candlelighting Time: @ 7:22pm
Shabbat Ends: @ 8:18pm

Come pick up a Shabbat Candle lighting kit with the prayers and instructions.



NO Friday Night Service & YES Shabbos Morning Services & YES Soup and Challah

Scheduled Services This Week

Shabbos / Saturday @ 10am. Kiddush Luncheon to Follow

Monday – Erev Tisha B’Av @ 8pm. Evening Service & Book of Lamentations

Tuesday – Tisha B’Av @ 8:30am. Morning Service (NO Talis and Tefillin)

Tuesday – Tisha B’Av @ 7pm. Afternoon Service (WITH Talis and Tefillin).

8pm – Evening Service followed by Light Refreshments.


Short review of the Laws of Tisha B'Av (the 9th of Av). 

The Fast of Tisha B’Av begins Monday, August 12 (fast commences at 7:37pm), and concludes on Tuesday at 8:03pm. On this, the saddest day of the Jewish year, we have several observances and customs, which demonstrate mourning. In addition to the practices of the entire first nine days of the Hebrew month of Av when we refrain from eating meat and drinking wine, except on Shabbos, getting a hair-cut, buying new clothes, listening to music, traveling overseas, luxurious bathing, and wearing freshly laundered clothes, there are five added strictures for Tisha B’Av itself.

We are prohibited from eating/drinking, wearing leather shoes, anointing ourselves with non-medicinal oils/creams, from marital relations. And from bathing. Additionally, many sleep with fewer pillows, and we sit lower to the ground, like someone sitting Shiva. The lights in the synagogue are dimmed.

We hope that you will be joining us in the synagogue for the special services, especially when the Book of Lamentations (Megilas Eichah) is chanted out loud on Monday night.

The Talmud tells that those who mourn the destruction of the Temples will merit to celebrate their rebuilding, may it come speedily in our days!

For more about the history and observances of this special time of year follow this link:


Kiddie Camp in Full Swing


Hebrew School Open House – HUGE Success!

This past Tuesday our center was filled with the sounds of laughter and learning as we hosted our Hebrew School Open House. Not only were the students on hand, but their parents came as well to see for themselves what all the happiness is about.

We are looking forward to beginning our new school year soon! All inquiries should be directed to Rebbetzin Chaya at [email protected].

Hebrew School Open House



Dear Friends,

Firstly, THANK YOU to all of you who have responded to our invitation to truly belong to our shul family!

All year long we are here for your Jewish needs. We offer services on Shabbat and Holidays, educational

opportunities, social occasions, joyous celebrations, life-cycle events, individual pastoral counseling and support, outreach activities and SO MUCH MORE!

It is with joy and energy that we offer everything we do, to YOU, our beloved community.

It is at this time of year that we ask you to partner with us by committing to support the community for the coming year.

Please follow this link to indicate your level of support. Become a Member

Chabad at La Costa has no outside support (there is no Chabad ‘superfund’), which means that we must be financially self-reliant. Think about the costs involved in keeping the lights on, the workers paid, the food served, and all of the materials we provide.

Can we count on YOU this year?

Wishing you G-d’s unlimited blessings with our deep appreciation!

Rabbi Yeruchem & Rebbetzin Nechama Eilfort


Chabad Jewish Art Calendar

Our beautiful Jewish art calendar featuring an updated design will soon be printed and mailed to homes and business in our area, free of charge. We need your help to make this happen!

At this time of year I'm turning to you with a request to support our calendar campaign with a sponsorship:

$54.00 dedication or an amount of your choice. In recognition of your kind contribution and mitzvah for the New Year, your name will be included on the sponsor dedication page of our calendar.
In addition, we're offering the option to include the important dates of your family calendar - birthdays, anniversaries and yarzeits. Each will appear on the actual date of occurrence in our calendar for a donation of $18.00 per date or bundle for more value.
And of course, our Business Card Directory, if you have a business to advertise, please consider the various levels of business advertising from Banner to Executive Card ad to Business Card Directory ad.

I hope I can count on your participation this year and I look forward to receiving your positive response. Please take 30 seconds and click here to add an address to receive the Jewish Art Calendar in the mail, submit your dates, or make a donation or call Nechama (760-612-9787) or Sheila (858-610-0414).


Security Guard Sponsor Sought – Can You Help?

We have a wonderful security guard who keeps a watch over us while we are in services. The cost is $250 per week. We are looking for a sponsor this week and future weeks. If you are able to help please donate securely by following this link: Thank you!


How to Make a Donation (or Payment)

We would be nowhere without the generous support of our community. Please know that your support is profoundly appreciated!

There are many ways to donate besides checks and cash. Following, please find a list of the various other ‘platforms’ that are available for secure donations that go directly and entirely into the synagogue account (even though they say Nechama's name).

1. PayPal  [email protected]  or

2. Venmo @Nechama-Eilfort

3. Cashapp $nechamae

4. Zelle (Bank of America)   [email protected]

5. Personal credit card

6. Join our Legacy Circle - see below


Kiddush Sponsor

This week’s Kiddush is being sponsored by Jason and Rina Coleman in honor of Rina’s father’s Yarzeit.      

Each Shabbos after services, our beautiful community enjoys Shabbos lunch together. It is a true celebration where we bask in each other’s company while savoring delicious food.


We are always seeking additional sponsors, so if you can sponsor a Kiddush, please let us know.

An Important Note about Kiddushes –

The policy of the shul is to allow multiple sponsors for every Kiddush unless it is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or something similar (like a 50th wedding anniversary etc.).

There is no such thing as an exclusive Kiddush sponsor.

This is our policy for numerous reasons, not least of which is the fact that Kiddush sponsorships help generate much-needed income for our community and encourages more people to participate.

We thank you for your support and understanding!

Soup & Challah Sponsors

Soup and Challah is being sponsored by Clive Walden & the estate of Channah Hale. A big Yasher Koach to our volunteer new deliverers.

Challah is delivered to Mental Health Residential Centers in the area, people undergoing chemotherapy, and people who really love the addition to their Shabbos experience. 

Deliver and get a bag of challah for your family as well!

Rabbi's Thoughts and Haftarah Overview

Haftarah for Parshas Devarim (3rd Haftorah for the Three Weeks of Mourning)

Isaiah 1:1-27.

This week's haftorah is the third of a series of three "haftarot of affliction." These three haftarot are read during the  Three Weeks of mourning for Jerusalem, between the fasts of 17 Tammuz and 9 Av.

Isaiah relays to the Jews a G‑dly vision he experienced, chastising the residents of Judah and  Jerusalem for having rebelled against G‑d, criticizing them for repeating their errors and not abandoning their sinful ways — even after having been reprimanded and punished.  "Woe to a sinful nation, a people heavy with iniquity, evildoing seed, corrupt children. They forsook  G‑d; they provoked the Holy One of Israel." Harsh words are employed, comparing the Jewish leaders to the rulers of Sodom and Gomorrah. G‑d states his distaste for their sacrifices and offerings which were flavored with pagan customs. "How has she become a harlot, a faithful city; it was once full of justice, in which righteousness would lodge, but now it is a city of murderers…"

Isaiah then speaks gentler words, encouraging the people to repent sincerely and to perform acts of justice and kindness towards the needy, orphans and widows, and promising them the best of the land in return for their obedience. "If your sins prove to be like crimson, they will become white as snow; if they prove to be as red as crimson dye, they shall become as wool." The   haftorah concludes with a promise that G‑d will eventually reestablish Israel's judges and leaders, when "Zion shall be redeemed through justice and her penitents through righteousness."

Note: The first word of the haftorah is "Chazon" ("The vision [of Isaiah]"). The Shabbat when this haftorah is read, the Shabbat before Tisha b'Av, is thus called "Shabbat Chazon," the "Shabbat of the Vision." According to chassidic tradition, on this Shabbat the soul of every Jew is treated to a "vision" of the third Holy Temple that will be rebuilt with the coming of Moshiach.  Click here for more on this topic.

Condolences | Birthdays | Anniversaries | Yarzeits


Remember to add your Birthday, Anniversary, or Yarzeits to the calendar!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Anna Leah Mintz, David Joel Mintz, and all of those celebrating their birthdays this week!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wishes go out to all of those celebrating anniversaries this week!

WE REMEMBER Arpad Jellinek, Madeline Nejathaimand  all of those whose Yarzeit is observed this week.

May Mike Schwartz, Doreen Prager, Rachel Perez, Clive Walden, Sheila Lebovitz, Adam Lemberger, Sandy Radom, Rachel bas Shoshana, Roz Mintz, Sandra Sapol, Penny Chapman and Greg Leon be blessed with a speedy and complete recovery!


Upcoming Kiddush Sponsors: 

August 10: Rina & Jason Coleman

August 17: Naomi Judith

August 24: Mark & Nikki Boiskin in Memory of her father, Wilfred Joss



Sponsoring a Kiddush is a great way to feel part of the Chabad at La Costa family!
(You can co-sponsor a Kiddush)

Giving & Helping Opportunities

New Mitzvah Opportunity

Bikur Cholim of SD Volunteers Needed!

There are a number of patients at UCSD La Jolla that have come from Israel to receive transplants here. They need our help!

Bikur Cholim of S Diego is a community organization helping the sick with care packages, visitation, driving spouses to and from the hospital, etc.

If you are able to give a few hours of your time, it will make another person's day that much better!

To get involved, sign up at



Our Soup and Challah Project has been going on its FOURTH year! It was sponsored by Channah Hale and now carried on in her memory.

We are at the point that we need NEW volunteers to drive and deliver food packages around the area.

Please consider making this a part of your Friday routine. Volunteers pick up a few containers of soup and bags of challah at 3:00pm and delivering them to the door of the recipients. Volunteers also get soup and challah!

Enhanced Security

Our number one priority is to ensure the safety and security of our shul family. We have a robust security system in place. We have gone to the added expense of hiring a uniformed, armed guard, who is with us, watching over us, in addition to our internal security team. 

The added layer of security is expensive. Please help us by donating to the security of our shul community by following this link: The cost is approximately $300 per week. All donations are tax-deductible.


The Foundation Project  - City Approved Plan

We are raising funds that will be used towards completing our basement. This project will include a TEEN LOUNGE, CLASSROOMS, a LIBRARY, OFFICES, STORAGE SPACE, BATHROOMS, and more. Call Rabbi to inquire about available dedications. The money we raise also goes towards scholarships for Hebrew School students, our Challah and Chicken Soup program, and all of our ongoing expenses.

Create Your Jewish Legacy Plan for the Future - Now

We have been blessed with life! Yet, we know that no one lives forever. This begs the question, “What will your legacy be?” Most of us have children, and they certainly should figure prominently into our plans. But our children are only a part of what we leave behind. Just as we endeavor to give Tzedakah generously, so as to selflessly make the world a better place while we are alive, so too we need to make sure that we leave a percentage of our estates for the benefit of others. Judaism tells us that it is incumbent upon us to leave the world better than when we found it. We do this by giving Tzedakah.

We can help.

Chabad has partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation in the creation of our Legacy Circle "Generation to Generation - Ensuring a Jewish Tomorrow, Today".  Many people do not prepare appropriately for the inevitable. They do not leave a will, or even if they do it is not consistent with Jewish Law. If one wants his body to be handled with the respect and care mandated by Jewish Law or if one wants the funeral service conducted according to Jewish Law, it must be arranged in advance. Don’t leave these critical details to luck!

Contact Rabbi Eilfort for a private appointment so these important matters can be handled how you want.

Send a personal email to [email protected] to schedule an appointment today.  

We honor our Legacy Circle Members*:

Joel Barnett

Angela Chapman

Beverly Galperin

Anonymous 1

Channah Hale

Len Hyman

Devorah Katz

Sheila Lebovitz

Ilyse Loven

David Markoff

Anonymous 2

Karen Miller

Ed Richard

Ira Schechtel

Sharon Silverstein

Steve and Cindy Marion Walker

Anonymous 3

  *Has provided Chabad with a Declaration of Intent. 

Click here for a Declaration of Intent and more information


Memorial Plaques & Tree of Life Plaques Available

Our beautiful Memorial Boards have been installed. We specifically designed our custom-built bookcases to ‘frame’ each of the boards. The first Memorial Board was dedicated by the Brunelle Family, the second Board was dedicated by the Alter Family, and the new Board has been dedicated by Miriam Reisman in memory of her husband, Harold.

We are currently offering Memorial Plaques to those who wish to perpetually honor the memory of a loved one in a most dignified and permanent manner. Those who dedicate Memorial Plaques will also receive yearly reminders of the Yarzeit in the newsletter and in the calendar and the light on the Board will be illuminated each year on the Yarzeit. The donation is only $500 per Memorial Board plaque.

We also have a gorgeous Tree of Life dedicated by the Lieberman Family that has been ‘growing. The purpose of the plaques on the Tree of Life is to commemorate joyous occasions (like Bar/Bat Mitzvah, anniversaries, special birthdays, weddings etc.). The donation is $180 for a leaf on the Tree of Life.

Those who wish to participate should send an email to   [email protected], or call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891.

We are excited to designate a section of our Tree of Life to our Legacy Circle. Watch the Tree and see article above. ​


Get Some Class

We have an ever-expanding menu of online learning opportunities for everyone. Below please find an overview of our current classes and a schedule of when you can join in on Facebook Live. If you miss the live class you can watch the recorded version, on Facebook.

Weekly Parsha Class - with Rabbi Sholom Eilfort in person and on Facebook Live Thursday nights at 7:15pm


JLI Course - this series of courses requires registration... 

 Coastal Gan - GROWING AGAIN!

We are looking for NEW STUDENTS and NEW STAFF

We are accepting infant and preschool age children (a new space just opened up).


If you know someone who recently graduated college and is looking for full or part time work in an enriching environment with qualified mentor teachers please refer them to US! 


Please Like the shul’s Facebook Page

For up to date pictures and announcements follow our Facebook Page and join our community Group.  

Coastal Chabads are here for YOU





Kosher Eateries Opening...

New Kosher Dairy location opening soon in University City!!


Hamitbach Info

Israeli street food 
5664 Mission Center Rd #402, San Diego, CA 92108


La Mesa PizzaWorks Info

Dine in and takeout
7406 University ave | La Mesa, CA 91942


DAILY JEWISH NEWS Available in Your Inbox for Free!

Sign up, as we have, for the daily Jewish news by subscribing to the Our dear friend and noted writer, Don Harrison, curates a refreshing variety of Jewish-interest stories. The daily emails are refreshing, as they come from a Jewish perspective. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Simply logon to the website and follow the prompts to subscribe.


Security Protocols

Everyone is Subject to Search

No Firearms (We have a well-defined security plan in effect and any unauthorized firearms could create confusion and actually reduce security).

Backpacks Prohibited

All Bags Subject to Search


Need a Minyan?

If you need a Minyan to say Kaddish please give the office at least a few days’ notice. We are happy to provide this important service, but it takes time to arrange enough participants to assure the quorum is present. Please email   [email protected] your request.


Shabbat Services with Meaning & Joy

Every Saturday we get together to celebrate the holy Shabbat in song and prayer. Our services are both traditional and user-friendly, as we fully recognize that not everyone has experience Davening (praying) in a traditional setting. What those who have joined have found is that the atmosphere in our synagogue is conducive to meaningful meditation. A knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to participate. In fact, the only thing that is needed is the desire to learn and to connect to the Almighty. It is an enriching experience not to be missed! Shabbat services begin at 10am and conclude at approximately 12:30pm and are followed by a wonderful community lunch. There is no cost to attend and reservations are not needed.



NOW is the time to join the family! Membership includes High Holiday seats and discounts on other programs and activities. However, the main reason to join is to demonstrate your commitment to the future of Judaism in our area and to our community.

If you have already filled out and returned your Membership form please accept this message as our sincere thank you!

We urge you to pick the level of Membership and the financial commitment you feel comfortable with, and to fill out the form that you will find by following this link: We thank all of our amazing donors!


Belonging to a Jewish Community is not only gratifying and fulfilling it is also extremely important, for within the community one finds a place to connect with G-d and one’s soul, a place of learning and spiritual enrichment, a great source of friends, a place to bestow one’s Jewish legacy upon his or her child/ren, and so much more. Check out to learn more. 

The beauty of OUR Jewish Community is that we offer so many different options that everyone is sure to find something enriching and meaningful. Below please find a partial list of some of our current offerings. If you have never come by before pick an item or two and try it out. If you have already tried an item or two find another one that sounds interesting and give it a whirl. “Connection” – that is the name of the game and that is precisely what you will find here! 

*Daily Minyan   *Shabbat Services   *Weekly Kiddush Luncheon   *Mysticism Classes   *Torah Portion Class   *Hebrew School   *Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training   *Mommy and Me   *Family Friday Night Services and Dinner   *Women’s Group   *Youth Activities   *Pastoral Counseling   *Holiday Programming   *Community Meals   *Hospital Visitation   *Weekly Email Updates   *Hospital Visitation   *Mezuzah Campaign   *Jewish Heritage Workshops   *Jewish Learning Institute Affiliate *Jewish Encinitas *Chabad of Carlsbad N *Coastal Gan Preschool *Ckids Hebrew School


Shul Etiquette

Those who join us regularly for Shabbat services will agree that we have something very special going. The family-friendly atmosphere is unique and most inviting. We welcome everyone as though he/she is a long time member of the family.

At the same time it is important to remember that we are a synagogue. Our sanctuary is meant to be a place where it is conducive to finding inner peace and tranquility. That is why the Rabbis have many laws concerning the decorum of a shul.

It is appropriate to dress modestly and to dress somewhat formally in shul. Men should wear button down shirts, slacks (no jeans or shorts), with jackets and even ties when possible. Of course the head is to be kept covered at all times. Women should wear skirts that go past the knees and blouses with high neck lines and sleeves that cover the elbows. Married women should wear hats and the like.

Children must be supervised at all times by the parents except during Junior Congregation (11:30am). While we want the children to have a great time together it is also important that they do not become so wild and/or boisterous that they disturb those of us who are participating in the services.

We must remember that we should walk to shul and never park in the parking lot if there already eight cars parked. Finally, and we fully realize this goes against Jewish DNA, it is appropriate to come to shul ON TIME. While we know everyone is vying to be counted as the 10th, we are equally sure Hashem will give extra credit to those who come ON TIME at 10am (not to be confused with 11:30). We look forward to seeing you here!


Cell Phones & Chatting During Services

Needless to say the sanctuary on Shabbat or holidays is a place that must be conducive to reflective prayers and serenity. To help keep it this way, please refrain from engaging in any conversations during services and please do not bring in your cell phone. Thank you for your cooperation.


Critical Maintenance Issue – Your Cooperation Needed

PLEASE NOTE: The ONLY thing that may be flushed is toilet paper – NO EXCEPTIONS. This means tissue, baby wipes, paper towels, or any other product may NEVER be flushed, but instead must be disposed of in the provided trash receptacles.

THANK YOU for your cooperation!


Public Service Announcement – Let’s Work TOGETHER to Maintain OUR Shul

We have a beautiful shul. Everyone agrees. It is not easy to maintain everything, but we work hard to keep things clean and in good working order. We need your help.

Our sanctuary is graced with gorgeous, custom made, stained glass windows. These windows MUST be kept in pristine condition. Please respect the windows by only looking and never touching them. G-d forbid, they can easily be scratched if we are not careful. Also, please do not put ANY objects (cups, books, tissues etc.) on the window sills as it detracts from the windows.

Our custom-built furniture from Israel is as precious as it looks. People have put down cups (full and empty) on the partitions and the shelves. This is inappropriate. Children cannot sit on or climb on the furnishings – other than sitting in the pews as they were designed to be used. No exceptions.

Please put away your own Talis and prayer books, and replace the book racks when done using them. Please throw away your own garbage.

If we can all work together we will keep our shul beautiful!

THANK YOU for your understanding and cooperation.


Omni La Costa Resort Welcomes Chabad at La Costa Guests

We are pleased that our world-famous neighbor, the Omni La Costa Resort, has extended a special program offering all sorts of perks to those who book using the Chabad code when booking.

More than 600 people use the Chabad code each year ! Many people have expressed gratitude at having such world-class facilities in such close and convenient proximity to our Shul, and the joy at being to stay at the Omni and walk to Chabad for Shabbat services.

For discount details, to make your reservation, or to share the information with a friend, visit and click through. And remember to leave a positive review.

And let them know YOU SAW IT HERE

► Marc Buksbaum is an experienced local transactional attorney and former certified public accountant. Marc has experience in a wide range of business matters, including corporate/venture formations, mergers and acquisitions, financing transactions, and supply chain transactions, and his colleagues also have extensive experience in complex real estate and estate planning matters. Marc is licensed to practice law in California and New York and is a Certified Public Accountant (on “inactive status”) licensed in New York. If you have any questions or need help with your legal matter please contact Marc  at: 
Marc Buksbaum
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2784 Gateway Road, Suite 104
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►Rina Coleman is an Enrolled Agent with more than 20 years experience preparing taxes for all walks of life. Please contact her at [email protected] for a free 15 minute consultation.

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It's almost all the same, until you have a claim!

Marc Nimetz
Farmers Insurance                                                
15644 Pomerado Road, Suite 104                                  
Poway, CA 92064
License #0H35885
858-866-8147 (Office)
858-603-4961 (Cell)
858-815-6930 (Fax)

Jonathan Rozansky : Your Chabad Real Estate Agent & Mortgage Broker 
Whether you are Selling, Buying or Refinancing your home, do not proceed without calling Jonathan Rozansky, a licensed realtor and mortgage professional, first.  Jonathan will look out for your best interest and can answer all your real estate and financing questions.  Call for a free market analysis report today.

Jonathan Rozansky
Direct   (619) 392-1234
[email protected]
DRE. # 01754457
NMLS ID : 315987

 Ron Lewis Insurance Services
[email protected]
760-525-5769 - Cell
866-718-1600 - Toll-free

Specializing in Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance! 

• As an independent agent, I work with ALL the major insurance carriers.

• Let me do the shopping for you!

• I will save you money on your insurance premiums.

• Call me for a free, no-obligation quote.

• References available upon request.


 Neal Sperling Business Development

Highly talented, highly experienced business development/marketing consultant to wide range of businesses and non-profits can help you to find innovative new ways to raise money, launch, brand, market, sell, merchandise, and promote your products, services, and organization. Has written and improved wide variety of business plans, marketing plans, obtained major grants/new funding for a wide variety of ventures. Has unique ability to study most any business, quickly and creatively identify new sources of potential revenue, reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and drive more sales in the quickest time frames. Recognized expert on how to drive new sales via the internet. Acclaimed speaker to Southern California business groups, and particularly known for being a great “connector” with ability to introduce you to a wide variety of hard-to-reach decision-makers in various fields. Strong background in consumer products, medical products, high tech, "clean tech," "green" products, non-profits, much more. Call for details: cell: 818-219-9585.


Dream Home Cinema

*Family Room Surround
*Wholesale House Audio
*Home Automation

Joseph Markowitz:
[email protected]

Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoos

I am a small Jewish farmer running my business in La Costa  called Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoo. I arrive with my animals at little children's birthday parties, senior homes,  graduation parties, and resorts in the area, to share my love of animals. I also do animal therapy with children and adults. Fantastic!! Call me to make an appointment or set up a birthday party.

Pam Glickman 760-535-5293

Healthy Haven Live Radio Show with Anna Mintz

Window Paintings and Murals by Eileen Tilt-Lavy contact info available

Cost Effective Advertising Available HERE

Hundreds of people see Chabad at La Costa's Weekly Email Update. Those who are looking to effectively promote their business and at the same time support this important community resource are invited to become sponsors for only $50 per month (that's per MONTH, not per week). Call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891 to get your message out there.

Volume 25 Number 46| 27 Tammuz, 5784 | August 2, '24


Chabad Weekly Update

Volume 25 Number 46| 27 Tammuz, 5784 | August 2, '24
Message from the Rabbi

When the Land of Israel was divided among all the tribes, the tribe of Levi did not receive a specific section of land. Instead, they resided in cities spread throughout the other tribes’ territories, all over the country.

Interestingly, the Levites also lived in cities on the eastern side of the Jordan River, where the tribes of Reuben, Gad, and half of Manansseh made their homes. Although it wasn’t technically part of Israel, those tribes were given special dispensation to live there, in order to properly care for their vast amounts of cattles.

But because they were somewhat separated from their brethren in Israel proper, there was a concern that they would not only be disconnected from the people, but also from the traditions and culture that are synonymous with living in a Jewish community.

Enter the Levites, who were known as teachers and preservers of Judaism going all the way back to their time in Egypt. By designating several cities in the disconnected areas for the Levites, those tribes were now guaranteed to retain their Jewish identities. And by sacrificing their own spiritual well-being and desire to live in Israel, those Levites were able to ensure that generations of entire tribes remained steadfast in their commitment to Judaism.

This was the Rebbe’s vision in sending shluchim, emissaries, all over the world, enabling every single Jew to live proudly as a member of the global Jewish community.

Shabbat shalom,

Candle Lighting Times
Carlsbad and Encinitas

Shabbat Candlelighting Time: @ 7:29pm
Shabbat Ends: @ 8:26pm

Come pick up a Shabbat Candle lighting kit with the prayers and instructions.



NO Friday Night Service & YES Shabbos Morning Services & YES Soup and Challah

Minyan Needed Monday @ 7pm

Please note that a Minyan (quorum of 10 Jewish men 13 years and older) is needed at 7pm on Monday, August 5th for about 30 minutes. The purpose of the Minyan is so Kaddish can be said on a Yarzeit. If you are able to help with this tremendous Mitzvah please respond to this message. Thank you in advance and G-d bless!


Men’s Club THIS Sunday

Gentlemen, please join us for our monthly Men’s Chavurah at 2pm on the first Sunday of each month. We enjoy the camaraderie of each other’s company, discuss Torah thoughts and shmooze about various subjects, including current events. Light refreshments are served. Please let us know that you will be joining us.  


BBQ Bounty THIS Sunday

Our ‘world famous’ BBQ Bounty is on again this Sunday from 5pm – 8pm. The buffet includes burgers, hot dogs, fries, hot wings, garden salad, coleslaw, cotton candy and other desserts including fresh fruit, drinks, and so much more. All of the above for one low price! Reserve and prepay for the best price by following this secure link:  



Dear Friends,

Firstly, THANK YOU to all of you who have responded to our invitation to truly belong to our shul family!

All year long we are here for your Jewish needs. We offer services on Shabbat and Holidays, educational

opportunities, social occasions, joyous celebrations, life-cycle events, individual pastoral counseling and support, outreach activities and SO MUCH MORE!

It is with joy and energy that we offer everything we do, to YOU, our beloved community.

It is at this time of year that we ask you to partner with us by committing to support the community for the coming year.

Please follow this link to indicate your level of support. Become a Member

Chabad at La Costa has no outside support (there is no Chabad ‘superfund’), which means that we must be financially self-reliant. Think about the costs involved in keeping the lights on, the workers paid, the food served, and all of the materials we provide.

Can we count on YOU this year?

Wishing you G-d’s unlimited blessings with our deep appreciation!

Rabbi Yeruchem & Rebbetzin Nechama Eilfort


New Hebrew School Year and Open House Coming Soon

Open House

Tuesday August 6th

4:00 - 6:00

Sign up at

Please Share


Chabad Jewish Art Calendar

Our beautiful Jewish art calendar featuring an updated design will soon be printed and mailed to homes and business in our area, free of charge. We need your help to make this happen!

At this time of year I'm turning to you with a request to support our calendar campaign with a sponsorship:

$54.00 dedication or an amount of your choice. In recognition of your kind contribution and mitzvah for the New Year, your name will be included on the sponsor dedication page of our calendar.
In addition, we're offering the option to include the important dates of your family calendar - birthdays, anniversaries and yarzeits. Each will appear on the actual date of occurrence in our calendar for a donation of $18.00 per date or bundle for more value.
And of course, our Business Card Directory, if you have a business to advertise, please consider the various levels of business advertising from Banner to Executive Card ad to Business Card Directory ad.

I hope I can count on your participation this year and I look forward to receiving your positive response. Please take 30 seconds and click here to add an address to receive the Jewish Art Calendar in the mail, submit your dates, or make a donation or call Nechama (760-612-9787) or Sheila (858-610-0414).


Security Guard Sponsor Sought – Can You Help?

We have a wonderful security guard who keeps a watch over us while we are in services. The cost is $250 per week. We are looking for a sponsor this week and future weeks. If you are able to help please donate securely by following this link: Thank you!


How to Make a Donation (or Payment)

We would be nowhere without the generous support of our community. Please know that your support is profoundly appreciated!

There are many ways to donate besides checks and cash. Following, please find a list of the various other ‘platforms’ that are available for secure donations that go directly and entirely into the synagogue account (even though they say Nechama's name).

1. PayPal  [email protected]  or

2. Venmo @Nechama-Eilfort

3. Cashapp $nechamae

4. Zelle (Bank of America)   [email protected]

5. Personal credit card

6. Join our Legacy Circle - see below


Kiddush Sponsor

This week’s Kiddush is being sponsored by Ilyse Loven in loving memory of her father, Perry Feder obm.

This week’s Kiddush is being cosponsored by Len Hyman in loving memory of his father, Muttel ben Yaakov obm.

This week’s Kiddush is being cosponsored by the Mintz family in honor of Keith, David, and Anna’s birthdays, and in memory of Marcus Mintz.      

Each Shabbos after services, our beautiful community enjoys Shabbos lunch together. It is a true celebration where we bask in each other’s company while savoring delicious food.


We are always seeking additional sponsors, so if you can sponsor a Kiddush, please let us know.

An Important Note about Kiddushes –

The policy of the shul is to allow multiple sponsors for every Kiddush unless it is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or something similar (like a 50th wedding anniversary etc.).

There is no such thing as an exclusive Kiddush sponsor.

This is our policy for numerous reasons, not least of which is the fact that Kiddush sponsorships help generate much-needed income for our community and encourages more people to participate.

We thank you for your support and understanding!

Soup & Challah Sponsors

Soup and Challah is being sponsored by Clive Walden & the estate of Channah Hale. A big Yasher Koach to our volunteer new deliverers.

Challah is delivered to Mental Health Residential Centers in the area, people undergoing chemotherapy, and people who really love the addition to their Shabbos experience. 

Deliver and get a bag of challah for your family as well!

Rabbi's Thoughts and Haftarah Overview

Haftarah for Parshios Mattos-Massei (2nd of the Three Weeks of Mourning)

Jeremiah 2:4–28; 4:1–2.

This week’s haftorah is the second of a series of three “haftarot of affliction.” These three haftarot are read during the  Three Weeks of mourning for Jerusalem, between the fasts of 17 Tammuz and 9 Av.

The prophet Jeremiah transmits G‑d’s message to the Jewish people, in strong tones chastising all the sectors of the people, including the leadership, for their abandonment of  G‑d. “What wrong did your forefathers find in Me, that they distanced themselves from Me, and they went after futility and themselves became futile?” He reminds them of the kindness G‑d did for them, taking them out of Egypt and leading them through the desert and settling them in the Promised Land, yet they repaid kindness with disloyalty. “For My people have committed two evils; they have forsaken Me, the spring of living waters, [and furthermore, this was in order] to dig for themselves cisterns, broken cisterns that do not hold water.”

G‑d asks them to view the actions of their neighboring nations, the Kittites and Kedarites, “and see whether there was any such thing, whether a nation exchanged a god, although they are not gods. Yet My nation exchanged their glory for what does not avail.”

Jeremiah then goes on to foretell the suffering the Jewish people will suffer at the hands of their enemies, and also their erstwhile allies: “Your evil will chastise you, and you will be rebuked for your backslidings; and you shall know and see that your forsaking the L‑rd your G‑d is evil and bitter.”

The  haftorah ends on an encouraging note, assuring the people that if they return to G‑d with sincerity, they will be restored to their full glory.

Condolences | Birthdays | Anniversaries | Yarzeits


Remember to add your Birthday, Anniversary, or Yarzeits to the calendar!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Keith Mintz, Meir Eilfort, and all of those celebrating their birthdays this week!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wishes go out to all of those celebrating anniversaries this week!

WE REMEMBER Dvoyra Driker, Matthew Infeld, Paul Gordon, Max Hyman, Joseph Levin, Matilda Litman, Cantor Meyer Olkenitzky, Michael Szwarc, Lily Morris Barnett, Maxine Wollmanand  all of those whose Yarzeit is observed this week.

May Mike Schwartz, Doreen Prager, Rachel Perez, Clive Walden, Sheila Lebovitz, Adam Lemberger, Sandy Radom, Rachel bas Shoshana, Roz Mintz, Sandra Sapol, Penny Chapman and Greg Leon be blessed with a speedy and complete recovery!


Upcoming Kiddush Sponsors: 

August 3: Len Hyman in Memory of his father, Max Hyman
               Ilyse Loven in Memory of her father, Perry Feder
               David & Anna Mintz in Honor of family birthdays


August 17: Naomi Judith

August 24: Mark & Nikki Boiskin in Memory of her father, Wilfred Joss



Sponsoring a Kiddush is a great way to feel part of the Chabad at La Costa family!
(You can co-sponsor a Kiddush)

Giving & Helping Opportunities

New Mitzvah Opportunity

Bikur Cholim of SD Volunteers Needed!

There are a number of patients at UCSD La Jolla that have come from Israel to receive transplants here. They need our help!

Bikur Cholim of S Diego is a community organization helping the sick with care packages, visitation, driving spouses to and from the hospital, etc.

If you are able to give a few hours of your time, it will make another person's day that much better!

To get involved, sign up at



Our Soup and Challah Project has been going on its FOURTH year! It was sponsored by Channah Hale and now carried on in her memory.

We are at the point that we need NEW volunteers to drive and deliver food packages around the area.

Please consider making this a part of your Friday routine. Volunteers pick up a few containers of soup and bags of challah at 3:00pm and delivering them to the door of the recipients. Volunteers also get soup and challah!

Enhanced Security

Our number one priority is to ensure the safety and security of our shul family. We have a robust security system in place. We have gone to the added expense of hiring a uniformed, armed guard, who is with us, watching over us, in addition to our internal security team. 

The added layer of security is expensive. Please help us by donating to the security of our shul community by following this link: The cost is approximately $300 per week. All donations are tax-deductible.


The Foundation Project  - City Approved Plan

We are raising funds that will be used towards completing our basement. This project will include a TEEN LOUNGE, CLASSROOMS, a LIBRARY, OFFICES, STORAGE SPACE, BATHROOMS, and more. Call Rabbi to inquire about available dedications. The money we raise also goes towards scholarships for Hebrew School students, our Challah and Chicken Soup program, and all of our ongoing expenses.

Create Your Jewish Legacy Plan for the Future - Now

We have been blessed with life! Yet, we know that no one lives forever. This begs the question, “What will your legacy be?” Most of us have children, and they certainly should figure prominently into our plans. But our children are only a part of what we leave behind. Just as we endeavor to give Tzedakah generously, so as to selflessly make the world a better place while we are alive, so too we need to make sure that we leave a percentage of our estates for the benefit of others. Judaism tells us that it is incumbent upon us to leave the world better than when we found it. We do this by giving Tzedakah.

We can help.

Chabad has partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation in the creation of our Legacy Circle "Generation to Generation - Ensuring a Jewish Tomorrow, Today".  Many people do not prepare appropriately for the inevitable. They do not leave a will, or even if they do it is not consistent with Jewish Law. If one wants his body to be handled with the respect and care mandated by Jewish Law or if one wants the funeral service conducted according to Jewish Law, it must be arranged in advance. Don’t leave these critical details to luck!

Contact Rabbi Eilfort for a private appointment so these important matters can be handled how you want.

Send a personal email to [email protected] to schedule an appointment today.  

We honor our Legacy Circle Members*:

Joel Barnett

Angela Chapman

Beverly Galperin

Anonymous 1

Channah Hale

Len Hyman

Devorah Katz

Sheila Lebovitz

Ilyse Loven

David Markoff

Anonymous 2

Karen Miller

Ed Richard

Ira Schechtel

Sharon Silverstein

Steve and Cindy Marion Walker

Anonymous 3

  *Has provided Chabad with a Declaration of Intent. 

Click here for a Declaration of Intent and more information


Memorial Plaques & Tree of Life Plaques Available

Our beautiful Memorial Boards have been installed. We specifically designed our custom-built bookcases to ‘frame’ each of the boards. The first Memorial Board was dedicated by the Brunelle Family, the second Board was dedicated by the Alter Family, and the new Board has been dedicated by Miriam Reisman in memory of her husband, Harold.

We are currently offering Memorial Plaques to those who wish to perpetually honor the memory of a loved one in a most dignified and permanent manner. Those who dedicate Memorial Plaques will also receive yearly reminders of the Yarzeit in the newsletter and in the calendar and the light on the Board will be illuminated each year on the Yarzeit. The donation is only $500 per Memorial Board plaque.

We also have a gorgeous Tree of Life dedicated by the Lieberman Family that has been ‘growing. The purpose of the plaques on the Tree of Life is to commemorate joyous occasions (like Bar/Bat Mitzvah, anniversaries, special birthdays, weddings etc.). The donation is $180 for a leaf on the Tree of Life.

Those who wish to participate should send an email to   [email protected], or call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891.

We are excited to designate a section of our Tree of Life to our Legacy Circle. Watch the Tree and see article above. ​


Get Some Class

We have an ever-expanding menu of online learning opportunities for everyone. Below please find an overview of our current classes and a schedule of when you can join in on Facebook Live. If you miss the live class you can watch the recorded version, on Facebook.

Weekly Parsha Class - with Rabbi Sholom Eilfort in person and on Facebook Live Thursday nights at 7:15pm


JLI Course - this series of courses requires registration... 

 Coastal Gan - GROWING AGAIN!

We are looking for NEW STUDENTS and NEW STAFF

We are accepting infant and preschool age children (a new space just opened up).


If you know someone who recently graduated college and is looking for full or part time work in an enriching environment with qualified mentor teachers please refer them to US! 


Please Like the shul’s Facebook Page

For up to date pictures and announcements follow our Facebook Page and join our community Group.  

Coastal Chabads are here for YOU





Kosher Eateries Opening...

New Kosher Dairy location opening soon in University City!!


Hamitbach Info

Israeli street food 
5664 Mission Center Rd #402, San Diego, CA 92108


La Mesa PizzaWorks Info

Dine in and takeout
7406 University ave | La Mesa, CA 91942


DAILY JEWISH NEWS Available in Your Inbox for Free!

Sign up, as we have, for the daily Jewish news by subscribing to the Our dear friend and noted writer, Don Harrison, curates a refreshing variety of Jewish-interest stories. The daily emails are refreshing, as they come from a Jewish perspective. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Simply logon to the website and follow the prompts to subscribe.


Security Protocols

Everyone is Subject to Search

No Firearms (We have a well-defined security plan in effect and any unauthorized firearms could create confusion and actually reduce security).

Backpacks Prohibited

All Bags Subject to Search


Need a Minyan?

If you need a Minyan to say Kaddish please give the office at least a few days’ notice. We are happy to provide this important service, but it takes time to arrange enough participants to assure the quorum is present. Please email   [email protected] your request.


Shabbat Services with Meaning & Joy

Every Saturday we get together to celebrate the holy Shabbat in song and prayer. Our services are both traditional and user-friendly, as we fully recognize that not everyone has experience Davening (praying) in a traditional setting. What those who have joined have found is that the atmosphere in our synagogue is conducive to meaningful meditation. A knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to participate. In fact, the only thing that is needed is the desire to learn and to connect to the Almighty. It is an enriching experience not to be missed! Shabbat services begin at 10am and conclude at approximately 12:30pm and are followed by a wonderful community lunch. There is no cost to attend and reservations are not needed.



NOW is the time to join the family! Membership includes High Holiday seats and discounts on other programs and activities. However, the main reason to join is to demonstrate your commitment to the future of Judaism in our area and to our community.

If you have already filled out and returned your Membership form please accept this message as our sincere thank you!

We urge you to pick the level of Membership and the financial commitment you feel comfortable with, and to fill out the form that you will find by following this link: We thank all of our amazing donors!


Belonging to a Jewish Community is not only gratifying and fulfilling it is also extremely important, for within the community one finds a place to connect with G-d and one’s soul, a place of learning and spiritual enrichment, a great source of friends, a place to bestow one’s Jewish legacy upon his or her child/ren, and so much more. Check out to learn more. 

The beauty of OUR Jewish Community is that we offer so many different options that everyone is sure to find something enriching and meaningful. Below please find a partial list of some of our current offerings. If you have never come by before pick an item or two and try it out. If you have already tried an item or two find another one that sounds interesting and give it a whirl. “Connection” – that is the name of the game and that is precisely what you will find here! 

*Daily Minyan   *Shabbat Services   *Weekly Kiddush Luncheon   *Mysticism Classes   *Torah Portion Class   *Hebrew School   *Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training   *Mommy and Me   *Family Friday Night Services and Dinner   *Women’s Group   *Youth Activities   *Pastoral Counseling   *Holiday Programming   *Community Meals   *Hospital Visitation   *Weekly Email Updates   *Hospital Visitation   *Mezuzah Campaign   *Jewish Heritage Workshops   *Jewish Learning Institute Affiliate *Jewish Encinitas *Chabad of Carlsbad N *Coastal Gan Preschool *Ckids Hebrew School


Shul Etiquette

Those who join us regularly for Shabbat services will agree that we have something very special going. The family-friendly atmosphere is unique and most inviting. We welcome everyone as though he/she is a long time member of the family.

At the same time it is important to remember that we are a synagogue. Our sanctuary is meant to be a place where it is conducive to finding inner peace and tranquility. That is why the Rabbis have many laws concerning the decorum of a shul.

It is appropriate to dress modestly and to dress somewhat formally in shul. Men should wear button down shirts, slacks (no jeans or shorts), with jackets and even ties when possible. Of course the head is to be kept covered at all times. Women should wear skirts that go past the knees and blouses with high neck lines and sleeves that cover the elbows. Married women should wear hats and the like.

Children must be supervised at all times by the parents except during Junior Congregation (11:30am). While we want the children to have a great time together it is also important that they do not become so wild and/or boisterous that they disturb those of us who are participating in the services.

We must remember that we should walk to shul and never park in the parking lot if there already eight cars parked. Finally, and we fully realize this goes against Jewish DNA, it is appropriate to come to shul ON TIME. While we know everyone is vying to be counted as the 10th, we are equally sure Hashem will give extra credit to those who come ON TIME at 10am (not to be confused with 11:30). We look forward to seeing you here!


Cell Phones & Chatting During Services

Needless to say the sanctuary on Shabbat or holidays is a place that must be conducive to reflective prayers and serenity. To help keep it this way, please refrain from engaging in any conversations during services and please do not bring in your cell phone. Thank you for your cooperation.


Critical Maintenance Issue – Your Cooperation Needed

PLEASE NOTE: The ONLY thing that may be flushed is toilet paper – NO EXCEPTIONS. This means tissue, baby wipes, paper towels, or any other product may NEVER be flushed, but instead must be disposed of in the provided trash receptacles.

THANK YOU for your cooperation!


Public Service Announcement – Let’s Work TOGETHER to Maintain OUR Shul

We have a beautiful shul. Everyone agrees. It is not easy to maintain everything, but we work hard to keep things clean and in good working order. We need your help.

Our sanctuary is graced with gorgeous, custom made, stained glass windows. These windows MUST be kept in pristine condition. Please respect the windows by only looking and never touching them. G-d forbid, they can easily be scratched if we are not careful. Also, please do not put ANY objects (cups, books, tissues etc.) on the window sills as it detracts from the windows.

Our custom-built furniture from Israel is as precious as it looks. People have put down cups (full and empty) on the partitions and the shelves. This is inappropriate. Children cannot sit on or climb on the furnishings – other than sitting in the pews as they were designed to be used. No exceptions.

Please put away your own Talis and prayer books, and replace the book racks when done using them. Please throw away your own garbage.

If we can all work together we will keep our shul beautiful!

THANK YOU for your understanding and cooperation.


Omni La Costa Resort Welcomes Chabad at La Costa Guests

We are pleased that our world-famous neighbor, the Omni La Costa Resort, has extended a special program offering all sorts of perks to those who book using the Chabad code when booking.

More than 600 people use the Chabad code each year ! Many people have expressed gratitude at having such world-class facilities in such close and convenient proximity to our Shul, and the joy at being to stay at the Omni and walk to Chabad for Shabbat services.

For discount details, to make your reservation, or to share the information with a friend, visit and click through. And remember to leave a positive review.

And let them know YOU SAW IT HERE

► Marc Buksbaum is an experienced local transactional attorney and former certified public accountant. Marc has experience in a wide range of business matters, including corporate/venture formations, mergers and acquisitions, financing transactions, and supply chain transactions, and his colleagues also have extensive experience in complex real estate and estate planning matters. Marc is licensed to practice law in California and New York and is a Certified Public Accountant (on “inactive status”) licensed in New York. If you have any questions or need help with your legal matter please contact Marc  at: 
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It's almost all the same, until you have a claim!

Marc Nimetz
Farmers Insurance                                                
15644 Pomerado Road, Suite 104                                  
Poway, CA 92064
License #0H35885
858-866-8147 (Office)
858-603-4961 (Cell)
858-815-6930 (Fax)

Jonathan Rozansky : Your Chabad Real Estate Agent & Mortgage Broker 
Whether you are Selling, Buying or Refinancing your home, do not proceed without calling Jonathan Rozansky, a licensed realtor and mortgage professional, first.  Jonathan will look out for your best interest and can answer all your real estate and financing questions.  Call for a free market analysis report today.

Jonathan Rozansky
Direct   (619) 392-1234
[email protected]
DRE. # 01754457
NMLS ID : 315987

 Ron Lewis Insurance Services
[email protected]
760-525-5769 - Cell
866-718-1600 - Toll-free

Specializing in Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance! 

• As an independent agent, I work with ALL the major insurance carriers.

• Let me do the shopping for you!

• I will save you money on your insurance premiums.

• Call me for a free, no-obligation quote.

• References available upon request.


 Neal Sperling Business Development

Highly talented, highly experienced business development/marketing consultant to wide range of businesses and non-profits can help you to find innovative new ways to raise money, launch, brand, market, sell, merchandise, and promote your products, services, and organization. Has written and improved wide variety of business plans, marketing plans, obtained major grants/new funding for a wide variety of ventures. Has unique ability to study most any business, quickly and creatively identify new sources of potential revenue, reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and drive more sales in the quickest time frames. Recognized expert on how to drive new sales via the internet. Acclaimed speaker to Southern California business groups, and particularly known for being a great “connector” with ability to introduce you to a wide variety of hard-to-reach decision-makers in various fields. Strong background in consumer products, medical products, high tech, "clean tech," "green" products, non-profits, much more. Call for details: cell: 818-219-9585.


Dream Home Cinema

*Family Room Surround
*Wholesale House Audio
*Home Automation

Joseph Markowitz:
[email protected]

Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoos

I am a small Jewish farmer running my business in La Costa  called Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoo. I arrive with my animals at little children's birthday parties, senior homes,  graduation parties, and resorts in the area, to share my love of animals. I also do animal therapy with children and adults. Fantastic!! Call me to make an appointment or set up a birthday party.

Pam Glickman 760-535-5293

Healthy Haven Live Radio Show with Anna Mintz

Window Paintings and Murals by Eileen Tilt-Lavy contact info available

Cost Effective Advertising Available HERE

Hundreds of people see Chabad at La Costa's Weekly Email Update. Those who are looking to effectively promote their business and at the same time support this important community resource are invited to become sponsors for only $50 per month (that's per MONTH, not per week). Call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891 to get your message out there.

Volume 25 Number 45| 20 Tammuz, 5784 | July 26, '24


Chabad Weekly Update

Volume 25 Number 45| 20 Tammuz, 5784 | July 26, '24
Message from the Rabbi

In this week's Torah portion we are introduced to five fascinating women, the daughters of a man named Zelophehad.

As the Jewish people neared the end of their 40-year sojourn in the wilderness, the time had come for the future Land of Israel to be divided among the Twelve Tribes. Within each tribe, the sections were apportioned to individual families based on the head of the family.

Zelophehad had passed away young, and had he had sons they would have received his portion of land. But because he only had daughters, it was assumed that his portion would be included in that of his brothers and nothing would remain in his name.

His daughters, however, refused to accept that. They approached Moses and insisted that their father's love for Israel must not be forgotten. And indeed, in their merit a new law was established: any man who dies without sons but does have daughters, the daughters would be the ones to inherit his land.

This was considered revolutionary in those days, but as time progressed it became obvious that the future of the Jewish people and their claim to the land of Israel depended on the insistence of these brave women. Their love for Israel is what drove them to stand up for their rights, and it is what continues to stand as a reminder to the Jewish people's bond with our land.

May we see the realization of this reality very soon, with the return of all Jews to the promised land with the coming of Moshiach!

Shabbat shalom,

Candle Lighting Times
Carlsbad and Encinitas

Shabbat Candlelighting Time: @ 7:34pm
Shabbat Ends: @ 8:32pm

Come pick up a Shabbat Candle lighting kit with the prayers and instructions.



NO Friday Night Service & YES Shabbos Morning Services & YES Soup and Challah

Remembering Harold Reisman

By: Rabbi Yeruchem Eilfort

Over the years our community has been blessed in many ways. The most profound blessings that we have enjoyed are due to YOU, our community, our family.

When Miriam, may she live and be well until 120 and beyond, and Harold Reisman, may his memory be for a blessing, moved into our community, Nechama and I quickly realized that our community grew not only in quantity, but in quality as well. The Reismans brought with them a wealth of Torah knowledge and Jewish values. Their Jewishness was the essence of how they identified themselves and how they lived their lives.

Harold and I davened and learned together, on a daily basis, for years. He loved learning Shulchan Aruch, the Code of Jewish Law. That was not all he learned. Harold was a student of the world. He immersed himself in anything/everything having to do with Israel and the Jewish people. He analyzed world religions and understood how different religions informed peoples’ attitudes towards the Jewish state. He mastered all of this in addition to his vast knowledge of science.  

Harold was a fierce supporter of Israel, which he proudly displayed on his special lapel pin. Incidentally, it was the same style lapel pin that Prime Minister Netanyahu wore during his address to the joint session of Congress this past week. It shows both the American and Israeli flags joined together.

At one point I asked Harold if he would share a few words on the Haftorah (selection from the Prophets read each week), he enthusiastically responded. Each week thereafter, for many years, he prepared his remarks. Speaking of remarks, his meticulous preparation was remarkable! He also wrote an article about the Haftorah for our community, every week, for years! This demonstrated his scholarship and his devotion to our community.

This Shabbos Miriam is sponsoring the Kiddush in Harold’s memory. There will also be a Bar Mitzvah celebration for Max Miller (Mazel tov!), so there may not be a lot of time to speak about Harold. That is why I wanted to share a bit about him now and convey the deeply held respect and love I felt for him.

May his Neshama have an Aliyah and be a true “Mailitz Yosher” (Heavenly advocate) for his beautiful family, friends, and his community (all of us)!



Dear Friends,

All year long we are here for your Jewish needs. We offer services on Shabbat and Holidays, educational opportunities, social occasions, joyous celebrations, life-cycle events, individual pastoral counseling and support, outreach activities and SO MUCH MORE!

It is with joy and energy that we offer everything we do, to YOU, our beloved community.

It is at this time of year that we ask you to partner with us by committing to support the community for the coming year.

Please follow the link provided to indicate your level of support. Become a Member

Chabad at La Costa has no outside support (there is no Chabad ‘superfund’), which means that we must be financially self-reliant. Think about the costs involved in keeping the lights on, the workers paid, the food served, and all of the materials we provide.

Can we count on YOU this year?

Wishing you G-d’s unlimited blessings with our deep appreciation!

Rabbi Yeruchem & Rebbetzin Nechama Eilfort


New Hebrew School Year and Open House Coming Soon

Open House Tuesday August 6th 4:00 - 6:00 Sign up at Please Share


Chabad Jewish Art Calendar

Our beautiful Jewish art calendar featuring an updated design will soon be printed and mailed to homes and business in our area, free of charge. We need your help to make this happen!

At this time of year I'm turning to you with a request to support our calendar campaign with a sponsorship:

$54.00 dedication or an amount of your choice. In recognition of your kind contribution and mitzvah for the New Year, your name will be included on the sponsor dedication page of our calendar.
In addition, we're offering the option to include the important dates of your family calendar - birthdays, anniversaries and yarzeits. Each will appear on the actual date of occurrence in our calendar for a donation of $18.00 per date or bundle for more value.
And of course, our Business Card Directory, if you have a business to advertise, please consider the various levels of business advertising from Banner to Executive Card ad to Business Card Directory ad.

I hope I can count on your participation this year and I look forward to receiving your positive response. Please take 30 seconds and click here to add an address to receive the Jewish Art Calendar in the mail, submit your dates, or make a donation or call Nechama (760-612-9787) or Sheila (858-610-0414).


Security Guard Sponsor Sought – Can You Help?

We have a wonderful security guard who keeps a watch over us while we are in services. The cost is $250 per week. We are looking for a sponsor this week and future weeks. If you are able to help please donate securely by following this link: Thank you!


How to Make a Donation (or Payment)

We would be nowhere without the generous support of our community. Please know that your support is profoundly appreciated!

There are many ways to donate besides checks and cash. Following, please find a list of the various other ‘platforms’ that are available for secure donations that go directly and entirely into the synagogue account (even though they say Nechama's name).

1. PayPal  [email protected]  or

2. Venmo @Nechama-Eilfort

3. Cashapp $nechamae

4. Zelle (Bank of America)   [email protected]

5. Personal credit card

6. Join our Legacy Circle - see below


Kiddush Sponsor

This week’s Kiddush is being sponsored by Miriam Reisman in loving memory of Harold Reisman. This week’s Kiddush is being cosponsored by the family of Max Miller in honor of his Bar Mitzvah.    

Each Shabbos after services, our beautiful community enjoys Shabbos lunch together. It is a true celebration where we bask in each other’s company while savoring delicious food.


We are always seeking additional sponsors, so if you can sponsor a Kiddush, please let us know.

An Important Note about Kiddushes –

The policy of the shul is to allow multiple sponsors for every Kiddush unless it is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or something similar (like a 50th wedding anniversary etc.).

There is no such thing as an exclusive Kiddush sponsor.

This is our policy for numerous reasons, not least of which is the fact that Kiddush sponsorships help generate much-needed income for our community and encourages more people to participate.

We thank you for your support and understanding!

Soup & Challah Sponsors

Soup and Challah is being sponsored by Clive Walden & the estate of Channah Hale. A big Yasher Koach to our volunteer new deliverers.

Challah is delivered to Mental Health Residential Centers in the area, people undergoing chemotherapy, and people who really love the addition to their Shabbos experience. 

Deliver and get a bag of challah for your family as well!

Rabbi's Thoughts and Haftarah Overview

Haftarah for Parshas Pinchas

I Kings 18:46-19:21.

The prophet Elijah is the main protagonist of this week's haftorah. According to tradition, Elijah shared the same soul as Pinchas, the hero of this week's Torah portion. They also both zealously fought on G‑d's behalf, while disregarding the dangers involved.

Following the  showdown with the Baal prophets at Mount Carmel, which led to the execution of the Baal priests, the evil Queen Jezebel issued a death sentence for Elijah. Elijah fled to the Judean desert and asked  G‑d to take his life. While he slept, an angel awoke him and provided him with food and drink. Re-energized, Elijah went for forty days until he arrived at Mount Horeb (Sinai), and he slept in a cave on the mountain. And the word of G‑d came to him and asked him for the purpose of his visit. "And [Elijah] said: 'I have been zealous for G‑d, the Lord of Hosts, for the children of Israel have forsaken Your covenant. They have torn down Your altars and they have killed Your prophets by the sword, and I have remained alone, and they seek my life to take it."

Elijah was instructed to leave the cave and stand on the mountain: "Behold! G‑d's Presence will pass." There was a great and strong wind splitting mountains and shattering boulders, but Elijah realized that G‑d was not in the wind. Then came an earthquake followed by fire, but again Elijah understood that not in the earthquake nor the fire was G‑d. After the fire there was a subtle silent voice, and Elijah realized that the Divine Presence had appeared.

G‑d asked Elijah again for the purpose of his visit, and Elijah repeated his earlier response. G‑d instructed Elijah to go to Damascus and anoint Hazael as king of Aram and Jehu as king of Israel and to anoint Elisha as a prophet in his stead. These three would continue Elijah's battle against the Baal.

Elijah followed the instructions and he immediately found Elisha and recruited him as his aide and eventual successor.

Condolences | Birthdays | Anniversaries | Yarzeits


Remember to add your Birthday, Anniversary, or Yarzeits to the calendar!

MAZEL TOV to the Miller family upon the occasion of the Bar Mitzvah of Max Miller!

MAZEL TOV to the Eilfort and Linde families upon the occasion of the wedding of Chava and Brandon!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Rosie Fenton, Marianne Rack, Aaron Crimmins, Gillie Klipper, and all of those celebrating their birthdays this week!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wishes go out to Jon and Julie Rozansky and all of those celebrating anniversaries this week!

WE REMEMBER Len Sekela, Sol Katz, Morris Rossenfeld, Rina Aivas, Marcus Mintz, Abraham Seigal, Morris Benbassat, Herman Isaac Barnett, Erin Webb, Harold Bernard Reisman, Ruth Weill, Perry Feder, Marian Beck, and  all of those whose Yarzeit is observed this week.

May Mike Schwartz, Doreen Prager, Rachel Perez, Clive Walden, Sheila Lebovitz, Adam Lemberger, Sandy Radom, Rachel bas Shoshana, Roz Mintz, Sandra Sapol, Penny Chapman and Greg Leon be blessed with a speedy and complete recovery!


Upcoming Kiddush Sponsors: 

August 3: Len Hyman in Memory of his father, Max Hyman
               Ilyse Loven in Memory of her father, Perry Feder
               David & Anna Mintz in Honor of family birthdays


Augst 17: Naomi Judith

August 24: Mark & Nikki Boiskin in Memory of her father, Wilfred Joss



Sponsoring a Kiddush is a great way to feel part of the Chabad at La Costa family!
(You can co-sponsor a Kiddush)

Giving & Helping Opportunities

New Mitzvah Opportunity

Bikur Cholim of SD Volunteers Needed!

There are a number of patients at UCSD La Jolla that have come from Israel to receive transplants here. They need our help!

Bikur Cholim of S Diego is a community organization helping the sick with care packages, visitation, driving spouses to and from the hospital, etc.

If you are able to give a few hours of your time, it will make another person's day that much better!

To get involved, sign up at



Our Soup and Challah Project has been going on its FOURTH year! It was sponsored by Channah Hale and now carried on in her memory.

We are at the point that we need NEW volunteers to drive and deliver food packages around the area.

Please consider making this a part of your Friday routine. Volunteers pick up a few containers of soup and bags of challah at 3:00pm and delivering them to the door of the recipients. Volunteers also get soup and challah!

Enhanced Security

Our number one priority is to ensure the safety and security of our shul family. We have a robust security system in place. We have gone to the added expense of hiring a uniformed, armed guard, who is with us, watching over us, in addition to our internal security team. 

The added layer of security is expensive. Please help us by donating to the security of our shul community by following this link: The cost is approximately $300 per week. All donations are tax-deductible.


The Foundation Project  - City Approved Plan

We are raising funds that will be used towards completing our basement. This project will include a TEEN LOUNGE, CLASSROOMS, a PLAYGROUND, OFFICES, STORAGE SPACE, BATHROOMS, and more. Call Rabbi to inquire about available dedications. The money we raise also goes towards scholarships for Hebrew School students, our Challah and Chicken Soup program, and all of our ongoing expenses.

Create Your Jewish Legacy Plan for the Future - Now

We have been blessed with life! Yet, we know that no one lives forever. This begs the question, “What will your legacy be?” Most of us have children, and they certainly should figure prominently into our plans. But our children are only a part of what we leave behind. Just as we endeavor to give Tzedakah generously, so as to selflessly make the world a better place while we are alive, so too we need to make sure that we leave a percentage of our estates for the benefit of others. Judaism tells us that it is incumbent upon us to leave the world better than when we found it. We do this by giving Tzedakah.

We can help.

Chabad has partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation in the creation of our Legacy Circle "Generation to Generation - Ensuring a Jewish Tomorrow, Today".  Many people do not prepare appropriately for the inevitable. They do not leave a will, or even if they do it is not consistent with Jewish Law. If one wants his body to be handled with the respect and care mandated by Jewish Law or if one wants the funeral service conducted according to Jewish Law, it must be arranged in advance. Don’t leave these critical details to luck!

Contact Rabbi Eilfort for a private appointment so these important matters can be handled how you want.

Send a personal email to [email protected] to schedule an appointment today.  

We honor our Legacy Circle Members*:

Joel Barnett

Angela Chapman

Beverly Galperin

Anonymous 1

Channah Hale

Len Hyman

Devorah Katz

Sheila Lebovitz

Ilyse Loven

David Markoff

Anonymous 2

Karen Miller

Ed Richard

Ira Schechtel

Sharon Silverstein

Steve and Cindy Marion Walker

Anonymous 3

  *Has provided Chabad with a Declaration of Intent. 

Click here for a Declaration of Intent and more information


Memorial Plaques & Tree of Life Plaques Available

Our beautiful Memorial Boards have been installed. We specifically designed our custom-built bookcases to ‘frame’ each of the boards. The first Memorial Board was dedicated by the Brunelle Family, the second Board was dedicated by the Alter Family, and the new Board has been dedicated by Miriam Reisman in memory of her husband, Harold.

We are currently offering Memorial Plaques to those who wish to perpetually honor the memory of a loved one in a most dignified and permanent manner. Those who dedicate Memorial Plaques will also receive yearly reminders of the Yarzeit in the newsletter and in the calendar and the light on the Board will be illuminated each year on the Yarzeit. The donation is only $500 per Memorial Board plaque.

We also have a gorgeous Tree of Life dedicated by the Lieberman Family that has been ‘growing. The purpose of the plaques on the Tree of Life is to commemorate joyous occasions (like Bar/Bat Mitzvah, anniversaries, special birthdays, weddings etc.). The donation is $180 for a leaf on the Tree of Life.

Those who wish to participate should send an email to   [email protected], or call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891.

We are excited to designate a section of our Tree of Life to our Legacy Circle. Watch the Tree and see article above. ​


Get Some Class

We have an ever-expanding menu of online learning opportunities for everyone. Below please find an overview of our current classes and a schedule of when you can join in on Facebook Live. If you miss the live class you can watch the recorded version, on Facebook.

Weekly Parsha Class - with Rabbi Sholom Eilfort in person and on Facebook Live Thursday nights at 7:15pm


JLI Course - this series of courses requires registration... 

 Coastal Gan - GROWING AGAIN!

We are looking for NEW STUDENTS and NEW STAFF

We are accepting infant and preschool age children (a new space just opened up).


If you know someone who recently graduated college and is looking for full or part time work in an enriching environment with qualified mentor teachers please refer them to US! 


Please Like the shul’s Facebook Page

For up to date pictures and announcements follow our Facebook Page and join our community Group.  

Coastal Chabads are here for YOU





Kosher Eateries Opening...

New Kosher Dairy location opening soon in University City!!


Hamitbach Info

Israeli street food 
5664 Mission Center Rd #402, San Diego, CA 92108


La Mesa PizzaWorks Info

Dine in and takeout
7406 University ave | La Mesa, CA 91942


DAILY JEWISH NEWS Available in Your Inbox for Free!

Sign up, as we have, for the daily Jewish news by subscribing to the Our dear friend and noted writer, Don Harrison, curates a refreshing variety of Jewish-interest stories. The daily emails are refreshing, as they come from a Jewish perspective. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Simply logon to the website and follow the prompts to subscribe.


Security Protocols

Everyone is Subject to Search

No Firearms (We have a well-defined security plan in effect and any unauthorized firearms could create confusion and actually reduce security).

Backpacks Prohibited

All Bags Subject to Search


Need a Minyan?

If you need a Minyan to say Kaddish please give the office at least a few days’ notice. We are happy to provide this important service, but it takes time to arrange enough participants to assure the quorum is present. Please email   [email protected] your request.


Shabbat Services with Meaning & Joy

Every Saturday we get together to celebrate the holy Shabbat in song and prayer. Our services are both traditional and user-friendly, as we fully recognize that not everyone has experience Davening (praying) in a traditional setting. What those who have joined have found is that the atmosphere in our synagogue is conducive to meaningful meditation. A knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to participate. In fact, the only thing that is needed is the desire to learn and to connect to the Almighty. It is an enriching experience not to be missed! Shabbat services begin at 10am and conclude at approximately 12:30pm and are followed by a wonderful community lunch. There is no cost to attend and reservations are not needed.



NOW is the time to join the family! Membership includes High Holiday seats and discounts on other programs and activities. However, the main reason to join is to demonstrate your commitment to the future of Judaism in our area and to our community.

If you have already filled out and returned your Membership form please accept this message as our sincere thank you!

We urge you to pick the level of Membership and the financial commitment you feel comfortable with, and to fill out the form that you will find by following this link: We thank all of our amazing donors!


Belonging to a Jewish Community is not only gratifying and fulfilling it is also extremely important, for within the community one finds a place to connect with G-d and one’s soul, a place of learning and spiritual enrichment, a great source of friends, a place to bestow one’s Jewish legacy upon his or her child/ren, and so much more. Check out to learn more. 

The beauty of OUR Jewish Community is that we offer so many different options that everyone is sure to find something enriching and meaningful. Below please find a partial list of some of our current offerings. If you have never come by before pick an item or two and try it out. If you have already tried an item or two find another one that sounds interesting and give it a whirl. “Connection” – that is the name of the game and that is precisely what you will find here! 

*Daily Minyan   *Shabbat Services   *Weekly Kiddush Luncheon   *Mysticism Classes   *Torah Portion Class   *Hebrew School   *Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training   *Mommy and Me   *Family Friday Night Services and Dinner   *Women’s Group   *Youth Activities   *Pastoral Counseling   *Holiday Programming   *Community Meals   *Hospital Visitation   *Weekly Email Updates   *Hospital Visitation   *Mezuzah Campaign   *Jewish Heritage Workshops   *Jewish Learning Institute Affiliate *Jewish Encinitas *Chabad of Carlsbad N *Coastal Gan Preschool *Ckids Hebrew School


Shul Etiquette

Those who join us regularly for Shabbat services will agree that we have something very special going. The family-friendly atmosphere is unique and most inviting. We welcome everyone as though he/she is a long time member of the family.

At the same time it is important to remember that we are a synagogue. Our sanctuary is meant to be a place where it is conducive to finding inner peace and tranquility. That is why the Rabbis have many laws concerning the decorum of a shul.

It is appropriate to dress modestly and to dress somewhat formally in shul. Men should wear button down shirts, slacks (no jeans or shorts), with jackets and even ties when possible. Of course the head is to be kept covered at all times. Women should wear skirts that go past the knees and blouses with high neck lines and sleeves that cover the elbows. Married women should wear hats and the like.

Children must be supervised at all times by the parents except during Junior Congregation (11:30am). While we want the children to have a great time together it is also important that they do not become so wild and/or boisterous that they disturb those of us who are participating in the services.

We must remember that we should walk to shul and never park in the parking lot if there already eight cars parked. Finally, and we fully realize this goes against Jewish DNA, it is appropriate to come to shul ON TIME. While we know everyone is vying to be counted as the 10th, we are equally sure Hashem will give extra credit to those who come ON TIME at 10am (not to be confused with 11:30). We look forward to seeing you here!


Cell Phones & Chatting During Services

Needless to say the sanctuary on Shabbat or holidays is a place that must be conducive to reflective prayers and serenity. To help keep it this way, please refrain from engaging in any conversations during services and please do not bring in your cell phone. Thank you for your cooperation.


Critical Maintenance Issue – Your Cooperation Needed

PLEASE NOTE: The ONLY thing that may be flushed is toilet paper – NO EXCEPTIONS. This means tissue, baby wipes, paper towels, or any other product may NEVER be flushed, but instead must be disposed of in the provided trash receptacles.

THANK YOU for your cooperation!


Public Service Announcement – Let’s Work TOGETHER to Maintain OUR Shul

We have a beautiful shul. Everyone agrees. It is not easy to maintain everything, but we work hard to keep things clean and in good working order. We need your help.

Our sanctuary is graced with gorgeous, custom made, stained glass windows. These windows MUST be kept in pristine condition. Please respect the windows by only looking and never touching them. G-d forbid, they can easily be scratched if we are not careful. Also, please do not put ANY objects (cups, books, tissues etc.) on the window sills as it detracts from the windows.

Our custom-built furniture from Israel is as precious as it looks. People have put down cups (full and empty) on the partitions and the shelves. This is inappropriate. Children cannot sit on or climb on the furnishings – other than sitting in the pews as they were designed to be used. No exceptions.

Please put away your own Talis and prayer books, and replace the book racks when done using them. Please throw away your own garbage.

If we can all work together we will keep our shul beautiful!

THANK YOU for your understanding and cooperation.


Omni La Costa Resort Welcomes Chabad at La Costa Guests

We are pleased that our world-famous neighbor, the Omni La Costa Resort, has extended a special program offering all sorts of perks to those who book using the Chabad code when booking.

More than 600 people use the Chabad code each year ! Many people have expressed gratitude at having such world-class facilities in such close and convenient proximity to our Shul, and the joy at being to stay at the Omni and walk to Chabad for Shabbat services.

For discount details, to make your reservation, or to share the information with a friend, visit and click through. And remember to leave a positive review.

And let them know YOU SAW IT HERE

► Marc Buksbaum is an experienced local transactional attorney and former certified public accountant. Marc has experience in a wide range of business matters, including corporate/venture formations, mergers and acquisitions, financing transactions, and supply chain transactions, and his colleagues also have extensive experience in complex real estate and estate planning matters. Marc is licensed to practice law in California and New York and is a Certified Public Accountant (on “inactive status”) licensed in New York. If you have any questions or need help with your legal matter please contact Marc  at: 
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It's almost all the same, until you have a claim!

Marc Nimetz
Farmers Insurance                                                
15644 Pomerado Road, Suite 104                                  
Poway, CA 92064
License #0H35885
858-866-8147 (Office)
858-603-4961 (Cell)
858-815-6930 (Fax)

Jonathan Rozansky : Your Chabad Real Estate Agent & Mortgage Broker 
Whether you are Selling, Buying or Refinancing your home, do not proceed without calling Jonathan Rozansky, a licensed realtor and mortgage professional, first.  Jonathan will look out for your best interest and can answer all your real estate and financing questions.  Call for a free market analysis report today.

Jonathan Rozansky
Direct   (619) 392-1234
[email protected]
DRE. # 01754457
NMLS ID : 315987

 Ron Lewis Insurance Services
[email protected]
760-525-5769 - Cell
866-718-1600 - Toll-free

Specializing in Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance! 

• As an independent agent, I work with ALL the major insurance carriers.

• Let me do the shopping for you!

• I will save you money on your insurance premiums.

• Call me for a free, no-obligation quote.

• References available upon request.


 Neal Sperling Business Development

Highly talented, highly experienced business development/marketing consultant to wide range of businesses and non-profits can help you to find innovative new ways to raise money, launch, brand, market, sell, merchandise, and promote your products, services, and organization. Has written and improved wide variety of business plans, marketing plans, obtained major grants/new funding for a wide variety of ventures. Has unique ability to study most any business, quickly and creatively identify new sources of potential revenue, reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and drive more sales in the quickest time frames. Recognized expert on how to drive new sales via the internet. Acclaimed speaker to Southern California business groups, and particularly known for being a great “connector” with ability to introduce you to a wide variety of hard-to-reach decision-makers in various fields. Strong background in consumer products, medical products, high tech, "clean tech," "green" products, non-profits, much more. Call for details: cell: 818-219-9585.


Dream Home Cinema

*Family Room Surround
*Wholesale House Audio
*Home Automation

Joseph Markowitz:
[email protected]

Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoos

I am a small Jewish farmer running my business in La Costa  called Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoo. I arrive with my animals at little children's birthday parties, senior homes,  graduation parties, and resorts in the area, to share my love of animals. I also do animal therapy with children and adults. Fantastic!! Call me to make an appointment or set up a birthday party.

Pam Glickman 760-535-5293

Healthy Haven Live Radio Show with Anna Mintz

Window Paintings and Murals by Eileen Tilt-Lavy contact info available

Cost Effective Advertising Available HERE

Hundreds of people see Chabad at La Costa's Weekly Email Update. Those who are looking to effectively promote their business and at the same time support this important community resource are invited to become sponsors for only $50 per month (that's per MONTH, not per week). Call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891 to get your message out there.

Volume 25 Number 44| 13 Tammuz, 5784 | July 19, '24


Chabad Weekly Update

Volume 25 Number 44| 13 Tammuz, 5784 | July 19, '24

The Sixth Chabad Rebbe, Rabbi Yosef Yitzchak Schneersohn, of righteous memory, was released from Stalinist prison in Soviet Russia 97 years ago this week. His “crime” was his engaging in “counter-revolutionary” activities; namely establishing and maintaining an underground Jewish infrastructure – schools, yeshivas, mikvahs, and more.

After spending nearly a month in custody, and after a series of miraculous near-death episodes, the Soviets caved to the Rebbe's defiance, as well as to international pressure, and set him free.

Throughout his ordeal, he did not budge an inch in anything that jeopardized his principles. Even at the train station, when he was about to be exiled, he declared publicly: “Only our bodies, not our souls, were sent into exile.”

His message was clear: No matter what they do to us, Jewish commitment to Torah’s ideals will never wane. Our souls are far superior to anything the world throws at us, and that is the secret to Jewish survival. Where they focus on hurting our bodies, our focus always remains on the soul – the unbreakable Jewish spirit that has been the essence of our existence from day one.

We pray that very soon, the soul will fully overpower the forces of evil, when we experience the true and ultimate redemption, with the coming of Moshiach!

Shabbat shalom,

Carlsbad and Encinitas

Shabbat Candlelighting Time: @ 7:38pm
Shabbat Ends: @ 8:37pm

Come pick up a Shabbat Candle lighting kit with the prayers and instructions.



NO Friday Night Service & YES Shabbos Morning Services & YES Soup and Challah

Fast Day This Week

The fast of the 17th of the Hebrew month of Tammuz, known as Shivah Asar B’Tammuz, is the start of a three-week mourning period for the destruction of Jerusalem and the two Holy Temples.

The fast actually commemorates five tragic events that occurred on this date:

  1. Moses broke the tablets when he saw the Jewish people worshipping the Golden Calf.
  2. During the Babylonian siege of Jerusalem, the Jews were forced to cease offering the daily sacrifices due to the lack of sheep.
  3. Apostomos burned the holy Torah.
  4. An idol was placed in the Holy Temple.
  5. The walls of Jerusalem were breached by the Romans, in 69 CE, after a lengthy siege. (Three weeks later, after the Jews put up a valiant struggle, the Romans destroyed the second Holy Temple on the 9th of Av.)
    The Jerusalem Talmud maintains that this is also the date when the Babylonians breached the walls of Jerusalem on their way to destroying the first Temple.

The Fast begins at 4:26am and ends at 8:22pm for more information about fasting click here.


Mazal Tov Chava Eilfort on your Upcoming Marriage to Brandon Linde



Dear Friends,

All year long we are here for your Jewish needs. We offer services on Shabbat and Holidays, educational opportunities, social occasions, joyous celebrations, life-cycle events, individual pastoral counseling and support, outreach activities and SO MUCH MORE!

It is with joy and energy that we offer everything we do, to YOU, our beloved community.

It is at this time of year that we ask you to partner with us by committing to support the community for the coming year.

Please follow the link provided to indicate your level of support. Become a Member

Chabad at La Costa has no outside support (there is no Chabad ‘superfund’), which means that we must be financially self-reliant. Think about the costs involved in keeping the lights on, the workers paid, the food served, and all of the materials we provide.

Can we count on YOU this year?

Wishing you G-d’s unlimited blessings with our deep appreciation!

Rabbi Yeruchem & Rebbetzin Nechama Eilfort


New Hebrew School Year and Open House Coming Soon

Open House Tuesday August 6th 4:00 - 6:00 Sign up at Please Share


Chabad Jewish Art Calendar

Our beautiful Jewish art calendar featuring an updated design will soon be printed and mailed to homes and business in our area, free of charge. We need your help to make this happen!

At this time of year I'm turning to you with a request to support our calendar campaign with a sponsorship:

$54.00 dedication or an amount of your choice. In recognition of your kind contribution and mitzvah for the New Year, your name will be included on the sponsor dedication page of our calendar.
In addition, we're offering the option to include the important dates of your family calendar - birthdays, anniversaries and yarzeits. Each will appear on the actual date of occurrence in our calendar for a donation of $18.00 per date or bundle for more value.
And of course, our Business Card Directory, if you have a business to advertise, please consider the various levels of business advertising from Banner to Executive Card ad to Business Card Directory ad.

I hope I can count on your participation this year and I look forward to receiving your positive response. Please take 30 seconds and click here to add an address to receive the Jewish Art Calendar in the mail, submit your dates, or make a donation or call Nechama (760-612-9787) or Sheila (858-610-0414).


Security Guard Sponsor Sought – Can You Help?

We have a wonderful security guard who keeps a watch over us while we are in services. The cost is $250 per week. We are looking for a sponsor this week and future weeks. If you are able to help please donate securely by following this link: Thank you!


How to Make a Donation (or Payment)

We would be nowhere without the generous support of our community. Please know that your support is profoundly appreciated!

There are many ways to donate besides for checks and cash. Following please find a list of the various other ‘platforms’ that are available for secure donations that go directly and entirely into the synagogue account (even though they say Nechama's name).

1. PayPal  [email protected]  or

2. Venmo @Nechama-Eilfort

3. Cashapp $nechamae

4. Zelle (Bank of America)   [email protected]

5. Personal credit card

6. Join our Legacy Circle - see below


Kiddush Sponsor

This week’s Kiddush is being sponsored by Chabad at La Costa in honor of Rabbi Dovi & Malkie Gorelick and the upcoming marriage of Chava Eilfort & Brandon Linde.

Each Shabbos after services, our beautiful community enjoys Shabbos lunch together. It is a true celebration where we bask in each other’s company while savoring delicious food.


We are always seeking additional sponsors, so if you can sponsor a Kiddush, please let us know.

An Important Note about Kiddushes –

The policy of the shul is to allow multiple sponsors for every Kiddush unless it is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or something similar (like a 50th wedding anniversary etc.).

There is no such thing as an exclusive Kiddush sponsor.

This is our policy for numerous reasons, not least of which is the fact that Kiddush sponsorships help generate much-needed income for our community and encourages more people to participate.

We thank you for your support and understanding!

Soup & Challah Sponsors

Soup and Challah is being sponsored by Clive Walden & the estate of Channah Hale. A big Yasher Koach to our volunteer new deliverers.

Challah is delivered to Mental Health Residential Centers in the area, people undergoing chemotherapy, and people who really love the addition to their Shabbos experience. 

Deliver and get a bag of challah for your family as well!

Rabbi's Thoughts and Haftarah Overview

Haftarah for Parshat Balak

Micah 5:6-6:8.

This week's haftorah makes mention of the incident of Balak the king of Moab hiring the sorcerer Balaam to curse the Jewish people — the main topic of this week's Torah reading.

The prophet Micah prophesies about what will occur after the war of Gog and Magog, the war which precedes the coming of the Messiah and the Final Redemption.

"And the remnant of Jacob shall be in the midst of many peoples — like dew sent by G‑d, like torrents of rain upon vegetation that does not hope for any man and does not wait for the sons of men." The prophet describes how G‑d will remove the idols and sorcerers and how He will destroy the Jews' enemies.

The prophet Micah then goes on to rebuke the Jewish people for not observing G‑d's commandments, calling as witness the "mountains and hills" — a reference to the Patriarchs and Matriarchs — and reminding them of the great things G‑d had done for them. He took them out of Egypt and replaced the curses that Balaam son of Beor wanted to utter against them with blessings.

The Jewish people respond by saying that they do not know how to serve G‑d and ask for guidance. The prophet reminds them of the Torah, and that all they need to do is contained within it: "He has told you, O man, what is good, and what G‑d demands of you: but to do justice, love kindness, and walk discreetly with your G‑d."

This is a synopsis of the Haftorah that is read in Chabad synagogues. Other communities could possibly read more, less, or a different section of the Prophets altogether. Additionally, specific calendrical conditions can cause another Haftorah to be read instead of this one.

Condolences | Birthdays | Anniversaries | Yarzeits


Remember to add your Birthday, Anniversary, or Yarzeits to the calendar!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Chaya Eilfort, Yossi Eilfort, Armand Rack, Jason Spinner, and all of those celebrating their birthdays this week!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wishes go out to Steven & Linda Rivkin and all of those celebrating anniversaries this week!

WE REMEMBER Curtis Rack, Doris Benbassat, George Hale, Robert Turtle, Jacques VanDam, and  all of those whose Yarzeit is observed this week.

May Mike Schwartz, Doreen Prager, Rachel Perez, Clive Walden, Sheila Lebovitz, Adam Lemberger, Sandy Radom, Rachel bas Shoshana, Roz Mintz, Sandra Sapol, Penny Chapman and Greg Leon be blessed with a speedy and complete recovery!

Upcoming Kiddush Sponsors: Sponsors Needed for ALL OF JULY etc...

July 20: Chabad at La Costa

July 27: Miriam Reisman in Memory of her husband, Harold Reisman
             Bar Mitzvah of Max Miller

August 3: Len Hyman in Memory of his father, Max Hyman
               Ilyse Loven in Memory of her father, Perry Feder
               David & Anna Mintz in Honor of family birthdays



Sponsoring a Kiddush is a great way to feel part of the Chabad at La Costa family!
(You can co-sponsor a Kiddush)

Giving & Helping Opportunities

New Mitzvah Opportunity

Bikur Cholim of SD Volunteers Needed!

There are a number of patients at UCSD La Jolla that have come from Israel to receive transplants here. They need our help!

Bikur Cholim of S Diego is a community organization helping the sick with care packages, visitation, driving spouses to and from the hospital, etc.

If you are able to give a few hours of your time, it will make another person's day that much better!

To get involved, sign up at



Our Soup and Challah Project has been going on its FOURTH year! It was sponsored by Channah Hale and now carried on in her memory.

We are at the point that we need NEW volunteers to drive and deliver food packages around the area.

Please consider making this a part of your Friday routine. Volunteers pick up a few containers of soup and bags of challah at 3:00pm and delivering them to the door of the recipients. Volunteers also get soup and challah!

Enhanced Security

Our number one priority is to ensure the safety and security of our shul family. We have a robust security system in place. We have gone to the added expense of hiring a uniformed, armed guard, who is with us, watching over us, in addition to our internal security team. 

The added layer of security is expensive. Please help us by donating to the security of our shul community by following this link: The cost is approximately $300 per week. All donations are tax-deductible.


The Foundation Project  - City Approved Plan

We are raising funds that will be used towards completing our basement. This project will include a TEEN LOUNGE, CLASSROOMS, a PLAYGROUND, OFFICES, STORAGE SPACE, BATHROOMS, and more. Call Rabbi to inquire about available dedications. The money we raise also goes towards scholarships for Hebrew School students, our Challah and Chicken Soup program, and all of our ongoing expenses.

Create Your Jewish Legacy Plan for the Future - Now

We have been blessed with life! Yet, we know that no one lives forever. This begs the question, “What will your legacy be?” Most of us have children, and they certainly should figure prominently into our plans. But our children are only a part of what we leave behind. Just as we endeavor to give Tzedakah generously, so as to selflessly make the world a better place while we are alive, so too we need to make sure that we leave a percentage of our estates for the benefit of others. Judaism tells us that it is incumbent upon us to leave the world better than when we found it. We do this by giving Tzedakah.

We can help.

Chabad has partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation in the creation of our Legacy Circle "Generation to Generation - Ensuring a Jewish Tomorrow, Today".  Many people do not prepare appropriately for the inevitable. They do not leave a will, or even if they do it is not consistent with Jewish Law. If one wants his body to be handled with the respect and care mandated by Jewish Law or if one wants the funeral service conducted according to Jewish Law, it must be arranged in advance. Don’t leave these critical details to luck!

Contact Rabbi Eilfort for a private appointment so these important matters can be handled how you want.

Send a personal email to [email protected] to schedule an appointment today.  

We honor our Legacy Circle Members*:

Joel Barnett

Angela Chapman

Beverly Galperin

Anonymous 1

Channah Hale

Len Hyman

Devorah Katz

Sheila Lebovitz

Ilyse Loven

David Markoff

Anonymous 2

Karen Miller

Ed Richard

Ira Schechtel

Sharon Silverstein

Steve and Cindy Marion Walker

Anonymous 3

  *Has provided Chabad with a Declaration of Intent. 

Click here for a Declaration of Intent and more information


Memorial Plaques & Tree of Life Plaques Available

Our beautiful Memorial Boards have been installed. We specifically designed our custom-built bookcases to ‘frame’ each of the boards. The first Memorial Board was dedicated by the Brunelle Family, the second Board was dedicated by the Alter Family, and the new Board has been dedicated by Miriam Reisman in memory of her husband, Harold.

We are currently offering Memorial Plaques to those who wish to perpetually honor the memory of a loved one in a most dignified and permanent manner. Those who dedicate Memorial Plaques will also receive yearly reminders of the Yarzeit in the newsletter and in the calendar and the light on the Board will be illuminated each year on the Yarzeit. The donation is only $500 per Memorial Board plaque.

We also have a gorgeous Tree of Life dedicated by the Lieberman Family that has been ‘growing. The purpose of the plaques on the Tree of Life is to commemorate joyous occasions (like Bar/Bat Mitzvah, anniversaries, special birthdays, weddings etc.). The donation is $180 for a leaf on the Tree of Life.

Those who wish to participate should send an email to   [email protected], or call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891.

We are excited to designate a section of our Tree of Life to our Legacy Circle. Watch the Tree and see article above. ​


Get Some Class

We have an ever-expanding menu of online learning opportunities for everyone. Below please find an overview of our current classes and a schedule of when you can join in on Facebook Live. If you miss the live class you can watch the recorded version, on Facebook.

Weekly Parsha Class - with Rabbi Sholom Eilfort in person and on Facebook Live Thursday nights at 7:15pm


JLI Course - this series of courses requires registration... 

 Coastal Gan - GROWING AGAIN!

We are looking for NEW STUDENTS and NEW STAFF

We are accepting infant and preschool age children (a new space just opened up).


If you know someone who recently graduated college and is looking for full or part time work in an enriching environment with qualified mentor teachers please refer them to US! 


Please Like the shul’s Facebook Page

For up to date pictures and announcements follow our Facebook Page and join our community Group.  

Coastal Chabads are here for YOU





Kosher Eateries Opening...

New Kosher Dairy location opening soon in University City!!


Hamitbach Info

Israeli street food 
5664 Mission Center Rd #402, San Diego, CA 92108


La Mesa PizzaWorks Info

Dine in and takeout
7406 University ave | La Mesa, CA 91942


DAILY JEWISH NEWS Available in Your Inbox for Free!

Sign up, as we have, for the daily Jewish news by subscribing to the Our dear friend and noted writer, Don Harrison, curates a refreshing variety of Jewish-interest stories. The daily emails are refreshing, as they come from a Jewish perspective. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Simply logon to the website and follow the prompts to subscribe.


Security Protocols

Everyone is Subject to Search

No Firearms (We have a well-defined security plan in effect and any unauthorized firearms could create confusion and actually reduce security).

Backpacks Prohibited

All Bags Subject to Search


Need a Minyan?

If you need a Minyan to say Kaddish please give the office at least a few days’ notice. We are happy to provide this important service, but it takes time to arrange enough participants to assure the quorum is present. Please email   [email protected] your request.


Shabbat Services with Meaning & Joy

Every Saturday we get together to celebrate the holy Shabbat in song and prayer. Our services are both traditional and user-friendly, as we fully recognize that not everyone has experience Davening (praying) in a traditional setting. What those who have joined have found is that the atmosphere in our synagogue is conducive to meaningful meditation. A knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to participate. In fact, the only thing that is needed is the desire to learn and to connect to the Almighty. It is an enriching experience not to be missed! Shabbat services begin at 10am and conclude at approximately 12:30pm and are followed by a wonderful community lunch. There is no cost to attend and reservations are not needed.



NOW is the time to join the family! Membership includes High Holiday seats and discounts on other programs and activities. However, the main reason to join is to demonstrate your commitment to the future of Judaism in our area and to our community.

If you have already filled out and returned your Membership form please accept this message as our sincere thank you!

We urge you to pick the level of Membership and the financial commitment you feel comfortable with, and to fill out the form that you will find by following this link: We thank all of our amazing donors!


Belonging to a Jewish Community is not only gratifying and fulfilling it is also extremely important, for within the community one finds a place to connect with G-d and one’s soul, a place of learning and spiritual enrichment, a great source of friends, a place to bestow one’s Jewish legacy upon his or her child/ren, and so much more. Check out to learn more. 

The beauty of OUR Jewish Community is that we offer so many different options that everyone is sure to find something enriching and meaningful. Below please find a partial list of some of our current offerings. If you have never come by before pick an item or two and try it out. If you have already tried an item or two find another one that sounds interesting and give it a whirl. “Connection” – that is the name of the game and that is precisely what you will find here! 

*Daily Minyan   *Shabbat Services   *Weekly Kiddush Luncheon   *Mysticism Classes   *Torah Portion Class   *Hebrew School   *Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training   *Mommy and Me   *Family Friday Night Services and Dinner   *Women’s Group   *Youth Activities   *Pastoral Counseling   *Holiday Programming   *Community Meals   *Hospital Visitation   *Weekly Email Updates   *Hospital Visitation   *Mezuzah Campaign   *Jewish Heritage Workshops   *Jewish Learning Institute Affiliate *Jewish Encinitas *Chabad of Carlsbad N *Coastal Gan Preschool *Ckids Hebrew School


Shul Etiquette

Those who join us regularly for Shabbat services will agree that we have something very special going. The family-friendly atmosphere is unique and most inviting. We welcome everyone as though he/she is a long time member of the family.

At the same time it is important to remember that we are a synagogue. Our sanctuary is meant to be a place where it is conducive to finding inner peace and tranquility. That is why the Rabbis have many laws concerning the decorum of a shul.

It is appropriate to dress modestly and to dress somewhat formally in shul. Men should wear button down shirts, slacks (no jeans or shorts), with jackets and even ties when possible. Of course the head is to be kept covered at all times. Women should wear skirts that go past the knees and blouses with high neck lines and sleeves that cover the elbows. Married women should wear hats and the like.

Children must be supervised at all times by the parents except during Junior Congregation (11:30am). While we want the children to have a great time together it is also important that they do not become so wild and/or boisterous that they disturb those of us who are participating in the services.

We must remember that we should walk to shul and never park in the parking lot if there already eight cars parked. Finally, and we fully realize this goes against Jewish DNA, it is appropriate to come to shul ON TIME. While we know everyone is vying to be counted as the 10th, we are equally sure Hashem will give extra credit to those who come ON TIME at 10am (not to be confused with 11:30). We look forward to seeing you here!


Cell Phones & Chatting During Services

Needless to say the sanctuary on Shabbat or holidays is a place that must be conducive to reflective prayers and serenity. To help keep it this way, please refrain from engaging in any conversations during services and please do not bring in your cell phone. Thank you for your cooperation.


Critical Maintenance Issue – Your Cooperation Needed

PLEASE NOTE: The ONLY thing that may be flushed is toilet paper – NO EXCEPTIONS. This means tissue, baby wipes, paper towels, or any other product may NEVER be flushed, but instead must be disposed of in the provided trash receptacles.

THANK YOU for your cooperation!


Public Service Announcement – Let’s Work TOGETHER to Maintain OUR Shul

We have a beautiful shul. Everyone agrees. It is not easy to maintain everything, but we work hard to keep things clean and in good working order. We need your help.

Our sanctuary is graced with gorgeous, custom made, stained glass windows. These windows MUST be kept in pristine condition. Please respect the windows by only looking and never touching them. G-d forbid, they can easily be scratched if we are not careful. Also, please do not put ANY objects (cups, books, tissues etc.) on the window sills as it detracts from the windows.

Our custom-built furniture from Israel is as precious as it looks. People have put down cups (full and empty) on the partitions and the shelves. This is inappropriate. Children cannot sit on or climb on the furnishings – other than sitting in the pews as they were designed to be used. No exceptions.

Please put away your own Talis and prayer books, and replace the book racks when done using them. Please throw away your own garbage.

If we can all work together we will keep our shul beautiful!

THANK YOU for your understanding and cooperation.


Omni La Costa Resort Welcomes Chabad at La Costa Guests

We are pleased that our world-famous neighbor, the Omni La Costa Resort, has extended a special program offering all sorts of perks to those who book using the Chabad code when booking.

More than 600 people use the Chabad code each year ! Many people have expressed gratitude at having such world-class facilities in such close and convenient proximity to our Shul, and the joy at being to stay at the Omni and walk to Chabad for Shabbat services.

For discount details, to make your reservation, or to share the information with a friend, visit and click through. And remember to leave a positive review.

And let them know YOU SAW IT HERE

► Marc Buksbaum is an experienced local transactional attorney and former certified public accountant. Marc has experience in a wide range of business matters, including corporate/venture formations, mergers and acquisitions, financing transactions, and supply chain transactions, and his colleagues also have extensive experience in complex real estate and estate planning matters. Marc is licensed to practice law in California and New York and is a Certified Public Accountant (on “inactive status”) licensed in New York. If you have any questions or need help with your legal matter please contact Marc  at: 
Marc Buksbaum
Attorney at Law 
2784 Gateway Road, Suite 104
Carlsbad, CA  92009 
T 760 438 2211
F 760 438 2014  

►Rina Coleman is an Enrolled Agent with more than 20 years experience preparing taxes for all walks of life. Please contact her at [email protected] for a free 15 minute consultation.

►Marc Nimetz Farmers Insurance

It's almost all the same, until you have a claim!

Marc Nimetz
Farmers Insurance                                                
15644 Pomerado Road, Suite 104                                  
Poway, CA 92064
License #0H35885
858-866-8147 (Office)
858-603-4961 (Cell)
858-815-6930 (Fax)

Jonathan Rozansky : Your Chabad Real Estate Agent & Mortgage Broker 
Whether you are Selling, Buying or Refinancing your home, do not proceed without calling Jonathan Rozansky, a licensed realtor and mortgage professional, first.  Jonathan will look out for your best interest and can answer all your real estate and financing questions.  Call for a free market analysis report today.

Jonathan Rozansky
Direct   (619) 392-1234
[email protected]
DRE. # 01754457
NMLS ID : 315987

 Ron Lewis Insurance Services
[email protected]
760-525-5769 - Cell
866-718-1600 - Toll-free

Specializing in Medicare Supplement (Medigap) Insurance! 

• As an independent agent, I work with ALL the major insurance carriers.

• Let me do the shopping for you!

• I will save you money on your insurance premiums.

• Call me for a free, no-obligation quote.

• References available upon request.


 Neal Sperling Business Development

Highly talented, highly experienced business development/marketing consultant to wide range of businesses and non-profits can help you to find innovative new ways to raise money, launch, brand, market, sell, merchandise, and promote your products, services, and organization. Has written and improved wide variety of business plans, marketing plans, obtained major grants/new funding for a wide variety of ventures. Has unique ability to study most any business, quickly and creatively identify new sources of potential revenue, reduce costs, increase efficiencies, and drive more sales in the quickest time frames. Recognized expert on how to drive new sales via the internet. Acclaimed speaker to Southern California business groups, and particularly known for being a great “connector” with ability to introduce you to a wide variety of hard-to-reach decision-makers in various fields. Strong background in consumer products, medical products, high tech, "clean tech," "green" products, non-profits, much more. Call for details: cell: 818-219-9585.


Dream Home Cinema

*Family Room Surround
*Wholesale House Audio
*Home Automation

Joseph Markowitz:
[email protected]

Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoos

I am a small Jewish farmer running my business in La Costa  called Pammy's Pony Parties and Petting Zoo. I arrive with my animals at little children's birthday parties, senior homes,  graduation parties, and resorts in the area, to share my love of animals. I also do animal therapy with children and adults. Fantastic!! Call me to make an appointment or set up a birthday party.

Pam Glickman 760-535-5293

Healthy Haven Live Radio Show with Anna Mintz

Window Paintings and Murals by Eileen Tilt-Lavy contact info available

Cost Effective Advertising Available HERE

Hundreds of people see Chabad at La Costa's Weekly Email Update. Those who are looking to effectively promote their business and at the same time support this important community resource are invited to become sponsors for only $50 per month (that's per MONTH, not per week). Call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891 to get your message out there.

Volume 25 Number 41| 22 Sivan, 5784 | June 28, '24


Chabad Weekly Update

Volume 25 Number 41| 22 Sivan, 5784 | June 28, '24

The first mention of a “congregation” comprising 10 people—a minyan—is in this week’s Torah portion, where 10 of the 12 spies Moses sent to scout out of the Land of Canaan are referred to as “an evil congregation.”

While it seems odd that such a central aspect of Jewish life is learned from the tragic event of the spies—who libeled the Holy Land and incited the Jewish people against G-d’s plan to have them settle there—that is in fact where the message lies.

The immense power that a community has can be harnessed in either direction. We can choose to use our collective strength for selfish purposes, or we can utilize the Divine powers invested in a minyan for a holy purpose.

Like everything else in life, we have the freedom to choose our destiny and the path we follow. The lesson from the painful episode of spies is that our choices can have long-lasting effects, and we must therefore choose wisely. And like every lesson in the Torah, the fact that we are given the choice means that G-d has faith in us to make the right decision, every time!

Shabbat shalom,

Carlsbad and Encinitas

Shabbat Candlelighting Time: @ 7:44pm
Shabbat Ends: @ 8:45pm

Come pick up a Shabbat Candle lighting kit with the prayers and instructions.



NO Friday Night Service & YES Shabbos Morning Services & PICKUP Soup and Challah


A Minyan (a quorum of 10 Jewish men aged 13 and above) on Sunday evening at 7pm so Len Hyman can say Kaddish for his mother on her Yarzeit. The Minyan will take 30 minutes. If you are able to help with this important Mitzvah please respond right away.

Thank you in advance and G-d bless!


It’s the Rebbe’s 30th Yarzeit THIS Week

Join us for a special Evening of Inspiration in honor of 30 years of the Lubavitcher Rebbe's Yartzeit

with Rabbi Lazer Avtzon, Founder and Executive Director of the Global Jewish Assistance & Relief Network.



at 7:45 pm

at Chabad of Downtown

275 Island Ave, 92101

For Men & Women



JLI Course Concludes THIS Week

  ^^Click Me^^

SPRING – 4 LESSONS  Decisions of Fate - Guiding Jewish Values for Making  Life-and-Death Decision (This course will be accredited for CME (for doctors) and CLE (for lawyers) credits.)

Lesson 1 - Experimental Treatments

Lesson 2 - Extending Life (Suicide and Heroic Measures)

Lesson 3 - Pregnancy Questions

Lesson 4 - A Body’s Dignity

Next year's lineup has been announced - see classes section below.


Torah Studies with Rabbi Sholom

4th of July Celebration THIS Thursday!

Join us for BBQ  & Fireworks for Dessert!

We hope you will join us as we celebration America the Beautiful’s birthday in grand style this Thursday beginning at 6pm and going through the fireworks spectacular at 9pm.

The all-you-can-eat BBQ Buffet will include hamburgers, hotdogs, wings (hot and BBQ-style), fries, salads, corn, drinks, and desserts.

The cost to attend for members/locals is $25 per adult and $10 per child (3-12).

Reservations and payment are necessary:


Security Guard Sponsor Sought – Can You Help?

We have a wonderful security guard who keeps a watch over us while we are in services. The cost is $250 per week. We are looking for a sponsor this week and future weeks. If you are able to help please donate securely by following this link: Thank you!


DAILY JEWISH NEWS Available in Your Inbox for Free!

Sign up, as we have, for the daily Jewish news by subscribing to the Our dear friend and noted writer, Don Harrison, curates a refreshing variety of Jewish-interest stories. The daily emails are refreshing, as they come from a Jewish perspective. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Simply logon to the website and follow the prompts to subscribe.


How to Make a Donation (or Payment)

We would be nowhere without the generous support of our community. Please know that your support is profoundly appreciated!

There are many ways to donate besides for checks and cash. Following please find a list of the various other ‘platforms’ that are available for secure donations that go directly and entirely into the synagogue account (even though they say Nechama's name).

1. PayPal  [email protected]  or

2. Venmo @Nechama-Eilfort

3. Cashapp $nechamae

4. Zelle (Bank of America)   [email protected]

5. Personal credit card

6. Join our Legacy Circle - see below


Kiddush Sponsor

This week’s Kiddush is being sponsored by Len Hyman in memory of his mother, Esther Hyman on her Yarzeit. It is also being sponsored by Rabbi and Rebbetzin Eilfort in honor of the Rebbe’s 30th Yarzeit. It is also in honor of the Engagement of Rabbi Sholom Eilfort & Mushka Alperowics!   

Each Shabbos after services, our beautiful community enjoys Shabbos lunch together. It is a true celebration where we bask in each other’s company while savoring delicious food.


We are always seeking additional sponsors, so if you can sponsor a Kiddush, please let us know.

An Important Note about Kiddushes –

The policy of the shul is to allow multiple sponsors for every Kiddush unless it is a Bar/Bat Mitzvah or something similar (like a 50th wedding anniversary etc.).

There is no such thing as an exclusive Kiddush sponsor.

This is our policy for numerous reasons, not least of which is the fact that Kiddush sponsorships help generate much-needed income for our community and encourages more people to participate.

We thank you for your support and understanding!

Soup & Challah Sponsors

Soup and Challah is being sponsored by Clive Walden & the estate of Channah Hale. A big Yasher Koach to our volunteer new deliverers.

Challah is delivered to Mental Health Residential Centers in the area, people undergoing chemotherapy, and people who really love the addition to their Shabbos experience. 

Deliver and get a bag of challah for your family as well!

Rabbi's Thoughts and Haftarah Overview

Haftarah for Parshas Shelach

Joshua 2:1-24.

This week's haftorah tells the story of the spies that Joshua sent to scout the city of Jericho, prior to the Israelites' invasion of the Holy Land, a point in common with this week's Torah reading, which discusses the twelve spies that were sent by Moses years earlier to explore the Holy Land.

Joshua sent two spies to Jericho, where they lodged at an inn located in the city's walls, operated by a woman named Rahab. Their presence was quickly discovered by the king who sent for Rahab and asked her to turn in her guests. Rahab responded that her guests had already left the city — when actually she had hidden them on her rooftop.

"And she said to the men, I know that G‑d has given you the land, and that your terror has fallen upon us, and that all the inhabitants of the land have melted away because of you. For we have heard how G‑d dried up the water of the Red Sea for you when you came out of Egypt; and what you did to the two kings of the Amorites that were on the other side of the Jordan, Sihon and Og, whom you completely destroyed."

At Rahab's request, the two spies assured her that she and her family would not be harmed during the conquer of Jericho—provided that she would tie a scarlet thread and hang it from her window. This would be a symbol that this home is a safe haven. Rahab helped the men escape via a rope she lowered from her window and told them how to hide from possible pursuers. The spies escaped safely and returned to report to Joshua.

Condolences | Birthdays | Anniversaries | Yarzeits


MAZEL TOV wishes go out to the Eilfort and Alperowics families in honor of the engagement of our own Rabbi Sholom Eilfort and Mushka Alperowics of Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY!

HAPPY BIRTHDAY wishes go out to Rosalba Buenaventura, Rebecca Tilt, and all of those celebrating their birthdays this week!

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY wishes go out to all of those celebrating anniversaries this week!

WE REMEMBER Esther Hymnan, Maish Goretsky, Zolen Lazer, Moshe Shlomo Vousikhis, George Kupchin, Sandy Shuster,and  all of those whose Yarzeit is observed this week.

May Mike Schwartz, Doreen Prager, Rachel Perez, Clive Walden, Sheila Lebovitz, Adam Lemberger, Sandy Radom, Rachel bas Shoshana, Roz Mintz, Sandra Sapol, Penny Chapman and Greg Leon be blessed with a speedy and complete recovery!

Upcoming Kiddush Sponsors: Sponsors Needed for ALL OF JULY etc...

June 29: Len Hyman

July 6: Sponsors Needed


Sponsoring a Kiddush is a great way to feel part of the Chabad at La Costa family!
(You can co-sponsor a Kiddush)

Giving & Helping Opportunities

Enhanced Security

Our number one priority is to ensure the safety and security of our shul family. We have a robust security system in place. We have gone to the added expense of hiring a uniformed, armed guard, who is with us, watching over us, in addition to our internal security team. 

The added layer of security is expensive. Please help us by donating to the security of our shul community by following this link: The cost is approximately $300 per week. All donations are tax-deductible.


The Foundation Project

We are raising funds that will be used towards completing our basement. This project will include a TEEN LOUNGE, CLASSROOMS, a PLAYGROUND, OFFICES, STORAGE SPACE, BATHROOMS, and more. Call Rabbi to inquire about available dedications. The money we raise also goes towards scholarships for Hebrew School students, our Challah and Chicken Soup program, and all of our ongoing expenses.

For more pictures and information go to 

Create Your Jewish Legacy Plan for the Future - Now

We have been blessed with life! Yet, we know that no one lives forever. This begs the question, “What will your legacy be?” Most of us have children, and they certainly should figure prominently into our plans. But our children are only a part of what we leave behind. Just as we endeavor to give Tzedakah generously, so as to selflessly make the world a better place while we are alive, so too we need to make sure that we leave a percentage of our estates for the benefit of others. Judaism tells us that it is incumbent upon us to leave the world better than when we found it. We do this by giving Tzedakah.

We can help.

Chabad has partnered with the Jewish Community Foundation in the creation of our Legacy Circle "Generation to Generation - Ensuring a Jewish Tomorrow, Today".  Many people do not prepare appropriately for the inevitable. They do not leave a will, or even if they do it is not consistent with Jewish Law. If one wants his body to be handled with the respect and care mandated by Jewish Law or if one wants the funeral service conducted according to Jewish Law, it must be arranged in advance. Don’t leave these critical details to luck!

Contact Rabbi Eilfort for a private appointment so these important matters can be handled how you want.

Send a personal email to [email protected] to schedule an appointment today.  

We honor our Legacy Circle Members*:

Joel Barnett

Angela Chapman

Beverly Galperin

Anonymous 1

Channah Hale

Len Hyman

Devorah Katz

Sheila Lebovitz

Ilyse Loven

David Markoff

Anonymous 2

Karen Miller

Ed Richard

Ira Schechtel

Sharon Silverstein

Steve and Cindy Marion Walker

Anonymous 3

  *Has provided Chabad with a Declaration of Intent. 

Click here for a Declaration of Intent and more information


Memorial Plaques & Tree of Life Plaques Available

Our beautiful Memorial Boards have been installed. We specifically designed our custom-built bookcases to ‘frame’ each of the boards. The first Memorial Board was dedicated by the Brunelle Family, the second Board was dedicated by the Alter Family, and the new Board has been dedicated by Miriam Reisman in memory of her husband, Harold.

We are currently offering Memorial Plaques to those who wish to perpetually honor the memory of a loved one in a most dignified and permanent manner. Those who dedicate Memorial Plaques will also receive yearly reminders of the Yarzeit in the newsletter and in the calendar and the light on the Board will be illuminated each year on the Yarzeit. The donation is only $500 per Memorial Board plaque.

We also have a gorgeous Tree of Life dedicated by the Lieberman Family that has been ‘growing. The purpose of the plaques on the Tree of Life is to commemorate joyous occasions (like Bar/Bat Mitzvah, anniversaries, special birthdays, weddings etc.). The donation is $180 for a leaf on the Tree of Life.

Those who wish to participate should send an email to   [email protected], or call Rabbi Eilfort at 760-943-8891.

We are excited to designate a section of our Tree of Life to our Legacy Circle. Watch the Tree and see article above. ​


New Mitzvah Opportunity

Bikur Cholim of SD Volunteers Needed!

There are a number of patients at UCSD La Jolla that have come from Israel to receive transplants here. They need our help!

Bikur Cholim of S Diego is a community organization helping the sick with care packages, visitation, driving spouses to and from the hospital, etc.

If you are able to give a few hours of your time, it will make another person's day that much better!

To get involved, sign up at



Our Soup and Challah Project has been going on its FOURTH year! It was sponsored by Channah Hale and now carried on in her memory.

We are at the point that we need NEW volunteers to drive and deliver food packages around the area.

Please consider making this a part of your Friday routine. Volunteers pick up a few containers of soup and bags of challah at 3:00pm and delivering them to the door of the recipients. Volunteers also get soup and challah!

Get Some Class

We have an ever-expanding menu of online learning opportunities for everyone. Below please find an overview of our current classes and a schedule of when you can join in on Facebook Live. If you miss the live class you can watch the recorded version, on Facebook.

Weekly Parsha Class - with Rabbi Sholom Eilfort in person and on Facebook Live Thursday nights at 7:15pm


JLI Course - this series of courses requires registration... 

 Coastal Gan - GROWING AGAIN!

We are looking for NEW STUDENTS and NEW STAFF

We are accepting infant and preschool age children (a new space just opened up).


If you know someone who recently graduated college and is looking for full or part time work in an enriching environment with qualified mentor teachers please refer them to US! 


Please Like the shul’s Facebook Page

For up to date pictures and announcements follow our Facebook Page and join our community Group.  

Coastal Chabads are here for YOU





Kosher Eateries Opening...

I'd like to introduce you to the K Dogs, the first ever New York style hotdog cart that is certified through Va'ad San Diego. We would be so grateful for you helping to get the word out.

Through the end of the month, we'll be in La Jolla Shores at Lifeguard Tower 32 on Sundays from 1-7 pm, Mondays from 3-7 pm, Tuesdays 3-7 pm, Wednesdays 3-7 pm.

The next 2 Thursdays we'll be there from 1-7 pm and are offering a free K Dog with the purchase of 2. and a free Big K Dog with the purchase of 3 to anyone who mentions the promotion.

Sunday May 19, we will be at the JCC from 12-5 pm.


Hamitbach Info

Israeli street food 
5664 Mission Center Rd #402, San Diego, CA 92108


La Mesa PizzaWorks Info

Dine in and takeout
7406 University ave | La Mesa, CA 91942


Security Guard Sponsor Sought - Can You Help?

We have a wonderful security guard, Johnny, who keeps a watch over us while we are in services. The cost is $250 per week. We are looking for a sponsor this week and future weeks. If you are able to help please donate securely by following this link: Thank you!


DAILY JEWISH NEWS Available in Your Inbox for Free!

Sign up, as we have, for the daily Jewish news by subscribing to the Our dear friend and noted writer, Don Harrison, curates a refreshing variety of Jewish-interest stories. The daily emails are refreshing, as they come from a Jewish perspective. HIGHLY RECOMMENDED. Simply logon to the website and follow the prompts to subscribe.

Security Protocols

Everyone is Subject to Search

No Firearms (We have a well-defined security plan in effect and any unauthorized firearms could create confusion and actually reduce security).

Backpacks Prohibited

All Bags Subject to Search

Belonging to a Jewish Community is not only gratifying and fulfilling it is also extremely important, for within the community one finds a place to connect with G-d and one’s soul, a place of learning and spiritual enrichment, a great source of friends, a place to bestow one’s Jewish legacy upon his or her child/ren, and so much more. Check out to learn more. 

The beauty of OUR Jewish Community is that we offer so many different options that everyone is sure to find something enriching and meaningful. Below please find a partial list of some of our current offerings. If you have never come by before pick an item or two and try it out. If you have already tried an item or two find another one that sounds interesting and give it a whirl. “Connection” – that is the name of the game and that is precisely what you will find here! 

*Daily Minyan   *Shabbat Services   *Weekly Kiddush Luncheon   *Mysticism Classes   *Torah Portion Class   *Hebrew School   *Bar/Bat Mitzvah Training   *Mommy and Me   *Family Friday Night Services and Dinner   *Women’s Group   *Youth Activities   *Pastoral Counseling   *Holiday Programming   *Community Meals   *Hospital Visitation   *Weekly Email Updates   *Hospital Visitation   *Mezuzah Campaign   *Jewish Heritage Workshops   *Jewish Learning Institute Affiliate *Jewish Encinitas *Chabad of Carlsbad N *Coastal Gan Preschool 

Need a Minyan?

If you need a Minyan to say Kaddish please give the office at least a few days’ notice. We are happy to provide this important service, but it takes time to arrange enough participants to assure the quorum is present. Please email   [email protected] your request.

Shabbat Services with Meaning & Joy

Every Saturday we get together to celebrate the holy Shabbat in song and prayer. Our services are both traditional and user-friendly, as we fully recognize that not everyone has experience Davening (praying) in a traditional setting. What those who have joined have found is that the atmosphere in our synagogue is conducive to meaningful meditation. A knowledge of Hebrew is not necessary to participate. In fact, the only thing that is needed is the desire to learn and to connect to the Almighty. It is an enriching experience not to be missed! Shabbat services begin at 10am and conclude at approximately 12:30pm and are followed by a wonderful community lunch. There is no cost to attend and reservations are not needed.


NOW is the time to join the family! Membership includes High Holiday seats and discounts on other programs and activities. However, the main reason to join is to demonstrate your commitment to the future of Judaism in our area and to our community.

If you have already filled out and returned your Membership form please accept this message as our sincere thank you!

We urge you to pick the level of Membership and the financial commitment you feel comfortable with, and to fill out the form that you will find by following this link: We thank all of our amazing donors!